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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. One of my favorite comments from the Boston Globe recap: "Rask has to pick up his game or the Bruins have no chance of winning this series. He has to see every shot and be at least as good as Miller." Ya, right....then there was a miracle....
  2. My prediction....Two wins in Buffalo...one in Boston and back to Buffalo to end the series....
  3. GOOD LUCK TONIGHT....here's hoping MILLER is up to standing on his head today....or better said....THE PUCK STOPS HERE ! ! !
  4. BASICALLY you got me wondering....best I can guess is you must be a Leaf fan....if so how does is it look...looking from the outside in....LOL...
  5. I was just kidding......................or was I...:<)
  6. JUST REMEMBER.................. GO SABRES ! ! ! We can use all the help we can get tonight.....
  7. That's not a upset prediction as much as WISHFUL THINKING.
  8. Let me guess....you found it washed up on shore... Real Salmon are silver...that one was dead or going to die. Sorry someone had to say it.. Bob
  9. Tomorrow is MILLER TIME... THE PUCK STOPS HERE ! !
  10. For 25 years my Johnson has been burning Dino oil without any problems and if you heard it you would think it's brand new....I started out using Johnson oil...then Lubermatic oil...and now Walmart oil for the last 8-10 years....basically ALL the same stuff...just some charge more than others. BTW I have the dreaded VRO system on that puppy....:<)
  11. SCREW the Habs, SCREW the Leafs and SCREW the Red Wings...GO SABRES.... There, that should take some heat of you Stoty....:<)
  12. I am a VERY conscious person so with my NO STOP Toyota Tundra I am helping save the environment. LOL
  13. As per this article our brake pads are not good for the environment. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/04/13/1017739/recent-ban-targets-copper-in-brake.html
  14. \ Sir: WELL SAID ! ! !
  15. VERY NICE....keep up the good work for all us anglers. Bob
  16. It's not too often I see someone quote themselves... BTW no adds on my end at anytime. Bob
  17. I don't like the sound of that...what model is it..mines a C701XL
  18. You need to kill the bacteria (that is what causes the smell) and that can be done with household BLEACH or this stuff.... http://www.tilex.com/mold-and-mildew-remover/ I don't know what else is in this stuff but it works even better than plain bleach. Bob
  19. I AGREE 100%...same can be said for all the oil additives on the market...years ago the worst was STP....tore down some engines in the 70's that ran STP and there was a gray puddy build up in the oil gallies and underneath the intake manifold.
  20. I purchased a Abu Garcia Cardinal Spinning Reel last summer at BPS in Auburn, NY (100 miles away) and since it was new the 4# and sometimes 6# test line gets caught/pinched underneath the bail roller or between the roller and the bail...it damages the line and last week twice I set the hook only to break the line. So finally today I called Pure Fishing Factory Service (owned by Abu) and explained my problem...told them I took it apart and there is a white nylon washer between the roller and bail that is split...the tech took down my phone number and said he will have to check on it and get back to me.....well I thought that's the end of that deal...WRONG, within 5 minutes he called back and said send the reel in....but I said I don't have the receipt...no problem just send it in to his attention and it will be repaired at NO COST....FREE (my favorite four letter word). So I thought they deserved a plug here. Bob
  21. I'm on my third Minn Kota over the last 30 years....why change something that works. BTW I sold the other two to upgrade to the one I have now...
  22. I have dealt with Brobeil Marine for 25 years now...the owner Fran is a great guy....they are located just across the Niagara River...1812 Niagara Street,Buffalo, NY 14207 (716) 873-1560 He deals in Johnson and Yammy motors.
  23. I am not sure of all that have the capacities of being networked but many of the X series and all of the LMS series can be networked together......now networking them together and Ethernet together is two different things...networking gets you to share waypoints but Ethernet together gets you to share transducers. If you have two separate units with separate transducers at the same time they will interfere with each other unless you are in shallow water where the two cones cannot reach each other...that is why Ethernet them together was important. For more info surf this forum... http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zeroforum?id=13 Edited to add: Here's a section from the forum I posted that has a classified area for used electronics. http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zeroforum?id=70
  24. I agree......my regular outside antenna that I have had for YEARS works just fine once I took off the UHF/VHF combinder....never even heard of a HD antenna.
  25. I have a 50" shaft Minn Kota Edge on my 1985 16' Grumman. Works GREAT...before that I had a similar cable control Minn Kota for 23 years....My bow sits quite high off the front deck...no problem with the cable being too short...I beef up my deck with a piece of plywood that I stained and protected with Minwax Helmsman Spar Urethane. It lasted for 25 years now and still no separation of the wood. This shows how high my bow is off the front deck (Older TM in this Pic)
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