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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Good bonus brian !!!! what are they normally worth anyways ????
  2. Awesome walleye man !!! way to go,nice video clip as well,thanks for sharing....cheers
  3. Great day on the ice sean !!!!...some yummy walleyes are making their way to the table for sure, nice pics too,and you guys even got a nice road plowed for ya !!!!a great way to start the winter season ...cheers
  4. Afish finder is only good for depths !!!!....YA OK...not like mine shows the thermalcline,or my cannonballs for downrigger tracking,or detecting rock bottom,or mud/sand combo,for bottom bouncing for walleyes ...no they are no good for anything else,are they !!!! Hmmmm lets see you go get me a few big king salmon,and follow the temperature breaks,and follow baitfish !!!! well what do i know about fish finders,they only find depth nothing else,check a few of my posts and you will see what they can see !!!!
  5. A nice mixed bag for sure !!!!. ..and even a few buckets for a little excitement,some very nice perch morsels as well !!! i bet they will taste better than turkey cheers
  6. Great day on the ice for sure !!! sounds like they were hitting big time,and the sizes were good,i hope the ice holds and the rain doesnt ruin all that has been made so far ???? thanks for the report & ice-update...cheers
  7. Great unit for sure !!! i have one just a bit smaller,and it heats my 2 man shack no problem!!!! for years i have also used a coleman stove too,lots of heat,and well fresh coffee,and a few walleye filetts right in your hut....doesnt get any better than that !!! ...cheers merry christmas too im not %100 positive but i think they are 5,000 btu"s i think
  8. Wayne your sign says it all bro !!!!. ..my grandad ran a fishing loge for over 35yrs,long before any fish graphs or GPS !!!!...and he always found the fish,and knew by the weather,and certain signs in mother nature,when & where they would be at any time of the year !!! even the M.N.R. used to contact my gramps about net placement and for taging and stuff,he used to always amaze me when i was a kid...so i was lucky enough to learn old school as well as the new way with all the gadgets & gizmos....but ya know you can have all the fancy stuff you want but if the fish sometimes wont bite,well no gadgets can make them,and with todays time constraints,and busy life,i wish i had all the time in the world to fish,but i dont,so those gadgets help me narrow down,and refine the search for my fishing time on the water !!!!....and i really do think i could still be a succesful fisherman without all the goodies !!! it would just be longer & harder,but im stubborn so it would be ok !!!...cheers
  9. Awesoem looking smoker wayne !!! she has talent thats for sure,she should be a cabinet maker !!!! pays very well too,so when can we order ours...LOL..LOL .. merry christmas man..to you leah & your family...
  10. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE !!!! i hope santa is good to you & your freinds & family !!!!
  11. You might want to ask percher a.k.a [dan] im pretty sure he has that unit on his new lund,it worked awesome down at quinte this fall,very clear,easy to read,and many options & lots of power too !!! he is the humminbird guy !!!! good-luck,im sure you wont be dissapointed,its a top-end unit....cheers
  12. Some very nice river fish !!!!!....nice pictures too,and a few big smallies to boot,looks like you had a banner year !!...cheers
  13. Thats too funny !!!LOL..LOL.. its totally fake,it has to be,man i think prison inmates get treated better than that tennant would??? thanks for the laugh...cheers
  14. Its sure great to see,in Oshawa gas is now 66.9 cents per litre !!!! its been a long time since its been that cheap,lets hope it stays that way as the price of oil continues to fall !!!!! cheers
  15. Thats a very nice christmas present from the bay of quinte !!!! I would sooner have fresh walleyes for xmas dinner than turkey any time !!! cheers
  16. Awesome year,and great pics too, you sure did cover the water this year,thanks for making me miss being on the water!!!!...lol..lol cheers
  17. Thats what i call a great 2008 fishing season !!!! some very respectable,big fish,and some great pictures as well,hope 09 is even better for you !!! cheers....
  18. Right back at ya karl !!!! to you & the extreme team and all of your familys as well !!!! cheers Im looking forward to all your new shows in the new year too...
  19. WOW...thats gotta hurt man !!!! thanks for sharing,i seen a clip of a lobster latching on to a guys hand after he stuck it in the tank to poke at him !!! and it almost cut his finger off!! it had him for at least a minute or 2 and his claw was huge as well,and i know that hurt big time,i will try to find it,im not sure if it was you-yube or not....thanks for the laugh...
  20. Nice winter "eye" guys !!!!. ..well done,and thanks for the ice update as well,i hope to be there soon,looking forward to some more of quintes finest !!!...cheers
  21. Congrats to all your family rob !!!! now thats what i call a great christmas present !!! grampa..rob..a brand new fishergirl OFC member in training !!!
  22. I hope dave will be alright,i would hate to see the store close as well,at least he was insured but still,by the time he pays his big deductable,and the repars,and we all know how long it takes to get any money from the insurance company... i will hope to get a more detailed list of stolen items,jsut everybody keep their eyes & ears open for anyone trying to get rid of it real fast for a quick buck.....like i said it was at least several thousand dollars of stock that was stolen...dam im mad as heck
  23. Hey clampit, [email protected] on the bay of quinte will rent a hut,and a cabin for $80 dollars per day !!!!and i think that includes bait,too!!!!... that price you have is way to high,ya just have to shop around,the guys mentioned above have been in the game along time and will get you into fish,check them out....cheers
  24. I will try to get a more detailed list from him tommorow brian, thats a great ideahe figures its at least several thousand dollars anyways...that crap makes me sooo mad,
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