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Status Replies posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Is anyone up in halibuton starting to see ice on the smaller lakes? Was going to go with the canoe next weekend but not sure if it's worth it.

  2. 2 things i never ever discuss in my store. Politics and Religion.

  3. Away on a 22 day work stint, apartment got broken into. $2K plus worth of stuff stolen. Am I allowed to break my lease and move? Nope! Laws sure are silly.

  4. first steelhead of the season! On the spey rod too :)

  5. Anyone know if the ganaraska is blown out?

  6. Anyone know if the ganaraska is blown out?

  7. Anyone know if the ganaraska is blown out?

  8. Anyone know if the ganaraska is blown out?

  9. Out to the blue zone tomorrow!

  10. Poison Ivy - snuck up on me. A week of the itchy and scatchy show show. :(

  11. I've entered my first bass tourney...what was I thinking? I can't catch fish under pressure!!!

  12. Anyone interested in fishing a small tournament this sunday? Entry is $12, let me know.

  13. Why is it,the Muddler always comes though to catch fish? I threw atleast 5 different flies nadda. End of the day,tie on a muddler,and wham wham wham. Go figure. I want to try the SanWaun sp? Do they work?

  14. going out on the grand river today near lake Erie. any advice on where to launch the boat?

  15. What a great day of events. Im exhausted.

  16. What a great day of events. Im exhausted.

  17. Good luck to all the Fishing For A Cure particpants!! We'll see you there!

  18. Just pre fished deer creek, can't wait for this weekend!

  19. Just pre fished deer creek, can't wait for this weekend!

  20. Just pre fished deer creek, can't wait for this weekend!

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