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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Has happened many many times to me on Fly in trips. Pike hitting a walleye I'm reeling in. Up at the cottage in Bobcaygeon it's Muskie. Musky hitting a smallie or walleye I'm reeling in. Plus I catch at least 1 muskie every summer fishing for bluegills. Those are fun because I'm only using 4LB line then.
  2. Looks like our cottage in Bobcaygeon Lew. Our neighbour actually has a natural pond and there are ducks every spring. We buy corn and feed them so they get quite tame. If they are around when I'm BBQing they waddle right over to me looking for handouts. Hell they have even came right up on our porch and looked in the screen door to see if any one will come out and spread some more corn around the yard
  3. Yeah I know we have had snow in May before...BUT... this is a little outside what I have ever seen this time of year. I don't think I have ever had to actually shovel snow this late in the year. Generally this time of year the snow melts as soon as it falls or whatever actually covers the ground isn't enough to bother getting the shovel out for. I'm chomping at the bit to get the veggie garden going and my fig trees out of the cold cellar and into the yard, but mother nature is not doing her part Edit to add. Thx again for the garlic cloves you gave me last fall Bruce. That and my Rhubarb are the only things I have going so far. Both are poking out of the ground looking for the sun.
  4. WTH !!!! Is this really April? Most years I have my veggie garden tilled in March. Sometimes even have early stuff planted in March....but I ALWAYS have stuff planted by the first week of April....until this year. My tiller hasn't even been out of the garage yet Strange year when the warmest weather we have had for 2018 so far was in February
  5. Well done Bruce!!! I'm hoping to find some open water up this way on the weekend.
  6. Good job Simon. I was quicker...less then 2 minutes a fish when I used my manual knife...now a little slower since I started using an electric. I found if I was trying to go too fast with the electric I was making mistakes...going through backbones and generally messing up a few fillets on every batch. I was way faster with the electric but mangling fillets was something I hated so I slowed down. BTW I see your using the cat litter bucket lined with a garbage bag like I do. It really is great for that isn't it.
  7. Sorry to hear Bruce. Hopefully your recovery is quick and it doesn't interfere with spring planting too much.
  8. Used to do overnighters in Floyd Hales huts out of Beaverton. My best memories are of being in the hut when the sun came up. It's just so peaceful out there that time of the day. Went for the fishing but the whole experience almost made the fishing secondary. Enjoy your day and good luck at getting into a nice feed of perch.
  9. Sounds and looks like a great day indeed. Jealous you got your mom out. My mom is very outdoorsy but never shown any interest in fishing so I gave up years ago asking if she wanted to tag along. Also I see the GF cutting a hole in the last picture. Train one to cut holes and the other to drag your stuff out. What a perfect threesome Enjoy those lakers. I'm not a big laker fan for table fare...but the ones that size are actually quite tasty.
  10. LOL. Beat me to it Brian. And BTW Lew just so you get the full effect I'll let you drag all my stuff out
  11. First off happy belated 50th Birthday Meely. They did a nice job on the mount particularly if that was from the picture you showed our little group in the fall. Never realized Tony was your net man for that fish. Lucky you got it in the boat. I also think you owe Zen a nice evening out for such a meaningful and thoughtful birthday gift. I'm assuming it will be on the wall in the "Manor" somewhere.
  12. Welcome back Roy. It hasn't been the same in here without you. I hope all is well.
  13. Cliff if you do the Grand Canyon I highly recommend a fly over package. Been to "Lost Wages " twice. First visit we did the fly over in a Cesna I believe....3 of us plus the pilot and our second trip it was the only thing I insisted that I do again. And if I ever go again I will be flying through the Canyon again. Another thing I have always wanted to do in Vegas. They use to have a barber shop called "A little off the top" All the girls who cut your hair where topless. That ones still on my bucket list
  14. Can't swing it this winter Cliff....but next winter when I'm retired and the boss is still working....I'd be all over this offer. Somebody take this man up on his offer. You WILL have a great road trip. Safe travels and good luck fishing Cliff.
  15. Glad to hear you got out again Cliff. Over the last few years I have found several perch spots that are now over run with herring. Most times I don't mind as I prefer any action to no action...but damn it's frustrating sometimes when the herring are so thick that you can't even get your bait through them to the bottom to try and get a perch
  16. Thanks for sharing this Chris. Great to hear someone with a passion... working up the nerve...rolling up there sleeves and jumping in with both feet to give it a go. Best of luck to Jason and his lady on this journey.
  17. I had hernia surgery many years ago in the fall. My exit wound when they where done was a cut about 2 inch across. A week was all I could wait before I had to do something other then sitting on my butt at home. Packed my gear and walked a local creek for some steel. Some muddy banks and steep climbing along the way. Just took it slow ...and I mean slow.... no problems. Couple days go by and I loaded up the boat to hit a fall perch spot solo on Simcoe which involves launching the boat into a creek and rowing out to deeper water before I can use the motor. Survived that as well. The next week I'm going to climb a ladder and clean rain gutters on the roof at the cottage. Two steps up the ladder was all I made. Got a stabbing pain that told me climbing a ladder was a very bad idea so I stopped and waited a month or so before I tried again. No problems my second stab at climbing a ladder. Take it slow and listen to what your body tells you worked for me.
  18. I still have my 14ft tinny with a 15HP....but I use it less and less every year. At the cottage I have found so many good shore fishing spots that I never even took it up there this past summer. Have really gotten to enjoy jumping in the car in the morning or after supper in the evening and driving less then 10 minutes...fishing for 2-4 hours and then heading back home. Tomkat maybe you have shore opportunities close by for yourself as well. Give it a try if you do...you might end up enjoying it as much as I do.
  19. Yes, Happy New Year. Good health and good times to all.
  20. Check your Pm's Dutch. I'm going somewhere tomorrow as the boss is working. Can't stay home on a free fishing day.
  21. I enjoy both....but one of my favourites is walking out on the ice solo after an overnight snowfall and being the first set of tracks out on the new snow.
  22. Interesting Bruce. But to my understanding a steam pan should only be used during the first 10 minutes or so of baking...so do you remove the pan after that time or only add enough ice cubes or water so they evaporate in 10 minutes? Also my understanding is that when I'm baking in my cast iron pot with the lid left on during most of the baking time the lid serves the same purpose as a steam tray....trapping in the moisture to help make an awesome crust.
  23. I never noticed this the first time through or I would have commented then. When I do my no knead bread in the cast iron pot in the oven the bottom of the loaf would get over done a little. If you have totally corrected this with changing your oven temps then you have no need to read further. However if your still playing with it I would suggest putting an empty baking sheet on the rack under the rack your loaf is on. This has worked really well for me to solve the overcooked bottom of the loaf.
  24. Awesome the next morning for french toast to Brian!!!!
  25. Yep....been making no knead bread for a numbers of years now. Our favourite is a loaf with sliced kalamati olives baked into it. Betcha can't have just one slice.
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