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Everything posted by mcallister.grant

  1. I watched my grandfather die of lung cancer and he suffered a lot. My thought and prayers are with your uncle.
  2. I love the way all politicians involved seem very concerned and that they strongly feel that someting has to be done right away. The botome line is, this issue has exisisted sinece 1977 and nothing has been done about it. In following that trend, it will take another 30 years to rectify it. We have to start using preventative measures instead of reactive measures. Stop the problem before it starts and there is no problem! Thanks for the article.
  3. Very nice pics Brandon! I have actually been there (Mount Baker). I was there in the winter though. It's completely covered in snow. I would love to go back and experience what you did. Very nice!
  4. Cool pic of the spederweb!!!! It really explained the "middle of nowhere" effect.
  5. Cool pic of the spederweb!!!! It really explained the "middle of nowhere" effect.
  6. Great report and cool video. I now this may come across as a stupid question but hear me out. Did you shoot the video with your camera or camcorder? The reason I ask is that I can shoot short video with my camera. Thanks!
  7. Awesome report!!! Looks like the second day made up for the first!!!!
  8. I never fished the bog myself; but good luck to ya!
  9. Awesome report and nice pics!!! Welcome to the board and keep those reports coming!
  10. I find it amazing how a few idiots can ruin the fun for everyone. Do you know if the gill netters and robbers were apprehended? Thanks for the report, I am sure you had a blast.
  11. Great report guys!! Looks like you had a lot of fun!!!
  12. Great pics and report!!! Glad you had fun out there!!!
  13. Congrats my friend!!! I am sure you deserved it!!!
  14. Great point to remember! My good friend's wife drowned several years ago. She was a very accomplished swimmer. Regardless of how skilled you are; you never know what's going to happen. Please take every precaution so this does not happen again. My toughts and prayers are with their family.
  15. Do you think there is chance of seeing it in Toronto? Or will the only thing falling be dead birds from the astrnomically (no pun intended) low air quality index?
  16. About a month ago I was night fishing for wallys and the guy next to me landed 3 skis in 2 hours. He was using a suspending Husky Jerk along weed lines. Albeit, I am not familiar with the area. Good luck nonetheless!
  17. Awespme pics man!!!!! Looks like you guys had a blast. Congrats!!
  18. I was inspecting a clients home yesterday and he had a hummingbird feeder. I looked out and there was a hummingbird feeding. I have seen that a million times but this was a little different. His/her (politically correct) wings were not moving. I thought it was pretty neat, so I thought I would share it with everyone.
  19. Hey Lew, Cool pics. Are they there each and every year?
  20. Great pics Rick. Looks like the young lad is getting the hang of posing for pics. He'sgot the technique down pat!! Very nice!
  21. Great report!!! Regardless of size, it'still action!!! Nice perch BTW.
  22. As per usual, I will be making my way to some lock or dam in search of the notorious walleye. That will take me to 3 or 4 am and I will spend the rest of the weekend with my wife and son. Maybe go to Taste of the Danforth. They have great food down there BTW. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!!
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