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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. awesome report MJL - Thanks for the great read! And congrats to Victor for his first steelhead. Cheers, UF
  2. Closing my first mortgage this coming week. We locked outselves in @ just under 5.5% for 5 years with CIBC. My fiance is still in school for another 3 years so knowing exactly how much money we'd have each month for the next few years is huge for us. And 5.5 is a good enough rate for me. On the + side CIBC is having a promotion right now so we're getting a free dishwasher out of the deal, along with I believe 3. something or other % for the first 9 months. Pretty stoked to be a homeowner. They have a mortgage right now that I believe is called "better than prime" which is 1 and a half or so less than prime, and you can lock in at any time if you feel like it's rising to high....we thought about that one... Anyways, I'm a rookie but good luck which ever way you go! Cheers, UF
  3. hahaha DUDE! Did you go home to your parents place for opener? Because I'm fairly certain I know where you were fishing, and I'm almost %100 positive I was shootin' the poop with your buddy opener morning. I could be wrong but man he looks like he dude I was talking to, he was using salted minnows to, and the creek looks awkwardly familiar. It's a nice little stream not far from my house. I'll PM you when I have a few minutes. Either way - nice fish. That area (if it is where I'm thinking) is beautiful, but the snags frustrate the hell out of me. Not to mention I got a tick on me opening morning.... Thanks for the report - Cheers, UF
  4. nice! I love the family reports Cliff! Keep 'em comin'. Some pretty slick lookin' photos to. Maybe you should look into a career change, taking photos for fishing mags! Cheers dude, UF
  5. That's it Cliff, I'm goin' Carpin this morning! Beauty fish dude. UF
  6. nice report dude! I went out this morning, drove from trib to trib where there was at least 8 or 10 cars parked on the side of the road, turned around and came home! haha first and last opener for me. Have a good one! UF
  7. I Agree %100 on the skeeter choice! Nice looking boats, stable in bigger water, built strong, Lots of room for fishing and storage, and I've been over 77 MPH in Mercer's - Full load, two people + camera gear. As for the Gambler, I just saw a brand new one a few weeks ago in Alabama, DUUUUUDE they've gotta be the ugliest boats on the market. I swear they haven't changed their molds since the 70's. No thanks! Cheers, UF
  8. MJL My Fiance would kick my butt if I showed up with all that gear! haha Great tips for sure! good luck Young One - You've got more gear than I do going into tomorrow so I'm sure you'll be fine! Cheers, UF
  9. I lost my Knife, and My Mother-In-Law said she just picked one up in town so no need to replace mine. Well she show's up with a knife from the Dollarama!!!!! Oh man, I got half way through my first bluegill, handed her the knife and said HAVE FUN! haha Either way i'm on a budget and like the wooden rapala knives, but if I had the cash I'd probably buy something a little higher end. Cheers, UF
  10. tell you what mepps - I've always been a fan of your spinners...the day you start mass producing them is the day I start buying in-line spinners! I like the big Mepps bucktails, but don't use them a whole lot! As for Spinner Prices, yeah, you get what you pay for. I've used the 2.99 no-namers from Crappy tire and they catch fish, but don't last near as long as the premiere plus from stike king.....and they don't look near as pretty..
  11. Glen you been workin' out? You're in pretty good shape for an old timer! The Fiance's tryin' to whip me into shape for our wedding in august! Thanks for the report dude! Cheers, UF
  12. SWEET dude! Congrats on your first taste of steel! I'm still new to the steelheading game myself. I've only got a Shimano Stimula 10'6" paired up with an Abu Cardinal 104 and for the amount of steelheading I do it's good enough for me. I'm sure you'll get some great advice for the more serious steelheaders on the board. Cheers, UF
  13. i'll see if I can dig up any info for you today! I'm planning to go down saturday morning but I only have my personal pontoon boat...otherwise i'd invite you along!
  14. I live somewhere between Langton, ON and Port Rowan. tobacco country. Went to school in London and loved it. If I had to live in a city that's probably where I'd live. Grew up in Sudbury, ON way to F'n cold. Cheers, UF
  15. Right on Cliff... nothing like getting out with the family!
  16. We're always busy Cliff, but I should be ok to get some fishing in on most weekends! We'll have to hook up at some point this summer!
  17. Have alot to do so i'm going to keep this short and sweet. Hit the water at 6:30 a.m. and the fishing was pretty well non-stop until I called it quits @ 10:30 a.m. this morning. GCD - They've got a little more color to them already... Started using the pink trout worms, and the gills were hitting them like crazy, but after I hooked into my 3rd OOS rainbow I decided to switch it up to a pink micro tube so I could keep the bow's off my line. Boated well over 50 gills, missed countless others and kept a dozen for the table. 2 biggest of the day were a heafty 10.5 inches. Have fun out there and be safe, UF
  18. Well my mother-in-law just brought me my new Abu 502. Thanks for the offer though! I'm glad they had them in stock. It's a little over-sized for bluegill and crappie, but I might just have to test it out in the morning. Thanks guys! Cheers, UF
  19. Awesome Marko! My Mother-in-Law is just running into town so I've got one on her pick-up list! The store in Tilly doesn't always have the same stock as the stores in bigger cities but here's hoping. Cheers, UF
  20. LOL - Don't worry dude, he's given' me my fair share of "bonuses". I used to work for one of the biggest post production companies in the world and Dave hooks me up waaayyyy more than they ever did! And it's obviously usually fishing related! Working for a huge company doesn't always pay off. That and I'm in the middle of buying a house - deal closes in 3 weeks. I'm amazed that my fiance even suggested the purchase. Cheers, UF
  21. Hey guys, I tend to be a shimano guy, but I need a new reel for one of my medium action spinning setups and a new stradic just isn't in the budget right now. My fiance pointed out that crappie tire has Abu Cardinal 502's on sale for 39.99. I have a cheaper Abu 104 on my noodle rod and am quite happy with it, especially considering it was only about 35 bux. Any opinions from people who've used them would be greatly appreciated.... I noticed a wood handle in one picture which i'm not overly keen on... Thanks in advance! Cheers, UF
  22. duuuuude - I'm originally from suds - born and raised! I know some good brookie spots, but no idea when it come to stellheading. I'd tend to agree that the island is a good place to start.... Good luck! UF
  23. Friday night - house reno's Saturday a.m. - Either going in search of Steelhead, or taking the toon back out for Gills and Crappie. Saturday afternoon - house reno's and some beers Sunday Mornin - Same as saturday morning. Sunday afternoon more house reno's and some beers. god bless the weekend.
  24. big fat juicy earthworms are just as good as anything, I just use the pinkies for near everything because I tend to fish spur of the moment kind of thing and they're always good to go. I also like the fact that I can catch a few fish on 1 worm, and don't have to keep any critters in the fridge. As for shrimp, I wrap up small chunks of raw shrimp in roe bags, along with a couple of those colored buoyant balls as a suppliment for not having roe. Unless things have changed from last year that stretch of the river is an extended season. I don't live in the sauga anymore. Cheers dude, UF
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