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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. That's what you would call a ghost story FARM REPORT.....
  3. Pretty much BINGO......but when I took a rod building class years ago the instructor gave us this tip to clean not only the handle but the complete rod.......as you know...if you use minnows the scales get everywhere on the rod.... Take the complete rod, minus the reel into the shower with you....and for the handle do as BillM said....dish soap and a light scrub pad.....also use the dish soap on the rod blank but DO NOT USE the scrub pad on it...it will take off the shiny finish.... Doing this the rod handle always looks like new afterward and all those little minnow scales come right off the blank too because of how much water it's expose to during your shower. Bob
  4. Actually everything I suggested is just fertilizer......weed and feed simply over feeds broadweeds while feeding the grass because it sticks to the broad leafs when it's applied to a wet lawn....only, maybe, the crabgrass blaster that is applied in early spring might have a weed killer in it....but it works to stop the germination of the already planted grabgrass seeds from sprouting....that's why it's so important to get it applied early....once crabgrass start to sprout it's too late...they do make a spray that will kill it once it's growing but you can NEVER catch up because more seed is still in the ground that will pop up almost every other day....you would be spraying every 2 or 3 day for the rest of the summer.....crabgrass loves HOT WEATHER.....once late summer/early fall comes it dies off but it has already planted it seeds for next year....always keep using a crabgrass blaster....and it's the first fertilizer for the year. The dandelions (one of the broad leaf weeds) are really very easy to control using Scotts Weed and Feed...if applied correctly as I have already stated.....it can be applied and should be applied once the weeds have sprouted.....all the yellow dandelions will tell you it's time...putting on before is useless....it has to stick to the broad leafs to kill the plant. Weed B Gone is a very good product made by Scotts.....it works very well but it really should be used to kill the occasional dandelion that the Weed and Feed missed...it's really not to do the whole lawn with.....also using Weed B Gone does nothing to feed and enrich the grass....a thick grass keeps out weeds naturally......also you should cut your grass so it's about 4" high AFTER mowing it....and never less then 3" high...this helps in draught conditions (looks like this year will be one) and again keeps the weeds out...... Here are the products that we can purchase just about anywhere here....including Lowe's, Home Depot, Walmart, Kmart, Value Home Centers and every corner hardware store also carries these Scott products, plus some of their own cheaper versions. All the other applications is just fertilizer to thicken your lawn....makes a HUGE difference after 2-3 years of following this program....you will not see a difference over night...it takes time...but I guarantee you 100% that you will have best lawn in your neighbourhood if you do follow this program for 3 years. http://www.scotts.com/smg/learn/annualProgramBuilder/apbstep4.jsp?navId=300031&parentId=19300170&navId=19600030&parentId=19300170&_requestid=2967285&_DARGS=/smg/learn/annualProgramBuilder/grassType2.jsp&_requestid=2967408 So are you guys saying you can't purchase these fertilizers but you can by Weed B Gone that is nothing but a weed killing chemical .....
  5. BTW.........this will only cost you about $100 per year....(our costs down here...so adjust for your Canadian expensives)....my 61 year old sister in-law now does her own lawn after seeing how much better mine is compared to her's that was being sprayed professionally.....she can't believe how easy this is to do....but she did have to purchase a Scott's fertilizer spreader....on sale for $34.99.....
  6. If you truelly love a good lawn like I do it take some work in the beginning but then it comes easy........ FIRST APPLICATION.......GRABCRASS BLASTER by Scotts.....late March early April...maybe a week or two later in your area but it don't hurt to apply early.....DO NOT SKIP this application....as it takes years to get crabgrass under control.......so don't give up on this part of lawn care.......it will show results 3-4 years down the line.... SECOND APPLICATION.....WEED & FEED by Scotts.......now this isn't like all other applications.......IT MUST BE APPLIED CORRECTLY....Weed & Feed works like this....it must be applied when the grass is wet....best after a good dew (FIRST PART OF THE MORNING...daybreak).....the fertilizer sticks to the the broad weeds (dandelions) and OVER feeds them which kills them....you want to apply when the grass is wet but it should NOT rain for the next 24 hours, but better if it's 48 hours.....if it does rain before then the feed part of the application is still good for growing the grass but it might not be so good to kill the weeds. THIRD APPLICATION is just fertilizer to thicken the lawn during the harsh dry summer months.... FOURTH APPLICATION is a bit more nitrogen and feed to get your lawn ready for winter. IF you keep doing this for 3-4 years you WILL HAVE THE BEST LAWN in the neighbourhood .....Mine is MUCH better then all the neighbours that have a commercial lawn care service do it for them... AND just keep the kids off the lawn for 2-3 days after each application....my boys had no trouble growing up on my lushest lawn....
  7. It is the U.S.A. MARINES who are special in every respect...the first to hit the beach...the first to be dropped behind enemy lines....they are known as "THE GRUNTS" who know no pain....they are "The Few, The PROUD, The MARINES".....it don't get no better then that.......I have several friends that are MARINES and I worked with a couple of them.....after serving in war time.....they are NOT the average guy walking down the street....they are VERY PROUD soldiers that would still today die for their country....they have my utmost respect....unless you personally know one, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about..... Years ago I worked with a Joe H. that was a HUGE Marine....not only in heart but also in body......Joe was 6'-5" tall and over 300 lbs....Joe was also just a couple of years of retirement.....but you would have no idea that he was that old..................Joe wasn't even in my department.....he was a conductor/switchman and at the time we worked at a very small yard that everyone got along......this one day he had something going.....to this day I still don't know what it was....but he couldn't make it in to work that morning but hope to be there ASAP....I answered the phone when he called in.....he asked me if I could cover for him until he could make it in......he was in luck....it was a slow day for me......I did all his work that day as I worked hand in hand with his department on a daily basis and knew their routeen .....Joe finally make it in around 2pm and by that time 99% of his work was done....by then I was off on another assignment at a industry site.....I never said anything to Joe and he never did to me....it was just a courtesy thing between us...I figure he had some kind of medical procedure he didn't want to talk about.... Later that year Joe got a nice settlement from the RR for a previous injury that happen YEARS before I even met the man......instead of just keeping the money he took out EVERYONE and their wife's from his department, including the bosses he worked with in beginning November....plus one guy from the mechanical department...yep, me and my wife to one of the most expensive restaurants in our area.....and I mean he paid for EVERYTHING....drinks, wine, champagne...dinner and flaming desserts....I felt embarrassed and offered to pay the tip, which would have been $200.....no, it was all on Marine Joe...what I didn't know it was the official Birthday of the USMC....
  8. Thank You......yes we are very proud parents.....but recognition from people like you make it that more special.
  9. I am so GLAD TO HEAR that your daughter is doing fine and was treated with the utmost respect and with the best medical treatment available to our fine military personal....and I want to THANK her for her service to our country ....GOD BLESS HER...
  10. THANK YOU and it's VERY NICE to hear from you again.....now go catch a fish.......
  11. I guess I hit a nerve with the "import reply" but it's the truth and it will set you FREE.......my favorite four letter word....
  12. We need a LOT more info on this outboard.......but something tells me you'r no longer having trouble with it as you haven't posted back.... I am "GUESSING" that this rig was towed to it's fishing spot and then you had trouble starting it in the morning......on this motor, again I'm guessing with limited knowledge of what you really have, the gas tends to run out of the carbs while the outboard is tilted back for towing....then once at the launch ramp there may be no fuel or not enough fuel in the carb bowls to get her going right away......you should pump up the fuel line bulb and raise the throttle all the way up and at the same time turn the ignition key while PUSHING it in several times until it starts.....this is a primer that is designed to start a cold engine....as it runs and sounds like it may stall out push the key in again 2-3 times...that shoots in raw gas and keeps that motor running while cold until it warms up and the fuel pump catches up to it. Let us know how things are doing with this, Bob
  13. I don't own a import....but you may......many GM trucks come out of Mexico in part or whole.....my complete truck was built in Indiana, U.S.A.
  14. No.....we actually farmed out the repair work once the vehicle was off warranty...they were all leased from our company owned leasing company....and to be honest our guys were hard on vehicles.....but we had MANY repairs that were just plain poor design fault.....door hinges were the worst I have ever seen....and tranny electronics where also a very poor design back then......modules and connections were a CONSTANT problem....brakes always sucked on GM...and they still do......don't know where they get the metal for those rotors but you can count on replacing them every 2-2.5 years.....so you might as well just do the pads while your add it....I could go on and on.....but like I said......some of our drivers were hard on them too. Bob
  15. NO....it wasn't cheap to purchase......and you will be paying dearly for it forever.......repairs up the wazoo.....what I meant is it's built CHEAPLY.....how do I know.......I had several....as a matter of fact I use to take care of a fleet of GM pickups when I worked on the RR......we ALWAYS had one in the shop for repairs....... Good Luck with it....maybe you will get lucky.....
  16. So MISINFORMED aren't you.......that proved to be a hoax on all that Bull...to this day I didn't get the suggested Bull repair on my Tundra...... BTW the Tundra brakes are MUCH superior to any 1/2 ton Detroit built crappola.....the front brakes are HUGE and have FOUR pistons on the callipers not one like the cheapo you might be driving..... Now back to our regular programming....LOL........
  17. So then......your comfortable with a vehicle someone beat the crap out of it, OFF ROAD......not for me.....THINK ABOUT THAT......
  19. My bride and I conceived him on Mt Everest....LOL...... Actually my youngest is part Canadian....conceived on the shores of the French River (Sand Beach Lodge)....
  20. Chautauqua Lake is a great lake to fish until about now.......from ice out to about the first of June it's not bad.....but the rest of the summer months it's just CRAZY to be out there......there is less traffic on the NYS Thruway then on Chautauqua Lake....now the weeds are up to the surface and the water skiers and jet bikes are constant during all daylight hours....it's a shame.....I use to own a cottage and hunting property up there......now the way the lake has gone, I don't miss it at all.
  21. That depends....will you be wearing pants....
  22. For those interested in shop to you drop.....LOL.....here's the scoop on the new limits to what you can return to the mother land in hand... http://www.buffalonews.com/business/article877371.ece
  23. Paul, you must have taken my advice on how to get reading at high speeds.... YES....do as Paul said....tilt the back side DOWNWARD so it actually shoots the beam a bit towards the bow....this will guarantee good high speed readings. Bob
  24. SWEET..... Now go catch a fish......
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