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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. My fav boxed coating is still the original "Fish Crisp"...for the perch, crappie & bluegills I keep. Shore lunch is good too. There Cajun is really good on Pork Chops, which I found out by accident. I didn't like it on fish so I tried it on Pork Chops to use it up. It didn't last long after that
  2. Many cheap rods...like my cherrywoods...have more then enough sensitivity to detect even the lightest bites. Many cheaper rods with this trait however do not have much backbone...which is fine for walleye...hence my chinny/muskie comment. BTW I don't target muskies or chinneys, I was just using them as examples. Burning drag has nothing to do with my chinny/muskie comment either. I merely ment a cheap rod can last for years with proper use and care. A cheap reel....not so much...so spent a little more on the reel because it will stand up better. We are 100% in agreement on the line however.
  3. Have had 2 Berkley Cherrywood's for over 15 years. A 5foot 10 inch one pc and a 6 foot 10 inch 2 pc rod. Except for trolling they have handled all my walleye fishing and I have never ever had the urge to "upgrade". I mean where talking walleye not muskie or chinnies right. Good line and a decent reel are far more important in my books. Don't go cheap there.
  4. Thx for posting that Ron. It sounds like the way of the future for tournaments. It's a WIN WIN WIN from all angles as far as I can see.
  5. Not my style, nor is it in my snack bracket... but a beautiful place none the less. If you got it...spend it and enjoy it...you can't take it with you.
  6. Just pokin fun with Tony & Meely. Somebody help the big guy out.
  7. Quiet Tony....who's gonna supply me with Muskie Steaks if he gets rid of the gaff
  8. Now that put a smile on my face If you posted that story on here before Lew I must have missed it.
  9. Pretty much how I have felt on the topic since day one as well.
  10. Nice to come on here and hear of things like that. One of the main reasons I'm still here. Good on you Art. You just gave someone a priceless gift. Spiel now we wanna see some fish porn with one of your new lures stuck in it's yap.
  11. Cliff you smooth talker. You had me at The 4 of us will HAVE to get together for some serious discussions about this.
  12. My grandparents where snowbirds. Packed up and headed South to Zephyrhills Florida at the end of November and came back in April. Went down to visit a few times and even spend Xmas there one year. They where in a mobile home seniors park. I really liked it even as a kid...and have alway had it in the back of my mind that SOMEDAY I'd like to do the same. Retirement is getting closer...ever so slowly...but closer, so I have been giving it some more thought lately. Thought I would throw this out to any OFC'ers who might have some first hand knowledge of areas down there. Not looking for anything fancy. Just something small clean and affordable. To rent or own. Gotta be close to or on water...for fishing OF COURSE. Inland water or the Ocean..doesn't matter, and close to other things as well. Don't need to be in a highly populated area...but we don't want to be in the boonies either. Any insight would be appreciated and PM if you wish. Thx to all for any help.
  13. I think salt water fish tastes better....but I never have it at home. At home I eat what I catch. It provides me with an excuse to get out and enjoy the outdoors and the chance to get a feed of fish. If I lived near the ocean I know I would eat alot less fresh water fish, cause I would have the chance to fish salt water species.
  14. Hope your journey is a good one splashhopper, Sounds like you had a great friend/mentor. However I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of not having the will/desire to fish Somedays the will to do chores,go to work or even shave isn't there...but no will to go fishing...never. Trudge along and make the best of it. You only got one life so get out and enjoy it. And for God's sake get out and fish
  15. Randy I think your Tilt a whirl is brilliant. Now I'm HOPING to have a mouse/rat problem just so I can Red Green me up one of those gizmoe's
  16. Good going Emil.I gotta get out sometime and try that just once,love the colors on those fish. But I have to tell you I would be firing the crew you got there. That's 2 posts in a row where you showed them sleeping on the job. Thx for sharing.
  17. Thx for the heads up. I'll be looking forward to the report and pictures.
  18. I'm with you on that statement....perch are my fav. Pretty much always have some in my freezer...but I'm keeping less these days cause the kids are moved out. I also have a few feeds of other species like walleye,crappie, bluegills, whitefish and smelt throughout the year. I have been missing out on a feed of creek specs for years now. Love those tasty little buggers...just don't have any close by spots to hit anymore.
  19. My wife is a bank manager. She told both our kids to be extra cautious when dealing with any fitness club other then community ones. For years she has been witness to customers getting screwed in many ways by "FitnessClubs". And it seems one is no better then the other...all the major clubs seem to play games when it comes to the money end of things.
  20. That made me chuckle ...and watch the video again. Never saw an "EYE" though
  21. Heading for the cottage tonight. Is this going to be going on tonight...Friday... as well? I'll make sure I am down at my fav bridge to get a good view.
  22. I used Fox Pee in my garden for years to keep coons & squirrels out of my sweet corn. I read about it in a gardening magazine once and gave it a try. Works better then anything else I tried to keep coons and squirrels out of my corn. I imagine it would have the same effect on mice. Occasionally after several "pops" I would just go and whizz it the corn patch myself, but that's a whole other topic of conversation
  23. That wasn't a meteor Lew. It was my alarm clock that I shot out of bed when it woke me up for work this morning
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