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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Unions are good in the private sector but NOT in the public sector like those who are taking us to the cleaners in NYS....they make more money and get the BEST benefits AND tax FREE pensions without having to compete with another company....our taxes are the highest in the nation and MANY MANY MANY corporations have moved out of NYS taking their jobs with them to avoid all the taxes imposed on them.....now tell me how good public unions are....I am all EARS for this one. Bob
  2. The VERY FIRST one.... :good:
  3. NICE......I enjoyed that.... :clapping: Bob
  4. They are a sick crew.... NOTHING beats COLD CANADIAN BEER.... :P Bob
  5. YES.....they are always shy when I'm trying to catch them....
  6. That was my job on the railroad for 30 years....to re-rail freight cars and engines by either pulling them back on or lifting them back on...then repairing them once they made it back into the shop......made a LOT of overtime doing that but it usually was in the worst weather you could imagine. I was the driver for our 90 ton Pettibone over the road crane and derrick engineer for our 250 ton over the rail steam crane. But I also sometimes worked as the cook when the steam crane went out. As cook I did more work but I always enjoyed cooking, plus I stayed WARM in the winter.
  7. I have a 12V Edge with a 52 inch shaft but it's only 40 lbs of thrust and it moves my 16'-4" 84" beam that's 39" deep with a 50hp Johnson all day long without any problems....before this I had a 28 lb thrust with a 48 inch shaft that lasted 22 years without fail.... If you go to a 24 volt system things start to get expensive but if you have the room and money go for it.....either way get a good ON-BOARD charger to fully charge and maintain your battery(s)....I have this one (ProSport II 12) and it's GREAT....only time it's not plugged in is when I'm fishing. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Boating/AutoBoat-Batteries-Chargers/On-Board-Chargers-Inverters%7C/pc/104794380/c/104698080/sc/104465880/Cabelas-Advanced-Anglers-ProSport-II-On-Board-Marine-Battery-Chargers/734150.uts?destination=/catalog/browse/boating-auto-boat-batteries-chargers-on-board-chargers-inverters/_/N-1100565/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_104465880%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104794380%253Bcat104698080&WTz_l=SBC;MMcat104794380;cat104698080;cat104465880
  8. That's a GREAT price for minnows....here we have to get certified minnows at $7 per 4 dozen and they are NOT emerald shiners that we really want... This year I hope to dip my own minnows.
  9. I didn't know guide service was available on the ice at Simcoe...NICE...what do you guys charge ? Bob
  10. The way you guys use Seafoam you could wash out the cans and fill them with BEER and then take them on the ice with you.... Is there a law against drinking Seafoam on the ice...
  11. Cats make great woodchuck replacements in the down years....
  12. Keep it up and I'll come up there to fish, drink some Canadian Beer and shoot you in the foot as the Ambassador of Lancaster so you can't have me arrested... ...now you wouldn't be able to steer your foot controlled bow mounted trolling motor on your new boat come spring... ...you will only be able to go around and around in circles.... :rofl2:
  13. It's not a common sense issue but rather a Constitution that protects our rights in the USA....it's been working for us for over 235 years now even though some have tried to rape it over the years, especially now...
  14. At one time it was legal in Texas to drink and drive and then they limited to only the passengers....but now I believe it's against the law to have a open container of booze in the vehicle.
  15. IF your thirsty come to our side of the border as there is no law against drinking beer on the ice or in my yard or at the park, etc......
  16. GREAT news.....we take our eye sight for granted most times.... Bob
  17. SOON, I hope...that will make the USA and Canada more competitive...
  18. Life is too short short......go fishing.
  19. Hookers, beer and good steak.....what more could a man want....
  20. One time I was shopping for sporting goods online and typed in "Dicks"....you don't want to go there... Remember when you purchase in Canada you are contributing to your health care system. Bob
  21. YEP, that's what I would be doing....
  22. I have noticed over the years that the colder the winter the better the fishing once spring arrives.... :thumbsup_anim:
  23. It was directed at you because I have hear about your legs and also many are still walking around in shorts there to show off their legs.... :rofl2:
  24. I heard many places there have good frog legs.....
  25. NOW where are all those nut cases that believe in Global Warming.....
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