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Everything posted by gone_fishin

  1. for perch and crappie, you cant beat the old live minnow!!!
  2. i started off with the MarCum VX-1... sold that for a MarCum LX-5 (top of the line for MarCum)... just sold that a month ago for a Vexilar FL-20 (Top of the line for vexilar). the detail on a Vex (especially in deep water) cannot be beaten by the other companies. don't be fooled by the "power output" by MarCum and Humminbird... I've had my (old) MarCum LX-5 beside the Vex Fl-18 in 115 FOW on Simcoe, and the Fl-18 has a WAY better reading than the MarCum. Also, i've found that there is little to no difference from the Marcum LX-5 and the Humminbird Ice 55 except for the LCD display... Take it from someone who has tried all of the Top models from each company... I'm going with the VEX!!! but that being said... any flasher is better than no flasher!!!!!
  3. ain't that the truth!!! LOL!!! Next will be the portable hut, then the Vex, then the power auger... HAHAHA!!! Been there done that!!! Bring on the ICE!!!
  4. jealous of the ice fishing for sure!!! can't wait to get out myself! next week i'm hoping - for some JACKFISH of my own!!! LOL!
  5. froze over last night!
  6. here's a quick question... how are the Bills fans to Patriots fans??? LMAO... I'm going to the game in Buffalo on the 20th (next week). I'll be wearing my Welker jersey... and i'll be with 2 other hardcore Pats fans... hahaha. Can't wait! Still haven't gone to a Sabres game, but i will! especially since we can't get tickets for a reasonable price up here...
  7. LMAO. i was just gonna say... even with a boat, good luck getting there, cause Frenchman's is frozen over now. there was a little tugger out there today breaking the ice, even he got stuck and had to turn around back to the marina.
  8. 4 inches... what are you waiting for? lol. i was on 3 inches last year on Simcoe over 110 fow. floater suit was worn obviously.
  9. Awesome Year buddy! Love the pictures! been a while since we fished together, maybe some hardwater action this winter, eh?
  10. Those are some truly amazing fish!!! but how come the tails are cut off in all of the pictures... i think you need a new camera man... and i'm just the guy for the job!!! when's the next trip?
  11. Thanks Guys! It's been an awesome year to say the least!!! me and my buddy explored a lot of new water, and caught fish on most, if not all of the lakes we fished! Now... BRING ON THE ICE!!! I've got a new Power Auger and Vex to try out!!! LOL. There are some monsters in there... just wish i could find them in the winter... LOL. the ones in my pictures were between 13 and 14.5 inches... so, probably around a pound and a half or so... if i remember correctly, you are a Bills fan (unfortunate)... but i'm coming down to Buffalo to see the Bills/Pats game on the 20th of this month... Can't wait!!! GO PATS GO!!! Will do buddy, maybe we can hit the ice again this winter! That's the funniest thing i've heard all day!!! HAHAHA!!!
  12. Sparrow Lake... Birthday Weekend... Multi-species... More Musky... Some Scugog Bass... Back to Musky... Stupid Stony Smallie Rice Lake Smallies More Musky... And.... my latest BoQ Walleye... Throughout the Softwater season i kept track of the Musky and Walleye that i caught... i am up to 55 Walleyes (not including the ones caught through the ice) and 18 musky... didn't bother counting bass or pike... i fished more than 20 different lakes this year also. Hope you enjoyed the pictures...
  13. Well, i guess it's ALMOST that time of year to put away the Softwater gear and start looking forward to the Hardwater season... I've still got at least 1 more trip to the BoQ planned before things ice up though. anyways... on to the good stuff... Winter 2009 provided some awesome Simcoe Lakers and Whities... Also got into some good multi-species action out on the BoQ... couple eaters... and of course... the fish of a lifetime! On to the open water... Some GTA Pike action... Then i decided that i had enough of shore fishing all the time, so i bought myself a boat... Lake Scugog Crappies... i guess we wont be able to take a feed like this anymore... now with the limit of 30. BoQ / Lake Ontario Pike and Walleye... Some more Quinte Country fish... multi-species... On to the Mighty Musky...
  14. Well, this may just be the most ridiculous thread that i have ever read... LOL. A fisherman not wanting to fish during, quite possibly the best time of the year to fish... less boat traffic, No cottagers or PWC/power boats... Also, the vast majority of anglers out at this time of year are True Sport-fishermen! i don't see ANY harm in extended fall seasons... that being said, i am really looking forward to fishing the kawarthas late fall next year!!!
  15. how about you think about it this way... how many lakes in Zone 17 have Pike in them... aside from Balsam, cause i don't think it will fly with a CO that you're actually fishing for Pike there... i could be wrong, but it's a far cry from first... most of the lakes that do have a fishable population of pike, they have more or less taken over the lake... at least taken over in the sense that most (or all) of the musky are gone. take Dalrymple and Canal as examples... the musky are nearly extinct in these lakes, if not already extinct. sure you'll catch some OOS bass, but that will be no different to any other lakes where Pike are open before Bass (which is everywhere i can think of). a couple things i don't totally agree with on the new changes are as follows: limit on Crappie... they are an invasive species to these lakes (welcomed by some, not by others), and the gov't has acknowledged that fact... so why put a limit on them, when these fish will obviously impact the other sport fish in these lakes??? also, why put a slot on Sunfish and not Perch? if you can only keep 30 Sunfish over 7.1 inches... why not make a similar rule for Perch? for example: if the limit is 50 Perch, only 10 can be over 10 inches... when i was young we would catch a lot of big perch in Rice lake, but now i haven't seen a 10 or 11 inch perch out of there in years. And the positives... i love the new slot for Walleye... in years to come there will be some MONSTERS in the kawarthas... everything over 20 inches has to go back... that means every fish in there right now that is already at that size can not be harvested or even kept to be mounted and will only get bigger!!! also, all the cigars have to go back giving them a chance to grow to at least reasonable eating size! and the raised legal musky size is great too... looking forward to fishing some of these lakes this winter!
  16. tell him gone_fishin said hi... haven't heard from him in a while either!
  17. i think the limits for sunfish are there for Rice lake alone... Bluegills and Pumpkinseeds are the 2 most sought after species in Rice Lake, believe it or not... Thousands of Americans come up every year and take home coolers full of them. i think the limit is in place to restrict how many they are taking home, but still not deter them from coming up here.
  18. that's actually an interesting thought... it's been open for walleye forever... LOL... will it be closed now??? my assumption is that it will be an exception in the regs... likely the same slot for the rest of the kawarthas... but will be open from Jan 1st to last day of Feb. but i guess crappie will still be open (open year round)... maybe??? i'd like to get a copy of the new regs before Jan 1st just so i can see the exceptions for Zone 17.
  19. Aint that the truth!!! That's all i've done this year since the June opener... 15 Skis later, and i still can't get enough!!! not looking forward to the kawartha closer this weekend! Nice Fish by the way! and awesome first post! welcome to the board!
  20. it's a suction cup mount... i recommend rigging up something else to hang the transducer off the transom, because the suction cup sucks (pun intended, LOL)... as for the unit itself, it's "ok" at best. you'll get the depths, and you'll get a temp reading... your best bet to "marking fish" is to turn off the "fish ID" option and use the raw sonar readout. it's an alright unit to use for ice fishing as well, set the transducer on a "T" shaped mount and stick it down your hole... again, use the raw sonar, not the fish ID. but as for Pike at that time of year... they will be in the shallows... they spawn very shortly after ice out in shallow bays... depending on the lake, probably less than 6 fow... which makes the fish finder kinda useless.
  21. second saturday in May for eyes. first saturday in June for skis.
  22. but if it is indeed a four stroke with that kind of torque... up against a 2 stroke... that's pretty impressive!
  23. i've got a pair of Rocky gloves that have done the job for the last few years... waterproof, thinsulate, hunting/camo pattern... Very warm!
  24. Blake's goal was just a spinorama... he didn't actually lift the puck up off the ice... he used that move twice last year.
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