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Everything posted by bassdreamer

  1. Awesome looking tip-ups Leechman !!!!you ever think of selling them ?
  2. Awesome.......GO CANADA GO !!!!
  3. Go Canada Go !!!
  4. Happy New Years to you too !! Let the party begin !!
  5. Sorry to say this :i don't think canada will win the hockey gold ! Hope i'm wrong !
  6. What do i win !!!! :clapping:lol. That was one lucky guess,I'm a diehard steelers fan,and i like to see different teams win the superbowl when the steelers ain't in it !
  7. I would love to see the underdog saints win their first super bowl. Saints 28 Colts 17
  8. Awesome report and pictures superdad !
  9. Holy crap !!!!
  10. congrats !!!
  11. I lost my 60 yammy cowling in 2004 when hit a rock,i went threw my insurance company and it was 1000 dollars.It took about four months to get it shipped from overseas.
  12. Thanks alot Fisherman,will never use a carlisle tire again.
  13. Thanks Bly,no there was no other damage ,the spare was attached to the front of the trailer. The next spare would be a goodyear marathon tire ,like the one's on the boat trailer.
  14. i was wondering if this ever happen to anyone.The tire was about 6 yrs old ,but never seen the road.I called the tire company and sent pictures to them and was told that my warranty was over ,which i understand.They were going to put it in for warranty and if it goes threw i will have to pay a fifty dollar shipping charge. What do you think caused the tire to do this,a tire defect or the tire sittcing in the sun? The tire pressure was correct.
  15. My condolences Wayne.
  16. Happy Canada Day to everyone!!
  17. If i catch it i will get a hat made up for you.LOL
  18. thanks alot Miller Photo,will check into it,got to get the boat done for the fishing trip with the wife on quinte at the end of july!
  19. it's a single console.skeeter ss90 bassboat.
  20. I was outside ,leaning against the boat when suddenly rocky came running out from underneath the boat cover,The first thing that came to me was there was going to be a bunch of crap to clean up.Took the cover off and it didn't look too bad.just a little carpet hanging under the console.Then i opened the rod locker and what a mess!! Does anyone know someone that replaces carpets in boats ?and how much would you think it would cost me?The boat is a skeeter ss90,which is 16 and half foot long. thanks in advance kim.
  21. The best colours that work for me are lures that are black and silver and or pearl.Try the weedlines from macfarland launch to the ferry .Cast toward the weedline and retreive very slow!!!
  22. Nice looking truck !!!!
  23. Thanks alot doug!!!
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