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Everything posted by mcallister.grant

  1. Great report. That bucket is a monster. Well done!!
  2. Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Wow.... Is that water ever low? Is there walleye in there in the spring/fall? I have never fished the Grand? Thanks.
  4. Thanks Marc. I appreciate that.
  5. I have never heard of it till now. Quite honestly, I think Google is far superior but I will give it a try. It can't hurt!
  6. I must say. I have fished Buckhorn and Pigeon all of my life and they have been the most productive lakes for largemouth that I have ever fished. Great report and congrats to your buddy on his first largie!!
  7. In all honesty, this is by far the best message board and online community that I have ever been a part of. I belong to several other LOCAL SPORTS boards and the only thing that goes on there is slandering and putting one another down. I have yet to encounter that here. Nonetheless, congrats to all!
  8. Looks like it was a great tournament. I would have liked to have been the one holding the $10,000 stack!!!!
  9. Thanks for sharing you near miss with us.... I can see the making of an obsession!!!! Looking forward to the one that DIDN'T get away in September. Cheers!
  10. I always wear flip flops. I have gone barefoot before and sliced my foot really bad while walking in the water on zebra mussels. They are razor sharp.
  11. Hey Kevin, I believe if you head straight up Simcoe St. in Oshawa you will reach Scugog. You will come to the waterfront where I am sure there are a few public launches. Hope that helps! G
  12. I have had nothing but good experiences when the barometer starts to drop. It is amazing the way the fish turn on with a slight change in pressure. Is there and explanation for this agressive reaction? Could it be that there is an increased oxygen supply when the pressure is loosened? I really enjoy it when people share their "superstitions" (for lack of a better word) when it pertains to any sport. Love the Sundog thing....
  13. Hey Maureen, I suggest you wait to do anything until there is a name search done. In most cases, it's an individual with the same name. Needless to say, if you get lawyer involved, it may be pretty costly. Good luck!
  14. I have been having some problems today. I have been locked out several times. I thought it was my connection. Hmmm...
  15. Morning all, Thanks so much for you help with the picture thing. I have finally figured it out. Appreciate it!!!
  16. Hi Guys & Gals... Aorry about the pic. I am having a hell of a time with this.
  17. Just thought I would share this experience.... This is a pic of my wife's first walleye. I had some business to do up in Bobcaygeon so I thought I would bring my wife along for the ride. As well as 3 dizen minnows and my rod. After my inspection we went to the dam for some ol'time walleye action. Needless to say we weren't dissapointed. My wife managed to land 4 and I landed around 30. None of them were over 1.5 lbs but it was a memorable experience. This was 2 weeks ago but I am so proud of the pic. http://s206.photobucket.com/albums/bb46/gr...nt=DSC00780.jpg
  18. Hi there, I am an insurance agent and I own my own agency. Boat insurance is based on the horsepower and size of your boat. The liability portion of your boat insurance would be an extension of your home. So, if your home insurance has a liability limit of 1 million dollar than that's what your boat will be. There will be a premium increase for the liability extension though. If you need anymore help, please PM me. I would be more than happy to help. Grant
  19. Hello all, Could any of you give me a tutorial on how to upload pics here. I have my camera set on email size and they are in JPEG format and they are still too big. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really appreciate the help. Grant
  20. Great report and great pics.... I love when the ladies consume their time with booze. They tend to leave you alone.. LOL!
  21. I had been looking forward to this weekend for a couple of months now. It's an annual get together of friends for a weekend of drinking and relaxing. My friend Keith and I don't drink, so we usually spend the weekend fishing. We had a real productive weekend, landing somewhere in the neighbourhood of 30 largies, 1 smallie and 3 walleye. The funny part of the story is that as we were getting off the highway I noticed a rather large dam to my right and I instantly thought "There has to be walleye in there". I canvased some of the locals and they were adimant that there was no way I would catch any this time of year. Being the hard head that I am, I decided not to listen to them. I went and bought some minnows and large leeches and made my way down to the dam. Within 30 mins I landed my first wally and landed another 2 in the next hour and snapped 2 off. So much for the locals theory. Nonetheless, the weekend was a blast, the fish were biting and most of all I wasn't working. I would like to give a special thanks to Bucketmouth Johnny for guiding me to some awesome spots on the harbour. Our weekend would have been as productive without your advice. It was much appreciated.
  22. Hey Bucket..... Nice pics and great report. Hope to see you on Honey Harbour soon....
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