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Everything posted by bassdreamer

  1. Holy sheepeeeeeeee ! Congrats Aaron !!
  2. I guess ,i should start looking for a new job after 21 years.Mr Ford wants to contract out my job !
  3. Done !!Awesome video !
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and their familys !!
  5. Me and walleyedreamer will be at Merland from nov 6 -nov 13.we have been doing this week for the last six years ! One day we will make it to the quinte g2g !!
  6. Awesome looking rig !!Sweeeeet !
  7. Congrats on your buddy's pb walleye ! Yummy ! Great job Kwan !
  8. My wife caught her personal best walleye this year on are week long vacation on quinte !! Heres a picture of her with a 3.3 and a 4.5 lb walleye !
  9. Two awesome fish !! 13lbs 6ozs
  10. My condolences to you and your family Jamie !
  11. I just killed two of the bees that were drilling in my bay window roof !!The good old broom worked great ! I tried plugging the hole with silicone,but the bee just ate its way out !!Now i stuck a wood peg in and i will see what happens ? Hope this works !
  12. My buddy was having a simular problem last year and his was fixed by changing the foot pedal ?
  13. Nice looking boat Spinnerbaitking,You can't go wrong with a Skeeter. I have a ss90 since 1997 with a 60 yammy on it ! Have fun !!!
  14. Welcome aboard Pike Guy !!
  15. Me and the wife were in Costa Rica a couple years ago.We went with Sunwing and had no problems . We stayed at the Hilton and the temp was about the same [love it}We had no troubles at the airport in Liberia. What a great country,will go their again !!
  16. I'm glad your daughter is ok Lew !!
  17. your right,double tap again !!
  18. has not set their status

  19. Lew all we know so far is that they are still investigating ! I felt sick all day just thinking about it.I drove that truck about a month ago !
  20. It was a sad day at work yesterday,when we found out that two of our union brothers were in a major accident.The driver did not make it .but the passenger is in serious condition at sunnybrook. My condolences to the drivers family and friends and my prayers for the passenger.
  21. In stead of it saying play again ,it should say pay again !! lol
  22. jinx !!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Keep it going canada !!
  24. Don't do it TJ !!!!
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