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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. It was reported that this plane was built new in May '08 so it wasn't even a year old. Most reports here in the Buffalo area are saying it probably was icing because other planes reported icing that day.
  2. LOOK, another left turn
  3. I am only about 10 miles from crash site. Kept listening to the call box thinking we would get dispatched for mutual aid as we are the one of the biggest fire departments around but we never got called out. My thoughts and prayers to all the family members involved. Bob
  4. I just confirmed on renting a private cottage on Stoney Lake for a week starting June 27th. I know there are a few here that fish that area so stop by for a few adult beverages and some good walleye fishing. Bob
  5. I find this offense as I have a son in the US AIR FORCE. We have a totally volunteer military so what's your point here....... Edited to add this has NOTHING to do with this thread.
  6. Our US dollar is doing quite well against the Canadian dollar right now and if money gets any tighter it will be even better against the Canadian loonie. It's right around 24% compared to last year's 4%......... This will make my Canadian fishing trip that much less and that's not even figuring gasoline being much cheaper this year ..... OH, that's right you guys are still paying a LOT more for gasoline
  7. It very well could be that cutting off the head while alive will get the eel to bleed out more so the meat isn't so red. This may be the best way to kill and clean them for eating.
  8. This is not true if you are traveling by ground transportation or sea. In New York State we have already been approved to use NYS Enhanced Drivers License. My wife and I already have one and I am trying to encourage my sons to do the same. There are a couple other border states that also have been approved by the Federal Government to issue EDL to it's resident's. But this is not the only way by ground that will be accepted at the border crossing check points. NEXUS is also a legal form of ID to return from Canada into the US. This type of ID is also good on the Canadian side and has EXPRESS lanes for those using NEXUS passes. The problem with using the NEXUS express lane is EVERYONE in your vehicle MUST have a NEXUS pass. And I don't believe you can tow anything over with that pass. However, you should still be able to show this ID at any of the other check lanes if towing or others that are not NEXUS approved are in the vehicle. http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/trusted_..._prog/nexus.xml The NYS EDL was $30 plus $10 processing fee. This is good for the length of your license. So while we were at the DMV we extended our driver licenses for another 8 years which is a good move because our greedy governor is raising the fees on driver license and we wouldn't have to pay the increase making the EDL probably free when the increase is figured in For those who are NYS residents here the site on the EDL.... http://www.nysdmv.com/broch/C159.pdf
  9. OH, OK
  10. If this is what you are going by then GM will NEVER be the #1 automaker with all it's problems. You are really pulling straws, but then didn't you just purchase a GM product. If that makes you feel better GREAT.
  11. Maybe you didn't hear but Toyota is the #1 automaker in the world now passing GM this year. I don't think they did that by building unreliable vehicles but that is exactly why GM is bankrupt and needs the US government to bail them out or they will go under. I don't see that happing by Toyota or any other foriegn car manufacture to my knowledge. I find it amusing that many just don't want to recognize that. If GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicle were so good why are they having trouble selling them. Why are they ready to go under if not helped by taxpayer's dollars. As I said before purchase what you want. I purchased over 15 new vehicles in my lifetime and have given up on GM, Ford and Chrysler. This argument will never end but at least it is civil up to now. Bob
  12. Thanks Fisherman, I am probably older than most of the guys here and I also have had my MANY problems with both GM and Ford trucks. This is why I now own a Toyota Tundra. It's almost 2 year old and I forgot were I purchased it because it's never been back to the dealer. To each it's own when it comes to buying anything. I REALLY tried to stay with a domestic vehicle but the problems were relentless. So know I purchased my first foriegn designed vehicle after 38 years of driving. I say that because it was built here in Indiana. My son also just recently purchased his first foriegn vehicle, also a Toyota when he seen how well built my truck was. He was forced to get something quick because his Pontiac need a new head gasket and fuel pump with only 65,000 miles on it. He did some research and found that was a noted problem with that engine. GM didn't want to do anything for him in this matter so he jumped ship and I doubt he will ever go back. One thing to consider, if GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles were so good than they wouldn't be in bankruptcy now. They would have folks beating down the door to purchase they quality vehicles and not going in droves to the foriegn market. In the end it's your money do what you want with it and hopefully you will be happy with your purchase. Bob
  13. You really want to see a obese perch take a look at this pig
  14. Nice perch. At this time of the year they weigh more because they are full of spawn. I once caught a perch that weighed 2.2 lbs on a electronic scale in the spring just before the spawn took place. That was definitely my biggest perch.
  15. I have only read up to this point in the thread but this is REALLY not true. Don't take all those Chevy commercials to heart. You should do a LOT of research from independent sources first, like Consumer Reports, et............. Consumer Reports did actual mileage figures and the Tundra came out on top but it's wasn't much. Something like 1 mpg. Now for my real mileage, I get 19.3 mpg (US miles/ US gallons) while NOT towing and between 14-15 mpg while towing my boat. I think that is pretty good with a truck that has one of the largest V-8 in a half ton truck. This truck can tow 10,000 lbs and the boat is dragged around like a rag doll behind it. It's Toyota's 6 speed tranny that makes the difference. I did hear Toyota is now working on a 8 speed tranny for even better fuel economy Good Luck and have fun Truck Hunting, Bob
  16. Done Disney 6 times with and without my kids. I even bought stock back in ' 97 then sold it 3 years later and it paid for a new loaded Saturn Coupe. We always enjoyed staying ON Disney's property. They have some real nice mid range hotels. We stayed at Dixie Landings but they changed the name to be politically correct to Disney Port Orleans "Riverside" that is much better than just "Port Orleans". However there are several other mid range hotels on the property but my family and I would stay at Port Orleans Riverside again in a heart beat. Don't get the package deals that include your room and park passed because those passes EXPIRE at the end of your stay. The regular park pass are good for EVER. Go to the library and get books on how to do Disney. They have park maps and strategy on what parks to do at what time etc.............. so you are not just standing in line all day. THESE BOOKS HELP THE MOST OF ALL FOR US ! ! ! If you have questions PM me and I'll so my best to help you out. edited to add this website: http://bookwdw.reservations.disney.go.com/...s/processEngine BTW DISNEY has the BEST bass fishing around because it's so controlled. Six pound bass are just average there. The lake by the market place is the best in the MORNINGS ! ! ! You can get a guide on a pontoon boat for the whole family. The cost is the same as if you just went yourself.
  17. GOOD ONE.....
  18. I thought I shot that rodent years ago. Can't be the same one. My gun nicknamed "Chuckmate" a Ruger Model 77 in .22-250 Rem blew him apart about 6 years ago at 278 yards.
  19. You are WRONG in almost ALL accounts. The 4:30 rear in is in FACT standard equipment with TUNDRA'S 5.7 L engine. Go to Toyota.com and build one for yourself and see. And the six speed tranny you're talking about only comes with the Deneli.
  20. BillM, I don't think any of the small three truck companies will beat the Tundra in a 1/4 mile race. With 381 hp 6 speed tranny and 4:30 rear end it's not even close. Also isn't that a 2500 3/4 ton truck with what a diesel engine. If so you are now comparing apples to bananas. I'll stick with my Toyota TUNDRA............ some might be forced to change when one of the small three run out of money again. Not a smart investment purchasing a product from a manufacture that might go belly up soon.
  21. You must be watching those STUPID Chevy commercials that Chevy gets more per mile. Oh, wait you couldn't watch them yesterday if you were tuned in for the Super Bowl because Bankrupt Motors couldn't afford to advertise during the Super Bowl, neither could Dodge. Toyota had many adds during the game including some with TUNDRA. Go to Consumer Reports and see who got the BEST REAL mileage from all the trucks they tested. It was the TUNDRA. BTW I get 19.3 with my BIG V-8 engine and it's a 4x4 double cab. And it will also out pull and out last ANY of the once big three manufacture trucks. This I have more money and time for How long before they go crying to the government for more money ? ? ?
  22. Even with a 1500-2000 watt inverter it will not power all that much in your home. Probably a sump pump but I doubt it would be enough for the pump, a frig, freezer and furnace not to mention lights. I have a 6500 watt generator that hooks up with a LARGE DIAMATOR extension cord that hooks into my main fuse box in the basement. With that I can power up the whole house including the A/C if need be.
  23. 2007 Toyota TUNDRA 4X4 Double Cab........ The truck that's changing everything
  24. Over the years I would say several thousand. Mostly crappie and Lake Erie Perch but also a LOT of walleye. Now I release MANY more fish than keep except for those Lake Erie Perch. Can't see letting them go for the gill netters. BTW.......... Perch are the toughest on a fillet knife. Their tough skin and scales dull a knife faster than any other fish I have ever filleted. Bob
  25. I always fillet my fish when smoking them because it really cuts down on smoking time. But I see no need for scaling them. Have you ever seen smoked white fish at a fish store or sometimes in a super market. They are smoked whole (gutted) with the scales on not to mention the head and tail. But that's just so you pay more per pound. So I have to ask......... Why do you scale them ? Bob BTW I wish I could get more white fish as they are the BEST smoked fish bar none........
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