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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Some GREAT advice.......only thing different I would recommend a .243 Win over the 6mm Rem round...basically the same round but the .243 Win is a MUCH easier ammo to purchase as far as availability even down here...if you want the BEST varmint/predictor caliber get yourself a .22-250 Rem...like this one.... I call this one "Chuck Mate" as it has never missed...with it's bull barrel and a 12X Leupold Scope I'm good to 400 yards..
  2. It's more about being CONTROLLED by your government....seems in Canada they control EVERYTHING you do up there...
  3. WOW, almost $500 just to purchase a firearm in Ontario...here you would go to any store that sells firearms...some Walmart's or just a gun shop and show them your drivers license and they do a INSTANT background check over the phone...takes about 30 minutes while you fill out the paper work...pay for the gun and go home....however, you do need a pistol permit if you want a piston...the above is only for shotguns and rifles. So for a rifle or shotgun the only cost is the gun itself. Bob
  4. Now if all guys going to Nipissing took some of their own water this might help...you know...each boat bring a 5 gallon bucket of water and pour it into the lake before launching....
  5. Here's a update I found on the Asian Carp in the BUSINESS SECTION of the Buffalo News. So far good news. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/03/29/1003060/6-week-search-finds-no-asian-carp.html
  6. With a Lowrance networked and Ethernet set up you can choose which transducer you want to use...when I'm working the trolling motor most times I use the transducer that's on the TM.....however there are times when we are drifting for walleyes in Erie or Oneida Lake and I don't have the trolling motor in the water but still want to watch the bow unit because I'm sitting up there...so I then can choose to use the transom transducer and BOTH units are then displaying what's going on down there...that way everyone in the boat has a idea on the bottom structure and depth. Bob
  7. No problems with mounting a transducer on the bottom of a trolling motor...I took the TRANSOM transducer with it's bracket bent the bracket just slightly with pliers and then used a large hose clamp to mount this transducer to my trolling motor...here's some pics. I also made a Velcro strap to go around the cover so I can keep it on while trailering.
  8. GREAT unit....now just get another like it...or HDS 7 or 8 or HDS 10...you can also use LMS units to network with..here's the site that will help you out.. http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zeroforum?id=13 Bob
  9. I'm pretty sure Honda just has a recall on something...BUT this stuff is sooooo over blown that it's getting ridicules.
  10. Before you run off and get another Lowrance unit what Lowrance unit do you have now....as I said the NEWER units are network and Ethernet capable..not all Lowrance units.But if you do have one that is network capable and need help setting it up I can help with a great website for that....it's not hard, you just need the proper connections. Bob
  11. Most newer Lowrance units let you network two or more units together and with a Ethernet cord going from one to the other you can share transducers for each unit...this means if Etherneted the bow could use the transom transducer or the console could use the bow transducer...HOWEVER, you have a Lowrance and a Humminbird so this is not possible... also with the Lowrance Network the two units can share one GPS antenna and when you punch in a waypoint at the bow while fishing up there it will also be entered at the console unit....GREAT FEATURE.
  12. The Cabela's one like I linked IF you get a multiple bank charger as I have, it will deliver more amps to the battery(s) that need it...so if my starting battery reaches full charge in let's say 1 hour it will deliver the extra amps (in this case 12 amps) to my trolling motor battery and this gets you back on the water quicker with both batteries fully charged. I have had this charger for over 6 years and it has REALLY extended the life of both my batteries...leaving it on ALL winter and really ANYTIME I'm not fishing with it maintains the batteries. At the price of Marine Batteries this is almost a most have on a boat.
  13. Screw all this Bull and get yourself what you really want...a CHEVY Corvette and have fun while you can..
  14. My wife's Honda Civic is doing well but it's only 1 year old now....22-24 mpg in the city and 38-40 mpg on the highway...no repairs, etc...yet.
  15. I have this charger but it's the ProSport II 12 that's a two bank charger but I just got this in the mail and here's the same charger ON SALE from Cabela's for only $69.99........very hard to beat...it's the ProSport II 6 amp..... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/purchase/products-found.jsp?reposting=true&foundSku=true&_requestid=82461
  16. More info would help....what are the dates and what kind of fishing are we talking about....jigging, drifting, trolling, etc...... Bob
  17. I am a American Angler and I will not book a reservation at Rice Lake because the limit is too HIGH...I have concerns that the fish population is/could suffer even with this 300 limit on pan fish....I and my family can only eat so much fish.
  18. This could of been the cause of the fall in the first place..
  19. You all realize that 300 sunfish per angler is HIGH but what most are not considering is that most family outing have more than 1 member from their family fishing with them.....so if it's a husband and wife that limit has now been double to 600 for that household.....WAY TOO MUCH IMHO.In NYS we have a 50 limit on perch and sunfish and 25 on crappies that have to be at least 9" in length. Bob
  20. Yep, that's EXACTLY where we met.....been friends ever since...since then we have hunted and fish together for about 40 years now...
  21. Do you know Will. We have been friends for about 40 years and fish together as much as possible...don't see him as often since he moved about 35 miles east of Lancaster to Pavilion, NY.
  22. Proper air drying of lures before they are stored back in the tackle box will prevent any rusting...I have MANY lures that are over 30 years old with no rust whatsoever. As far a coating them and then putting said lures away for a extended period of time...I would be VERY concerned the oil or whatever you use could attack the plastic box/tray they will be lying in...you could end up with a gooey mess next year.
  23. I read this in the Buffalo News today so I thought I would pass on this info. "Anglers have found rainbow smelt in the craws of trout caught during the past two to three weeks, but night-shift smelt dippers have yet to fill a net. Regulars read the water at 35-36 degrees right now. Generally, smelt move closer to shore when the gauges rise to 38-39 degrees". http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/03/23/997166/fishing-line-by-will-elliott.html
  24. If so I'm in...
  25. SORRY, but WAY TOO MUCH salt.....
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