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Status Replies posted by Christopheraaron

  1. just got a lifetime supply of deer hair!!!

  2. leafs look good early

  3. Im in a real bad slump. Another day of no fish. WTH is going on????????

  4. Cant remember being this excited about trout opener in a long time.

  5. Cant remember being this excited about trout opener in a long time.

  6. Chemo Round 2 done - On to Round 3

  7. Just saw two kinds riding bikes with wagons attached full of perch headed to the weighin up in orillia . Made my day

  8. How does it feel to outfish 3 bait fishermen (combined) with the fly rod for crappie? Pretty good!

  9. Do I ruin my work day tomorrow to try for smelts tonight?

  10. Finally got my 7ft 4-5 wt fly rod. All rigged and ready for next saturday. :0))))))

  11. Go Leafs Go! Someone else is gonna have that status tomorrow.

  12. Hamilton tackle swap tomorrow, I have 0ver 100 flies, a bunch of musky spinners and bass jigs! Buy a Seam fishing shirt to donate $5 to OFAH!

  13. It's offical... youngest is now a Master of Architecture, in Architecture ...after defending her thesis this afternoon!! !!

  14. This is GREAT! I'm sitting on my back deck, laptop in lap, rounding off a 10 hour day. And is 17 DEGREES out here. Good thing I have a beer to keep me cool!!

  15. Five straight days off. What to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FISH FISH FISH. And turkey scout.

  16. Leafs,Jays,Masters,can tv get any better today?

  17. Cuba Bound Tomorrow for 2 weeks on the flats , fly fishing !!

  18. Learned the hard way that when Deer rock says its closed its closed lol. So we decided to paddle a km out in to Lake Erie instead lol

  19. Well the movie Salmon Fishing in Yemen was a complete waste of time.. not what I thought at all.. not even a side boob

  20. Lobster Chowder tonight :)

  21. Is it normal to see a dead drake mallard,lying in the middle of Dundas ST.?

  22. So who want's to go fishing with me this weekend?

  23. So who want's to go fishing with me this weekend?

  24. Fished 12 hours today, 5 rivers, 0 fish!

  25. 9 weeks smoke free, plus, i am down 45 lbs !! Go figure eh?

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