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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I go out on early ice and have never been rescued either. I take it pretty seriously Shayne and I think you know that. I however think everyone needs one freebie because stuff can happen. I could be out on marginal ice and some idiot could pass between my shore access on a machine and weaken the ice or it could just crack and shift on its own and I could go for a swim when I'm trying to get off. I understand where your frustration comes from with regards to people making really bad decisions. However that's what these services are for. Say your not very handy but you decide to do some home renos. You end up having an accident with a power tool and have to call for help. At the same time some kid dies because they came to help you instead of going there first. Or your a smoker and you fall asleep watching the TV and your butt starts a fire... and while the fire crew is at your place another accident happens somewhere else and someone croaks because there dealing with a fire set by a moron who fell asleep with a lit cigarette. Do you see my point? I just can't see how you can enforce payment for a rescue if some are deemed good rescues and some are deemed bad based on people's poor decisions? I think the only way they could do it fairly would be to make every rescue pay...and that is one big slippery slop. That is why I made the suggestion of one free rescue and then you pay and lose your license. To me a repeat offence demonstrates your unwillingness to take proper safety measures. A first offense might be an honest mistake or a poor decision...but a second offence...clearly you didn't learn anything the first time around. And my suggestion for a license removal is to try and keep this idiot from passing this behavior onto others. You are correct and it might not stop him from going out...but then again it might. I try to respect the law and I know if I had my license taken away I wouldn't be going out again. At the very least maybe the bozo will disregard the law and fish but maybe he will have enough decency to go alone rather then take someone else which would also keep them from passing on bad decision making. It's a complex problem for sure and I'm not in a position to change anything. It's just unfortunate when this stuff happens.
  2. I was out there Dec 29th..all the way to the island. Solid ice and no slush anywhere I walked...except for the triangle crack that always seems to form out from the right tip of the island. Although I admit it was a little thin. I was with a friend who came up from New York. We stayed together and took all the precautions. There was no open water anywhere. It was overcast with little wind that day and it was -4 or -6 for the daytime high and our open holes where freezing over if we left them too long. Also we got there first thing in the morning and there was tracks from people who had been out the day before and a group of 4 was already out in the 22-24 depth of water. The next day the temps warmed up and I have not been on Cooch since. Not sure what point your trying to make Brian.
  3. I agree with you 100% Mike. Well to a point. First time rescue should be covered. Everyone should get one mulligan. But that bonehead on Simcoe last year talking about this being the 3rd time for him..I say he should be money out of his pocket. And take away his fishing license for life.
  4. I never really gave it much thought. Once I have made the decision to keep the fish in my mind I guess I already consider it dead because I have made the decision that it is now food. I have seen nature shows where animals are ripping apart there prey while it is still alive. It is what it is. If your going to release the fish I say do everything possible to get it back in the water as quickly as possible. If you have made the decision to keep it for food, well then however you proceed from there on out is up to you.
  5. I've had 2 sick days since I started working full time in 1981. And I never went fishing...I was sick. However I used to have weekdays off work and I took both my son and daughter at different times ...out of school to go fishing with dad. I don't recall ever notifying the school.
  6. McGyverism at it's best I don't have a heater though. If I'm chilly I just put on another sweater
  7. Best of luck to you . As others have mentioned, losing weight is easy. I know I have lost about 300LBS since I was a teenager. Unfortunately I have gained pretty much all of it back. The hard part for me anyway if maintaining the weight loss. I wish you all the best with that. The last time around I lost 97LBS in 3 months, with proper eating and excercise. I have got about 50 of that back
  8. I'm good again...thx Roy and Beansie. Could someone send me a PM so I can see if that is working. 24 hours not being able to log onto here. I thought I was going to die
  9. I hear what your saying and I used to agree until my son started playing soccer. Saw tons of inconsiderate people partially blocking people's driveways with there parked cars bacause they where do lazy to park around the corner and walk 100yds. Same happens in ice fishing scenario's. If I had some idiot block my driveway once or park in such a way that it made it difficult for me see oncoming traffic while going in our out of my own driveway..I'd be the first person phoning to have people towed. I don't think you can blame the residents for wanting safe access to and from there own driveways. And I won't even talk about the trash some idiots leave behind. I believe the municipality should be solving the problem by adding safe parking options. On Hadden Rd they could certainly find space to put in parking somewhere and some garbage pails while they are at it.
  10. Exactly how I feel. I'd love to see buildings full of empty seats and find Cherry has been ranting to a non existent TV audience. I can promise I will do my part.
  11. You got out and enjoyed the day and brought home a feed of fish. Sounds like a good day to me If you really enjoy site fishing the perch as I do...get yourself a portable hut. I sit in there and sight fish all day. The darkness of the hut with the windows closed is perfect for this. I was doing that yesterday at Port Bolster. 26FOW and you could see your lure on bottom as plain as day. It's much more comfortable then laying face down on the ice.
  12. Good going FF We had the same results there yesterday. I came home with 33 quality fish... nothing under 10 inches. 50 would have been easy as I threw back quite a few good keepers. We where getting a real good bite when we came off at 2:30. Hated to leave but I had enough fish and had to get home. That walk was brutal on that busted up ice. I'm still feeling it this morning
  13. The Oshawa store is nice. Not much in there I really need so I rarely go. Like Lew my wife got some cloths at a good discount the other day. The staff have always been helpful when either of us have went in. I got no problem having more options around here for when I wanna buy something.
  14. Last one of those I had was at Western in the Elbow Room...circa 1981. My god that brings back memories.
  15. 4-5 inches here in Oshawa. That's enough for me. Relax around the fire Roy and wait for Wiarton Willie to tell you it's safe to come out.
  16. Thank You Lew and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, your family and everyone here as well. All the best CPH
  17. Looks good Brian. Debbe insists on Turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am with you on the ham though,but I've got the rest of the year to fit my ham and scalloped potatoes in.
  18. IMHO....It's not about liking it better at xmas Roy..it's about something different to celebrate the season. I only eat shortbread cookies this time of the year too and my sister makes the best. But i would never think of having them in July.
  19. That's what the rums for Wayne. Dummies down all that nasty stuff
  20. That is 100% what I'm talking about. For future reference though...omit the foot pictures Nice marigolds though
  21. Wormdunker if you love Ceasar's I have a suggestion for a garish that is way better then the standard celery stalk. Get a good dill pickle...vlasic's Zesty dill is my fav and slice it length wise almost all the way through...wooden cloth pin effect...and stick that mother over the edge of your rimmed glass. Now THAT is a Ceasar garnish.
  22. X4. Craig have you tried the Silver spiced Captain Morgans. I have not., but I know many travelers who are very happy it is available in Canada now. I will wait to try it with my homegrown mint in Mojitos in the summer at the cottage. As far as the rum and eggnog goes...don't ever forget the nutmeg either
  23. Sounds like you have already made up your mind Bernie. Flip hydro the bird and go have some fun tinkering around If I had the option at my cottage I'd love to explore going off the grid.
  24. Some here are questioning this. Having worked 4 different 12 hour shift variations. I can tell you that this rotation is by far the best for your health in my opinion. Every time you walk out the door at work you come back in on the opposite shift after your days off. It sounds brutal but here is why it is better and has been proven to be better. The old standard is a static 2 week rotation of days and then a 2 week rotation of nights. It's all cookies and cream for your 2 weeks of days. Then you hit nights. Your body tries to adjust to nights for your 2 or 3 working shifts and then tries to adjust back to days on your days off in between then back to nights for your next 2 or 3 shifts then back to days etc etc until you get through your 2 weeks of that rotation. Switching it up means you tough it out for your 2 or 3 working nights and then your body is on days for a week. This was my 4 week rotation. Is yours anything similar G? S-off M-days T-days W-off Th-off F-nights Sat-nights S-nights M-off T-off W-days Th-days F-off Sat-off S-off M-nights T-nights W-off Th-off F-days Sat-days S-days M-off T-off W-nights Th-nights F-off Sat-off If you look at it and think about it you will notice the benefits. You work your nights shifts and then your body gets to go back on days for an entire WEEK. Then you work your nights and your body gets to go back on days again for an entire week. The only time your body is really on nights is while you are working. When our company proposed this rotation we ALL hated the idea. No one wanted to do it. The company was sure it was a better choice so they agreed that we could try it for 6 months and then vote on whether to continue with it or go back to the old 2 weeks days/nights rotation. After 6 months we voted and I was one of the workers on the floor who got to count the votes. Only 3 people wanted to go back to the old rotation. If your rotation is the same or something similar G..you have the best 12 hour rotation out there IMHO.
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