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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Hey TJ - I'm going to go ahead and assume that I can't get in on this contest? haha Hope you enjoy the show guys! Cheers, Ryan
  2. I've got the same problem with Big Creek, near my place. "ADDITIONAL FISHING OPPORTUNITIES" WALSINGHAM TO LYNDOCH - OPEN ALL YEAR FOR RAINBOW AND BROWNS. NEXT PAGE: "EDXCEPTIONS TO ZONE 16" WALSINGHAM TO LYNDOCH IS A SANCTUARY FOR RAINBOWS AND BROWNS JANUARY1 TO APRIL... what the heck to I do come jan 1st? the rules contradict themselves...... cheers, Urban
  3. what an awesome mixed bag!!! thanks for the eye candy Glen! bring on spring!!! haha cheers, UF
  4. Can't wait to hit Erie for some smallies in that wind tomorrow! man I hope to heck it dies down!
  5. as if! haha you guys rock! Congrats! Ryan
  6. wow - we truly are spoiled here in Ontario. Thank you SO MUCH for that report. My only regret 007 is that I didn't get around to going out fishing with you while I was living in TO. I remember reading most of your reports, all while having NO IDEA you weren't Canadian! What an amazing story. Good luck and please send us some reports from back home! cheers, UF
  7. Hey all! First off I have to thank DMASSE for taking me out for a couple of hours and showing me a thing or two about steelheading. I learnt more in just a short time with him than I was ever able to figure out on my own. It was a perfect way to kill a bit of time while I waited in TO for some things. Not only did Dave seriously out-fish me, he was able to do it despite the fact that he let me have a go at each pool first, AND I kept having to tell him to fish because he was FISHING not guiding! haha It wasn't a planned trip, and came up at the last second - so obiously I had nothing in stock, no bait, no floats nothing...Dave took care of it all. He's a great host, and has a rediculous amount of knowledge when it comes to float/fly fishing so if you're ever looking for a guide you should give him a call! Thanks again Dave! On the flip side, the weather sucked coming home yesterday, then I worked on my computer into the evening and I think the rain got to me because when I woke up this morning I went into my office for about 15 minutes and suddenly had to make a mad dash for the washroom where I dry heaved for at least 10 minutes and haven't been able to eat anything since....just starting to feel a hair better now... Good Luck out there! Ryan
  8. man it always amazes me how people on OFC will set aside time to explain things and help other fisherpeople out!! Good luck with the Curado Beats!! Got the same reel this summer and once you get used to it you won't be dissapointed! Cheers, UF
  9. Thanks for all the kind words guys!!!!!!! fishindevil - I'm bound to hook into some steel soon.... Maureen - She has to figure out the whole "talking" thing first... although once she starts i'm afraid she won't stop! heh Roy - her being a head turner is what I'm afraid of! haha Take her mom for example...she's a head turner and all she got was ME! Cliff - I do get out from time to time....I need a boat soon though - glad to see you and Bly have one now! Snag - what, no witty comment? dude you're slippin'! haha thanks man....keep up the entertaining TO reports! Camillj - yepp, the pix with Averie are way better than any pix of me holding a fish....although I wouldn't be opposed to having some of me and her WITH a fish! Thanks again all - good luck out there. Cheers, UF
  10. Cool thread Cliff. Well, Considering I only fished "the bog" once this summer, and rice once about 15 years ago I'm not a very good judge of the kawartha lakes. But, considering I only fished scugog for about 4 hours, on a BLISTERING hot late morning/early afternoon I can't complain..... I only managed this little largie.... But my Dad Managed a couple smallmouth....lost a nice musky boatside.... Landed this Walleye... And his PB Largemouth...we didn't get a weight as she wasn't in great shape so a quik pic and off she went... That was his first day using a baitcaster - and he SCHOOLED me...go figure. Hope to get back out that way next summer. Cheers, UF
  11. Well a few weeks ago I had to get out of the computer room so I decided to take my 1 year old out and teach her a few things. I know I know, she's still pretty young but you have to start somewhere. The small reservoir I sometimes fish has completely turned over. The weeds are LONG gone and I suspect that most of the bass had moved into deeper water. But it was a nice morning and a good day to test out everything we had. There's also a chance at a rainbow..... I had to talk Averie out of tresspassing...she insisted that if we fished here we'd catch'em...maybe I should have listened to her! We started off with Lesson#1, the Baitcaster... We tossed everything under the sun and NOTHING... So we went a little lighter and I showed her a few things with the Ultralight..she watched patiently...but, NOTHING... Alright so we just want SOMETHING, time to switch over to noodle rod with a float and worm...wouldn't you belive it...nevermind catching a rainbow, we can't even manage a SUNFISH.... So, the day turns out to be a bust, Averie only got to take home a leaf, but it was still time well spent. Alright, so after having such a bad outing with my daughter, I had to get on some fish. So, I hit my favourite carp spot hoping for a full morning of late season carp action. The water is shallow and clear, so I usually chum the area and toss around a lure or two until I see the carp moving in. Well, the cold weather must have SLOOOOOWED them big old carp right down because they just weren't coming in very fast. While I waited I tossed around a small spinnerbait on my ultralight. Sure enough I managed this tiny little hammer-handle first cast. Second smallest pike I've ever caught...haha Next up, a Wee-Largemouth And Finally, not a giant by any means, but this guy put up a good tussle in the ultralight with 6lb line. To bad the picture didn't turn out so well. Then I spotted a couple of carp moving in, so I witched set-ups and fished for over an hour before this little guy decided to eat up my corn. He bled a little but swam off fine! After that - nothing for a while until my first and only catfish of 2007 -and my last fish of the morning. So, nothing of any size, but not bad for a couple of hours fishing Big Creek, 5 minutes from my doorstep! NOW - my last report, I started "steelheading" or at least trying to be a steelheader last fall on the credit and just when I was getting used to the area I moved. So, I'm now fishing Lower Big Creek, a Trib of Lake Erie in hopes of actually landing my first ever bonified steelhead. Trout ponds don't really count. The day started off with a nice dusk and sunrise.... My Backyard And the side of the road on my way to the creek. Finally prime Steelhead water????? How about here??? And the all to common site when I'm steelheading....my float - Not going down... And Finally - I'm pretty sure this girl was laughing at me from affar the entire morning! Long story short, I've tried many baits, depths and locations on the creek so far and have come up short each time. But, I can't complain about the scenery, and hopefully once we get a little more rain...or snow the creek will come up a little and the steelhead will start moving in...... Good luck to everyone hitting Quinte this weekend! Cheers, UF
  12. I was wondering when they'd come out with Gulp Trout Worms...i'll have to give them a try - that is if I can ever find any in stock! Let us know how it goes! Cheers, UF
  13. sweet report dude...gotta love the snow... I've been trying to buy some pinkies for nearly two months!!!! been to bass pro twice, sold out, crappy tire is forever sold out...drives me nuts. Tried to order 5 packs off of Bass Pro.com, more money for delivery then the worms...... They work GREAT in the spring for early season pan-fish to! wakey rig under a float Cheers, UF
  14. Thanks for the kind words Joey - I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I know Dave appreciates everybody's support. As most of you know I'm part of the crew and the editor for the show, and we all worked hard for a long time putting it together. I haven't been able to get onto the board as much lately because of all the work but I was TOTALLY stoked to finally meet some of you guys today at the premiere! Hopefully next time we meet up it'll be on the water! cheers, Ryan
  15. I went out early yesterday morning - before work Rich - went 0 for 0 but saturday's another day! chees, UF
  16. come on as if!!!! Congrats to both of you - especially Bly! Glad to see you guys schooled Fishnsled! Awesome report, UF
  17. Hey Cliff, I was @ the credit last weekend - didn't hook into anything myself but a few other people did. They were most active between midnight and 4 a.m. I got there @ 4 and watched a few people leaving with salmon in their nets. And a couple others hooked into them between 4 and 9 a.m. You'll get'em! Good Luck dude! Cheers, UF
  18. holy crap that's a huge redhorse! I used to fish them in the Thames in the spring, when they come in thick it's non-stop action. Good job dude! Cheers, UF
  19. Sounds like a blast! Nice to see board members getting together! Cheers, UF
  20. Silver and Black X-RAP. sure you might catch more on a jig but it's SOOO boring fishing jigs! UF
  21. Yepp - Always a pleasure to read fishmasters reports! If I had a boat they'd be extremely helpful to me and you can't help but enjoy the smiles on the faces of his guests! Keep it up FM. Cheers, UF
  22. Sleep is for the weak Snag! I usually fish those hours because my fiance can't complain that I'm not spending time with her and my daughter - sometimes I even make them breakfast when I get home to really butter up the situation! Keeps her happy and keeps me fishing! Have a good one dude! Ryan
  23. Hey all, I got hooked on pier fishing for salmon last fall and ended up moving near longpoint - lake erie! I'm in town this weekend and am heading down to the credit from about 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. Does anybody know if it's been crowding up yet? Also, I'd love to have some company if anyone is interested! I've got the long handled net and all necessary lures/spoons! Cheers, UF
  24. haha the picture of your step son is wicked! I love the smile! Cheers uf
  25. It's nice to hear from you to Will - I've been meaning to message you but it's been crazy. I had to buy satellite internet which costs a FORTUNE and took forever to have set up. And you weren't kidding when you told me how much work my new job was going to be..... We've been super busy the past month and a half, in-fact with Dave being so busy with tournaments and other projects we haven't had much time for "fun fishing". Dave posts all his shots on his website, but I don't have any shots really worth bragging about. Don't worry though, once I do - I'll post'em for you guys! I might be in TO this week, if so I'll try to pop by! Cheers, Ryan
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