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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Nope....both Tundra's did there job holding the ducks....
  2. I also have been using moth balls for YEARS and never had a mouse problem....take a few plastic bags and cut a bunch of small holes in the bags and fill with moth balls....I put several onboard including 1 under the motor cover.
  3. A old friend of mine has a saying he says outloud....it goes like this... "You don't have to go in the bathroom to see the buttholes"....the nitwits usually get the idea...
  4. Is there a limit to how many pork chops you can have in your freezer....
  5. She drops them on command....of course a dog cookie is her reward...
  6. It kind of does look like a muffin wrapper but it's just a leaf.
  7. Ya, it does doesn't it....thought the same thing.
  8. I have stored all my rods in my unheated, unattached garage for the last 30 years without any issues. With my boat in the garage I can store all my fishing "stuff" in the garage rafters above....choosing whatever I need to use for that particular outing. If there were issues with cold storage on our rods and reels we wouldn't be able to use them for ice fishing.... Bob
  9. Got out this morning and between the 2 of us we bagged 8 nice mallards.....and my trusty dog Tundra is doing VERY well retrieving (still in training as she's only 4 months old today).
  10. Great observation....now think of this.....a small child must be strapped into a car seat and it seems every year said child is getting bigger/older before he's not required to do so....but that same child can jump on the back of a motorcycle and just hang on to the driver.... ...also in many states (not NYS) it's required to wear your seat belt but no helmet is required for the crotch rocket that just sped by you at twice the speed limit...
  11. Now here's a Happy Seat Belt user...
  12. For those interested....a update about 5 states take Asian carp case to Supreme Court http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-national-news/article608501.ece
  13. You boys need a Canadian version of the NRA
  14. When I was younger I ice fished in the bare bone outdoors......but 30 years of working outside in subzero weather during all times of the day and night has weaned me off of ice fishing....not to say it wouldn't happen again but for now all my ice is in my rum&coke glass...
  15. Post a fishing report with pictures of fish and you will get many responses.
  16. What, you never heard of screwing the pooch....LOL Our road crews do it so much for so long I once asked one worker while waiting for a signal to change...."where's all the puppies"...he said what puppies....I said you've been screwing the pooch for so long on this job there has to be puppies by now...thank God the signal changed then....
  17. And if you lock your dog in the trunk of your car for a hour it's still glad to see you when you open the truck lid..............try that with your wife...
  18. Amazing what can be accomplished in 5 weeks... LOL Now you know it's done right. Bob
  19. Lots of good solid advice here.
  20. Don't forget......it's MILLER TIME here...
  21. It looks like a lot of good eaten ahead of you ole boys....wish I was there.....nothing better then a good perch bite. Bob
  22. Sorry to hear about your loss....our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Bob
  23. GREAT fishing report Paul....nice you got to "hook" up with your brother Brian and Muskie Mike came through again in spades.... That freezer must be getting full with several species.... Bob
  24. So these dictatorship countries that "suppress" and murder their own people still have enough money to purchase Toyota vehicles.... BTW...Toyota, Honda, etc are not selling a lot of cars because GM has done such a wonderful job building their vehicles but rather because of the terrible job they have done with reliability and customer service...or should I say lack of customer service....think government bail out....errrr tax payer bail out....that's you and me... I am still interested in seeing those references on those other Caddie claims.
  25. Electronic ignition was first developed and introduced by Mopar in 1973... I would also like to see some references on those other claims... BTW how many vehicles/people do you know get shot off of over passes..... ...maybe that's why other car manufacture don't waste their time and resources doing this...but rather concentrate on head end, rear end and T-Bone crashes...
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