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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I know a lake like that, people said they backed the truck up 10 feet short of the water and dumped a pile of rainbows on the ground smh. That was the one time it was stocked like 20 years before but they are still listed as present. Bet the pike loved them lol.
  2. That would be my take, the fish on line tool is dicey species wise on a good day so i take it with a grain of salt.
  3. Its possible, there are channel cats in simcoe just not a sizeable population of them to my knowledge. Ive caught one channel cat in the green river north of couch and not seen one in couch or simcoe since but they are around
  4. Dont get me started on bluffers... Nothing like several hours of combat trolling followed by seeing those people in action at the launch lol.
  5. 5 buck each
  6. I have one or two of the backroad maps, they are somewhat useful for getting in and out of areas but the fish data on the lakes can be dicey. Take the number size and even species in the lake with a grain of salt.
  7. I got some at simcoe outdoor in keswick, not sure where else to get them unless you get a hold of him.
  8. I wanted a tranx but hated how it sat on the rod, got a revo beast at sail on sale for $430 and im glad i did, the beast is beast lol. Your loss shimano
  9. Looks like fun! Nice fish. Bullhead will bite under the ice but i wouldnt know where to start targeting them, they tend to sit in their little hole and wait for something to swim by. Much easier if you can cast around to them. I have caught a handful in cooks bay ice fishing over the last 15 years lol.
  10. Nice fish man! Would be nice to get out soon.
  11. I wouldnt rule it out as being a minute factor however, when you add all the other factors like wind, precipitation, water temperature, el nino/la nina, and very importantly timing, etc.. etc... id imagine the overall effect would be slim indeed. Some years it freezes quick others not so much, weather patterns are clearly trending towards more violent and volatile events so it remains to be seen what the effect is on ice building in the future.
  12. I love it! Looks awesome!
  13. Pflueger all day, ive hauled in everything from crappie and perch to monster pike and 30+lb carp in on mine. You wont find a better real for the price.
  14. Years ago i would have said whatever was in the cupboard at home lol, no uncooked food was safe. Ive come in the old hut from checking tip ups to find buddies cooking minnows over a candle hahaha no joke he was gonna eat one. Last year we ordered chinese food and did rock paper scissors for who was gonna ride the sled in to grab it. Basically, anything and everything on any given day, we have dragged out the webber and done a full charcoal barbaque so id say no food is safe nowawdays. Fun thread, ill keep the outside stories for another day.
  15. Nice gators!
  16. Some beautiful specimans there buddy!
  17. Great looking fish! Nice video man!
  18. That is a fine report right there, nice fish all around. That blue walter is pretty slick too!
  19. wish i could man, im going out with a buddy saturday. Good luck
  20. I once hooked a cormorant trolling a double jointed rapala on the green river where i grew up, man was that a treat to get off in a canoe lol. Im not sure how you would get away from the birds while shore fishing though.
  21. You dont always have to catch a fish to feel good eh? Good man! I hope you catch a pig!
  22. Definitely use a leader, pike teeth will cut through braid instantly. I find pike, particularily bigger pike wont hit if you can see them because they can see you. Big sucker minnows is always a good strategy though i prefer using live one. Try throwing a big spoon like a williams whitefish or a large len thompson or try tossing some grandmas or rapalas in a stop and go motion. Even the biggest pike love grabbing a lure that suddenly stops or suddenly takes off away from them. Try make long casts to your spots to give them a chance to hit before they get too close. Good luck!
  23. Sweet day! Living the dream!
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