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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Nice Pike Gents and sweet bass! SugarPacket, I am sure we will see a LPB Pike from you soon enough and it will be a good one! Ryan...congrats on the new boat!
  2. Bly


    Welcome to the Community! 2 of my fav species!
  3. Thoroughly enjoyed this write up Parts of it were like a walk down memory lane for me. My Len Thompson Red Devil was my "leave it on until I catch something" lure You have done well and I look forward to reading about your future successes.
  4. I was wearing waders but out of laziness, they were only hip waders. My chest waders have a leak that I have been too lazy to deal with. Guess I can find that leak while I am waiting for the others to dry out Thanks for the hook removal tips! Excellent idea of holding underwater til numb, much less painful then the 5 shots it can take to numb one finger!
  5. I have seen pictures of streamers but never used one....care to educate on the technique and presentation?? I am really looking forward to hearing how it goes tomorrow...ok, a little envious also Since they are already soaked, I give them a good rinse to remove the mud etc. and then hang them from the boots until they stop dripping, stuff a towel down in the boots to absorb as much moisture as possible, after I think I have as mush of it as I can get, I place a new dry towel in the boots and leave it for a few hours......after that, hang by the boots again. This worked great the last time Cliff soaked a pair. Gee, he acts like he didn't know they were there........Thanks for helping him out with his perspective
  6. Thanks Glen We will see how "tough" I am when I have my first hook buried in my finger past the barb!
  7. Thanks Kemper. Saturday is out for us but might be able to get out on Sunday. Best of luck!
  8. Beauties! What is a little dicey weather when there are fish like that to be caught eh? Great pictures as always...how do you manage that
  9. I was lucky enough to get a day off during the week and decided to try a little rainbow fishing surf style. Donned the waders, grabbed the gear and headed for the local "surf"..... Hmmm, time for Plan B. Find a local trib and maybe some shelter from the wind. Found a place to drift, only question was I going to be able to with the high wind. First drift, completely off target. Second drift, ok got it...drifting.....fish on! Nice little bow, quick release, check my line and back to fishing. About hour goes by, float goes down again, set the hook and my line starts peeling and peeling and peeling. Knew I should have set the drag tighter, start thumbing the spool...slows the fish a bit but the fight continues. Spent several more minutes this way...I gain some line, the fish peels off again and just when I think I might get a look at it, the drag starts singing again. I managed to turn the fish yet again, gain some real line on it and just as I can almost make it out in the murky waters.......snap! Ah well, sometimes I win, sometimes the fish wins Over the next two hours the wind seem to increase, the rain turned to ice and then snow and the action was slow. Decided to walk around and tidy up the area and decide what to do next. Saw a few fish moving through an area just south of me, why not make a few more drifts. Drifted a variety of baits through the area, continued to see the occasional fish surface but no hits. Now what? Then I remembered the bright kwikfish that I had bought last year. I have tried this on occasion but never had any luck. This area looked perfect for it, figured I couldn't do any worse. Third time through the pool...fish on! I can feel this is another nice one....drag sings for a bit followed by a first of many aerial acrobatics. Just before the fish decides it is going to jump yet again, I am adjusting my footing..I am standing in muck in about 2 ft of water and one foot is stuck...just as the fish breaks the surface, I begin to lose my balance....I have 2 choices, continue to fall backwards or try to go forward, land on my knees and stay at least somewhat upright........option 2 proved to be a good choice. There I am, on my knees, waist deep in the water and a trout on the end of the line trying to break free. Managed to keep tension on the fish while working my way back on my knees to the shore. Found some more solid ground, land the fish and this time I made sure to get a picture. Not nearly as artistic as Solopaddler, Paulus and a few of the others around here (Really amazing the pictures you guys manage while fishing solo! ) but a picture........approx 28" Boots full of very cold water, covered in mud, and the snow fall increasing, figured it was a good time to call it a day. Filled the garbage bag with the piles of trash I had been gathering throughout the day and headed home. So....first ever fish on a kwikfish, might need to get a few more of those and my first time "falling" in....really glad I had my rain pants on under the waders! Was soaked from the knees down but at least I had a dry "seat" for the ride home
  10. It has been a cold, wet, snowy day here...figure I will grab a nice cup of tea, a few cookies and read a few reports, maybe see some good fish porn... This was sooo not the post to read while eating....thanks Glen! Great catches, especially the new PB....hope the finger heals fast
  11. Excellent way to make a point Snag....just excellent! Managed to "net" a rather large bag full of those babies myself today.
  12. Congratulations! Beauty fish
  13. Can I work at your office Mike?? Excellent pics and fish as always.
  14. Welcome to the Community Pike Slayer. Here is link with some helpful info on posting pictures. Pictures If you need further assistance, feel free to PM me
  15. Nice Glad to see that you are on the mend and able to get to Quinte. Cannot imagine a fall without your Quinte reports, looking forward to more
  16. Well done Mike and Sean! Lovely fish and some gorgeous scenery.
  17. Happy Birthday Chris!
  18. Congrats New Angler! Always memorable when you get a first
  19. Great report Ryan...love it when the little ones can get in on the fun! Sydney still loves to mix up the ground bait for Cliff and I
  20. Congrats Rap on the PB walleye! Gorgeous!
  21. Morning Doug
  22. My guess would be that the boards filter may have been responsible. For instance there was a time when you typed the word marsh, it would read "whats his name" in your post. The filter also used to change my last name.
  23. Afternoon Terry, Looks like BillM might be on to something but if that isn't it... What jumps out at me from your post ...happens in wet road conditions and that you have ABS. The sensors that are part of the ABS system will often send incorrect information when wet/dirty as they age or begin to fail. The ABS light may come on and stay on for a few days (until they are dry) but the system will test fine or a really fun one.....as you are braking and almost stopped it will feel as the brakes have slipped or locked and for a moment it will feel like you are not going to stop ( it is the ABS kicking in when it shouldn't) I am not a mechanic so I would suggest checking with one that knows your type of vehicle but a cheap way to test it out.....pull the ABS fuse. The light will come and stay on and you will have "ordinary brakes". If this fixes the problem, replace the sensors.
  24. So sorry Norm.....
  25. Welcome Crush. Wish I had some info to pass along, hope you have a great trip and that another member or two are able to help you out, always great putting the kids on some fish. Curious about the name choice.....One of my all time fav OMD albums...
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