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Everything posted by Roy

  1. And don't forget your muskie gear...a passport would be handy as well.
  2. See ya in July!
  3. That is BIG! Congrats to you. You look out at the big lake and can't help but think what an unlikely place to nab a slab that size.
  4. A great story indeed, Mike. ummmm, in the spring of '83 my oldest son was 17....feel better now?
  5. Can't believe people would fall for that. Whatever happened to the simple times when all you needed was a Loomis stick, a sustain, a few gammas and a can of worms?
  6. I haven't fished in 62 years Bob. Fishing a little more lately though. Seriously, try it that way.
  7. Hey Bob, I keep 2, 30" pots on the closest deck to the BBQ and the kitchen. Herbs are always handy when I need them. I don't grow them from seed, it's just not worth it with the amount of stuff we have. Buy them already started, put them in your pots or barrels and just keep them watered. You can bring them indoors in mid-October and have fresh herbs till Easter when you start all over again. Some plants will be salvageable. Throw in a bay laurel in each pot, they come in handy for soups, stews and some sauces and they keep the rest of the herbs partly shaded. http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn28/Bassigan/11-07%20garden/
  8. Yeah, it could break down a lot farther into the bush eh?
  9. Happy Birthday me brudder Brian. Looks as though you had an excellent day so far!
  10. Maybe you overwhelmed him with your generous offer!
  11. Great news Richard....just in time for trout opening too! Fantastic!
  12. Go to your messenger page, click on that conversation and at the upper left of the page you'll see "participants". It'll tell you when you accessed the message last and when the one you sent it to accessed it. It'll say "not yet read" if he has not seen it.
  13. You can also PM the seller as well.
  14. My next one will be an 8 cyl. if they still make them by then.
  15. Have you read all of the mounting instructions? There's also another mounting bracket available which might be the one you need. I just had a quick look at the instructions and it seems doable. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.minnkotamotors.com%2FWorkArea%2FDownloadAsset.aspx%3Fid%3D63235&ei=0VKNT9P-Ksbo0QHWsoC1Dw&usg=AFQjCNFlaCbhy9QwX7vQyxeTy48xIMKYuQ
  16. How deep is the snow for the poor moose's antlers to just be sticking out of the snow like that.
  17. Piers would be the best places for night fishing and if you could find a wooden pier or two, bonus, you triple your chances. Slim baits such as Reefrunners and walk them all around the pier as though you were trolling. That'll be your best shot.
  18. East of Montreal at 5PM we had 30C...feels like 33C. Winds out of the South at 30K gusting to 48K. Humidity at 35%. *Throws his chalk in the air doing his best Percy Saltzman imitation* Yeah yeah...I know that they didn't use humidex readings back then.
  19. Keep it respectful please.
  20. Glad you got out and had a good time, Dave. The upside to the fishing is you don't need to wash the net, disinfect the boat nor smoke a few cats.
  21. Paul, wherever you are, pickup a case of beer on the way home. You're outta beer.
  22. You can either become a fisherman or a lure collector. You have what you need as it is now. Go for it, catch what you can now and work your way to other baits as you go. But that's just my opinion.
  23. Some people are born for greatness. In your case Mike, there was never a doubt in my mind. Congratulations sir.
  24. Wish I could help you Sally... but I know how you feel. A bunch of my older friends feel that way as well.
  25. No big fish eh?
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