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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. What you may need to get is a basin wrench, the head on it tilts to a 90 degree angle. Made specifically working on basins. You mentioned there are screws holding them in place, the basin wrench should get to it.
  2. I'll be there, as I've been doing it for the last 5 years. Saying I'm looking forward to it is an understatement!
  3. Was checking out some Tica spinning rods, was wondering if anybody has had any experience using any inshore spinning model of them?
  4. Peter File, Harry Bird.
  5. I felt it maybe inappropriate for any youngsters reading this thread. It was pretty funny though.
  6. I found these quite funny, #2 has to be my favourite. Redneck Men's pick up lines.. > > > > 1) Did you fart? > > cuz you blew me away. > > > > 2) Are yer parents retarded? > > cuz ya sure are special. > > > > 3) My Love fer you is like diarrhea. > > I can't hold it in. > > > > 4) Do you have a library card? > > cuz I'd like to sign you out. > > > > 5) Is there a mirror in yer pants? > > cuz I can see myself in em. > > > > > > 7) You might not be the best lookin girl here, but beauty's > >only a light switch away. > > > > 8) Man - 'Fat Penguin!' > > Woman - 'WHAT?' > > Man - 'I just wanted to say something that would break the > ice.' > > > > 9) I know I'm not no Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make yer > > >bed-rock. > > > > 10) I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? > > I think he went inta this cheap motel room. > > > > 11) Yer eyes are as blue as window cleaner. > > > > 12) If yer gunna re gret this in the mornin, we kin sleep til > >afternoon. > > > > > > > > and.... the best for last! > > > > 13) Yer face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it > >my nuts tighten up.
  7. Sweet, thx. They have a sale on a spinning reel I've been looking at too, from $150 now $111.
  8. How much did it cost after shipping, duty and gst? I checked the site and it stated for reels its around $14-$24.
  9. Important thing is that you're ok. Definately glad to hear you had witnesses, unlike my nephews accident he had last year, which he's stilll struggling with.
  10. I must say, that was entertaining Dan. Quite amazed with the Fleas: Fleas can jump 130 times higher than their own height. In human terms this is equal to a 6 foot person jumping 780 feet into the air.
  11. I'm totally confused here holdfast. Rick designs websites on the side, so I wasn't being weak and asking for this thread to be deleted. On another note, I don't think their website sucks, just think it could be better.
  12. Most of you are completely missing the point here. Radnine is only talking about their website, not service or prices.....and I have to agree with him, they really should upgrade their site. It would only increase business for them. Think they need to hire our very own Rick for that job.
  13. I actually prefer Country Style over Tim Hortons. I do pass by a Country Style on my way home from work to boot. And I can come up with several Tim Horton cups/day between me and my buds at work. Looks like I'll be making several trips to CS, plus they have the best Danishes! Thanks for the heads up!
  14. That could be the biggest white bass I have ever seen! Wow, it pays to be hard core! good stuff.
  15. I was pretty ticked when I saw the gas hit 105 over night earlier this week, now, overnight again up to 109.6, then I was really ticked, especially now that I needed to fill-up! I just don't get it, I really don't, and I refuse to, cuz I don't think there is anything logical to get!
  16. From my understanding, its all in the feed the cows get and the slaughter process, not to mind the curing process. If you don't know a farmer, drive up to a cattle farm and ask them, most are rather friendly people. Geez, wished I remembered some facts on a steak show I watched recently, on the Food Network, he went through everything, but I missed several parts of it unfortunately. I am, however, always weary of people I don't know calling me and telling me of a good deal.
  17. My buddy said for sure its a 2-cycle, and there is no dipstick with it. He said its a 50:1 ratio for oil:gas. He said other things, but I won't mention that.
  18. A friend of mine has an Ariens snow blower. This past weekend his motor seized on it, ownly 3 years old. So he is in the market for a new engine for it. I figure with all the knowledgeable people here, someone might be able to point me in the right direction to locate a new one for him. Preferably in Canada. Here are the specs on his snowblower: Aarons Engine: Tecumseh Model: TH139SP 7HP - 139cc's 2 cycle Horizontal shaft Any help would be appreciated.
  19. I started using P-Line Evolution last spring, its a co-poloymer line. Very strong, casts well, and is quite abit more sensitive than mono or other standard co-poly. I also like using Trilene Sensation. Other than those 2 lines, I pretty much use braid with a flouro leader.
  20. Awesome, thx guys.
  21. My dad is going to Myrtle Beach, north end, mid February for 2 weeks. I told him I'll try to get some info on the fishing around there this time of year for him. So....can anybody here provide what kind of fishing is available for him and where? As well, he wanted to bring some tackle and gear with him, what kind of stuff should he bring? He also has a saltwater spinning reel and rod, is it worth for him to bring that as well? Anyways, hopefully someone can help out here, would be much appreciated.
  22. If I'm not mistaken, that little shop at the end of beach road, by the lift bridge, does fibreglass work? Not sure, check it out, but looks like slowpoke may have yer place.
  23. Well, I've had my eye on the Fin-nor Megalite spinning reel. Thats pretty close to 165, plus, you can let me know if its worth buying for myself.
  24. Have to say, that was a fun game. Got to level 6 on 2 tries.
  25. My understanding, that they are going to add a little more fun to it this year too! Each hour, someone will be awarded a $50 voucher to any vendor in there, something like that anyways. Plus other prizes too. Think the new ownership here is heading in the right direction.
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