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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Love the bird shot. We don’t have any like that here. not that I have seen. Good shot, where it ever it was.
  2. A few more in my garden. Great shots you have 3Nancy3. Welcome to the board.
  3. I have a New Nikon B500 and a B300 and also collect cameras. i have a few the oldest is a 1904 Kodak with a bellows. I have few Brownies from the 50s i thnk I do like close up nature shots . . .
  4. What is going on? i reply and get quoted and it’s posted?
  5. Fred did not eat it! You may have other varmints! This is out of my realm to think that a tomato goes missing in the middle of the night. Terry! Just joking . . I have tomatoes, zucchini, peppers (very hot) Swiss chard, Basil, parsley . . The only thing I have lost is my beans (rabbit) some lettuce (same rabbit) I like him so he is safe. I have lost a rabbit to a fox, head was across the street, leg in my driveway. They were driven out hopefully by a guy cutting his bushes and found their den.
  6. Nice catch, I took two of my grandkids at the Isabella St pier last Friday and they caught dinky perch.
  7. A River runs rhough it, just like the one we know down the hill.
  8. Should have brought the speedos and went swimming. we are having rain steady flow. Beach fishing?
  9. You could have come down to Lefroy and danced on the pier with us, because there were no fish anywhere near it. Jet skiis and water skiers golore.
  10. Glad to have you back Mr Blizzard (Albert, Woody town) have no clue on what you are having problems with. Say dog sled could help? Just kidding man. My mechanic closed is shop after 33 years today. I was a client for 30. A true friend, better than my doctor. He would bend over backwards helping with repairs to make sure it was done right and cost effective. I will miss him. Now to find another when my Jeep gets older.
  11. When this is over we can stand on top of the cliff.
  12. Hwy 27 and Rutherford, North east side, yes that would have been quite the drop. All homes now and the ones on the cliff are pricy!
  13. I now sit on the fifth hole of his golf course. Loved watching him. When he owned the course I heard from a reliable source that he would ride a golf cart down Clarence while tipsy and go get pears at a house near Hwy 7. He also sold Christmas trees at Bathurst and St Clair for a few years. kinda like Mr B, happy go lucky type of a guy.
  14. Condo life! Probably hidden in maintenance fees but still a good deal. Gas was 293. Gas water heater and stove going all of the time.
  15. $26 for a month? What in that smoker of yours? How do you get that. Our delivery charge is double that alone.
  16. Strap on a 327 4-speed, that 55lb stuff is for sissies.
  17. Well done, had Reno’s at my place last year, helped but not totally involved except the plumbing, my brother is master plumber and guide me.
  18. Little mouse traps just scare them I would not use a rat trap , we also have rabbits.
  19. No just reg. Mouse ones, just shock them and when the hook they take them away
  20. Round zucchini I grew for the first time.
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