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Everything posted by Jigatollah

  1. has not set their status

  2. What about the vocals of Rob Halford? http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=mIC7KQPDuDc
  3. I've been dealing with Upper Canada Marine for the last few years now and the service and everyone there are excellent.
  4. That green worm is a tomato horn worm.
  5. If your motor is still under warranty, use the specified oil for your opti. Once your warranty is over, you can use any oil you wish as long as it meets the TC code called for. If your motor decides to blow for any reason and you're using another type of oil, you will have a very hard time getting any company to fix it under warranty. They might even ask for the motor to test what was running in it as well.
  6. So you get these so called super stars who dive and have a so called injury where they are carried off in a stretcher and then 5 minutes later they are miraculously healed and running again like nothing happened to them. I don't make generalizations on them as it's seen on tv. It's almost like wrestling minus the choreography, and yes I do play hockey, the toughest sport known.
  7. Yeah, it takes massive amounts of skill and practice at diving. and no , it's not hockey.
  8. shirts
  9. It doesn't matter if the batteries are connected in series or parallel as long as one set of charger leads connect to one battery and the other set of leads connect to the other battery. You're putting a charge into the batteries. When connected they will let the combined voltage out. Clean all connections and try re installing them to see if it still does the same. If it does, take a volt meter and when pugged in to charge, check the output to see if there is power being supplied.
  10. I've got 2 california king snakes and 1 snow corn. Corns are probably the best all around snake to keep and don't require any special lights other than a heat lamp at one end of your tank to keep warm and a cooler end for it to escape the heat if needed. Make sure the tank or enclosure has a escape proof lid. They are experts at getting out of the smallest of openings. The substrate I use is aspen shavings. Stay away from cedar or pine as these have oils in the chips which will cause respiratory problems. Coconut bark is ok too as is news paper. For feeding, have a separate place to feed them. It can be a rubbermaid bin another tank or even a box, but watch them so they don't climb out. When you feed them out of it's home, they tend to not get as excited when it comes to feeding time and it also keeps them from ingesting any wood chips too. There is a reptile show coming up in Mississsauga on Courtney park road on June 13 th ( I think it's that date) and you can choose from a wide variety of sub species of corns. Okeetee's are thge most colourful as are naturals. Any corns that have red eyes such as snows, albino's lavendars are light sensitive and will hide out of site all day until it's dark as they are mostly nocturnal. Check out this site for more info www.kingsnake.com Get the largest tank you can fit it. A 30 gallon will do fine, but when they get full grown wihch can be up to 5 feet, that tank will get small. The reptile show also has plenty of used tanks and lids you can get for almost nothing. Good luck.
  11. Good looking set up you got there. The only thing different I would have done is to install the electric motor more in centre of the boat so when let down, it pulls straight. It shouldn't affect it though the way you have it on. Have fun.
  12. The parents must be really confident having a presa canario with a child that small. Aren't they an Argentinian fighting dog?
  13. I have used the Ugly braid now for 2 years and love it. Not only does it hold it's colour well, it doesn't fray like PP. PP has too many inconsistancies from one spool to another. One spool will work fine and the next spool can snap like weak mono. On my flipping sticks, I usually spool up with 50 lb ugly braid and when I used PP, I had to use 65-80 lb braid just to keep the line from breaking on hooksets.
  14. So true.
  15. Apparently he's shy at answering . If I make it out there this weekend,I'll let you know how thick the ice is.
  16. How are the ice conditions? I take it it's walkable then.
  17. You could hug it and squeeze it and call it George.
  18. This largemouth measured out at 24 " and had a 18 5/8 girth and weigh 8.94 lbs
  19. Sorry to hear about this Brian. It's tough to grasp what has happened and the shock you must feel. Hang in there bud. Everyone is pulling for you and the family. Tony.
  20. When you plug in the charger, the light should be showing red at the start no matter what state the batteries are in. Once fully charged, the light will go green. Even having a charge on your cranking battery can be good. I like to know that all 4 of my batteries are at a full level at any given time.
  21. I've seen that pair of bald eagles in the same lake Lew. They were a bit south of that lake during the late winter. Watched them chase the ducks on the exposed water as the ice was melting this spring. Good to see they are coming back.
  22. Try to stick away from the zoo of boats. Even if you're on the outside of the pack, the fish are getting so pressured all you have to do is move a bit to find willing biters. Just stick to the same depth range and look for the schools of bait fish.
  23. Just an update to the call I made last week. When I phoned in to find out what happened, the number called automatically switches to the region you are calling from. I'll have to wait until this weekend when I'm back on the lake to find out if they got busted or not.
  24. They were west of Sibalds point probably out from Bonnie boats.
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