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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. There is another angle that has not been looked at as of yet. I was a masonry contractor for well over 20 years, primarily involving the I.C.I. I put up loadbearing walls for new Schools and/or new Recreation Facilities, along the way we installed 'ALL" steel bearing plates to recieve fabricated steel Beams/Joists etc..into my walls. (as well electrical) There were a mess of assorted drawings to work from to get completion. The Architectural, the Structural, the Steel shop drawings, Joist design and layout drwgs..and many, many more. All of these required an engineers stamp. As a seasoned mason, I soon realized that drawings of the last 10 years cannot be counted on for accuracy even with an engineers stamp..most drawings are generic for the most part and computer print outs with specifics added into these drawings. When constucting from these drawings it is common day every occurence to find fault with design and refuse to construct/install as per drawing, rather make note and bring this to attention of the builder and why it/they are incorrect. To knowingly, blindly work to drawings and not to WHAT YOU KNOW, to be correct will come back and smack you in the wallet. In other words, If a client/builder wants something built in such a manner, You must refuse if the integrity of the structure is not maintained. Regardless of what the drawings read......Sure, you will get paid for working as per drawings.. But if the structure is deemed unfit later - redesigned, removed, rebuilt...it costs us all sooner or later. By standing up and making known something not sufficient to start with you yourself look much the better. If a guy wanted you to build him a dog house using 1x1's and the dog he had in mind for the house was a big'ol Newfy Lab...you'd refuse to build it stating something more substantial. Everyone walks away the winner...including the dog. I am now in school working towards my diploma in Construction and Architectural Engineering.....lol
  2. Nice to hear you 2 made it back A-OK. Gotta tell ya that it was great hearing about all your southern..(warm) days of fishing. Us here...well.we've been up to the usual March-April Bull... Its almost time........seriously..the time is almost here. Welcome home, bNb
  3. It unbelievable how similar a lot of the teams in our division are. Im going to rethink my strategy a bit.
  4. Got my first 50 pts so far.... On the first game of the night.......Sykora/Whitney Calg/S.J just under way....... Stay tuned....... Good luck all.................. (under breath).......you guys suck...dont stand a chance.
  5. The big dog has arrived........ GO - M U S K I E S - GO
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhh...Wendel..... Sa-Weeet looking boat there bud! I think your in for a ton of fun this season and many more to come with that ride. My 0.02..... As far as the towing problem...... If the truck was A-OK when you picked it up and the boat...(well, it all looks brand new) I mean the boat trailer was also A-OK ive a feeling you had what I too had last weekend bringing mine home. The Jitters Bud..............just like ...just before you about to say your wedding vows. You hear every little tiny bump on the trip home trying to be so very careful. Just the same Id check out the trailer wheels and bearings etc.......... Next, the hitch assembly........finally your own tow vehicle. A ton of patience and a little of precaution will get you through it,. Enjoy that boat bud...........she's a beaut. We're in for a great season.......... see you on the water! bNb
  7. Nice pb douG-gles....WTG Read with great interest your last outing w/hobbits et al. Glad you at least got into your first regardless of the size Bud.....they all come a mite easier now. Sorry Se-noir Hobbit.. Stopped replying to all your trib posts as I would be repetitive but, PLEASE DO NOT STOP POSTING............. They are good reading each and everyone and I never tire reading you N Carole getting out.. Se-Noir Hobbit.... We will be having you as guests for sure this sumer to our Shire for some great eats/bevy's. Sorry for stepping on yer thread thar Dooogle... You are darned right-on..they are exellent folks to hang with as well great hosts. pete
  8. I was thinking the same thing....... John...very nice Bud...... it shure looks sweet...I hope for you much fun and success on the water.
  9. 24 Boh...$26.70/case in my end of town... Fast travellers.........LCBO $2.10 large cans of Cndn or Bud! When I entertain those I really like..its Stella all the way.
  10. Thank you EVERYONE for the nice words. and thank you Shelley for getting that up for us.! BTW.its a 74lb M-K not a 76......my mistakes......
  11. Wow. its morning already......... Wheres the Advil? Excuse this post folks.... I have mondays off and yesterday I was I was in "Mourning'' over the 'Leafs' past season and me thinking a few too many brewskies......
  12. Sorry bud.... Didnt see what you quoted at all. It just read ..."add 2008" OK...I was'nt saying everyone had to purchase anything..what I thought would be a great idea for all involved was just laminating their teams logos and stick them somewhere on their boats prefferrably beside their measuring tapes for a quick photo when the time was right. EDIT>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Got it Wayne.... I will not Re-Write on any of my OFC gear either........ this is why the logo thing works...............a team logo. (I suppose in most cases anyway).......maybe I need to rethink this as well....... Fellas.....was only thinking of our look(public/P3TA) areas. Just a thought.......
  13. OK./UNCLE.............I give ... You are much faster a typer then me....... I know you dont miss much of anything because you research all w/due dillegence This is why I can appreciate your opinion....I mean this man..no joke. I just thought it would be a good idea......... Why dont we negate that all must get an OFC hat then.....this sounds perfectly alright with me, and make that the only allowable proof for a pic.
  14. Sorry bro.. first post I saw from you wasnt complete ...it just mentiones the hat.... But you are right -on.....OFC flag/decal etc....... It works...... But habving them handy is the point alone..... Everyone knows theres limited time for photos so everyone has to be prepered is all Im trying to get across.
  15. Wayne..Wayne... Ya missed the point Bud... Ive a OFC hat from years back...how many in the tourney have one tho? (I wear mine whenever I fish just in case I run into someone else from here out on the water.) Ya know I love ya man......dont get whiffed at me.........lol
  16. I looked in the tourney area and couldnt find a location for inquiries. So excuse me if there was one and have it directed accordingly. Also, having not read the rules yet I could be completely ignorant with this .... From what I read I was told that the rules are basically the same as last years.. and I most likely missed it but.......here's the beef...... T.J....I believe it wise that you mandate this... That all teams have their individual logos printed off and laminated to their boats in close proximity to their measuring tapes. This way a quick hook release can be done whilst in the net/head in the water, and the fish only picked up at the last moment for a quick photo against the logo/tape. I seen before and done it myself while fumbling for the signage and not saying the fish died...but just a little too long out of the water for my liking...nor the fishes. T.J....I think we'll stand out more as a truly concerned group if this is made part of the rules/regs.........and will steer us out of hot water from the complainers. Whatcha think Bud? bNb For the river fisherfolk........You should be in a boat. J/K.......perhaps a laminated copy of your team, babydiaper pinned to your vests..I dunno.
  17. and......... I will not visit a McCabesucks website........ Regardless of what I feel may be close to the truth or the opposite.
  18. Very good point Bud! Ive been reading and following this post with interest but decided to keep my mouth shut as Im more then an avid leafs fan. Aint saying anything about the NoTrade Clauses either.nor the wages they recieve. Nor McCabe's lack of fighting abilities. But you made a decent point Bud! I was around and watched their last 3 stanley cup wins........ Still waiting and still a fan........... Til death do us part...........Most likely mine. bNb
  19. Cheque is in the mail Lew.......(j/k)..Thanks Bud,..that was real nice of you! Only make about a dozen a year now and they're spoken for... Brian and Marc....hope you boys read this post...(still awaiting more 'BOO') Take care out there... bNb
  20. Gerrit, Lookin' great Bud! Even with your raised decking she still looks nice an deep. Looking forward to seeing the next steps completed. Be good. pete
  21. Wow Bud........ Amazing!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could get away with saying..."Wisht I had the the time........." Ive simply too much other things on the go..... School......Work........ Finishing my shed and office. Starting/Completeing the addition on my house this year. Lure making.. and most of all.........Getting used to the new boat and F I S H I N G........ I truly enjoyed reading your story and soaked in your dedication to the end of finished product. WayToGo........ Cant wait for your first report when in use.... bNb
  22. Paul, you making these yourself or buying already made? Theres no real way to tell what what size thread or type of knot used without destroying the bait or having seen one ripped apart from some serious teeth. Flaws in the paint?........ I honestly believe eventualy they all fade/chip and even bend if your refferring to the blades..(Especially coloured ones....(This is why I prefer metal finishes or one colour in brass) Wire Shafts...I use 0.062 Magnum Blades......Bulk/Mustad Trebs/Trailers. # diff. type of SplitRings for diff applications...(x2, x3 and Premium Stealth Black) all stainless. Magnum and Easy Spin Clevises..(again, diff applications.) Size "D" thread..(4wraps/1 overhand knot/drop of cement/REPEAT/REPEAT,RE...............................) Epoxy finish I just recieved a new shippment from Stamina Inc of rare size 12 magnum blades in wild colours, (willow.colorado.indiana)....as well their #10 Mustad trebs. Bulk strung Maraboo........rarely use bucktail(Deer) anymore. Additions...chinese hackle neck/tinsle/crimped nylon I think for bait flaws.......look at the wire bends(Should be 2wraps min.) and the splitring settings....I like them interchangeable. Grim Reaper was always my fav. prior. Good Luck Bud!
  23. Ya got a PM Bud!
  24. Carole......... Carole baby.........happyBirthday. Make sure Cliff doesnt see this.......K? Hope this year not only gives you continued great health and well being but, that you P.B every category out there. peteNcharmaine Hope you guys make it out again this year... Want to get you out in the new ride.....
  25. I am deffinitely not........... as knowledgable on these topics as you ...4reel/lundboy are but still very interested and concerned............NOT frightened! Ive been a member of OFAH for over 10 years and one that donates to certain causes too. (Not much but at avg. $20per x 5) I felt it my right to ask them to spell this out understandably for and to me. (This e-mail...I also recieved this very morning) I asked them what they are doing towards support in protecting our rights to continue to enjoy the resources we have and that we all love. As far as these P3TA type groups Im real sick of seeing my 13 yr/old daughter come home from school with B.S propaganda how Dad is cruel for fishing............For the record..My daughter is an avid fisherperson. Keep this going fellas.....Im learning from you. bNb
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