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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Thanks for making me 15! I started in the trade at age 18. That shot was one of many taken for a graphic art show booth. I was 21.
  2. Lew, we are came from the same ‘boat’. You in the navy and me from across the ocean in 1960. Respect and family. We can’t go wrong. hopefully we see our kids do well and carry on our values. The Canadian way.
  3. i appreciate your wishes. having family and friends appreciate my accomplishments is all I could ask for. Advertising is a close family affair, my daughter took it like fish to water and I was the “guide.” We all have rough times in our life but we will get through it. keep well.
  4. I have been in pain because of two fractured ribs, coming along just fine, but not there yet. Today having this tribute from my one of my daughters made the pain go away for a short while. I have always led by example and not words; in industry and family and it seems to have worked. I’m a proud parent for sure. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6730119691991347200/?midToken=AQFbaIZtKKPWZA&midSig=3xJ1GhMGAR4pw1&trk=eml-email_notification_single_mentioned_you_in_this_01-notifications-1-hero~card~feed&trkEmail=eml-email_notification_single_mentioned_you_in_this_01-notifications-1-hero~card~feed-null-pi6zd~kh4wuv4z~rj-null-voyagerOffline
  5. You are 55? Terry must be 50! B, as long as we get a break it all helps us. Not much it will help. Call me sir, call me anytime you want my friend. my teachers were my mentors and yes they got old and passed away yet . My fishing Stuff will be going to my boys. And then it will be OLD stuff! Who wants old stuff. I have books for you to enjoy Fly-tying examples, when this crap is over! be careful my firiend.
  6. I’ll kill you when I see you again. I cannot laugh sneeze... Three fractured ribs by following Drs orders, nearly killed me. We all need to have an experience. May be good in two weeks. Warn Terry on the size. He may not want to pull the Smitty.
  7. I’M NOT ADVERTISING COSTCO, just passing on information I have been a member for many, many years, My gas bill savings are great and pays for my membership year after year. Since this virus started in March I noticed when getting gas that consumers were coming out with carts full at 9 and website stated open at 10!!!! WTH. Went at 9 yesterday and same thing and asked when does this location open? 8 am for seniors! hey I’m one of those. Went back today at 8 and was done at 8:20. If you are a member take advantage of the hours. ONLY as a senior. They are now having limits of paper products but the rest of the items are open to all. you can go back twice if you want. BUT be RESPONSIBLE on hoarding items, we need to help our neighbours too. Share, please we are are all human. Keep well, we need to overcome this situation.
  8. That would not be “pretty“. Last time I saw him he was dressed. Be careful in those close quarters; those ice fishing rods are short but deadly in confined spaces.
  9. Don’t worry Terry, I looked it up waders only come in the long chest model. You're safe.
  10. Planning on making small rugs for the cabin?
  11. We had a small pumpkin on our bistro table by the front door. I gave it a mask and our little ones said It looked great., today squirrels all over that table. Cut a huge hole in it! Moved it under a tree and they can finish it off.
  12. Let’s not rush in to killing ourselves. And some surely will. I have fig trees in my yard until Nov 15!!
  13. well I did resend it. I missed the "review" part the first time and when done again I did get an email :)
  14. Great system, why is the hydro system so divided? Yes I understand free market values, but this is what most of us need on a daily basis like natural gas and gasoline for transportation. For years I made it a point not to drive one day a week, now I only try to drive only one day a week. maybe the letters for the rest of us are late!!!!
  15. they don't want you to know I guess and lock you in for TOU ! It was stated in a press conference, they said early on that it would end in October; with no follow up or direction/warning for us on our statements. I wonder if my registration will be allowed!!! I filled it out and no confirmation that they received it. We will see what my next statement brings.
  16. Cliff, you can’t light up fish hut for that! I’m careful too but nothing like you and the big B. We watch but small kids . . .It would be nice to have a set rate for all especially mow that most are working or locked up in our homes. I worked on an ad campaign many years ago when it was at 3 cents and they wanted to bring it to 5 cent kwh big uproar because of an election year it got cancelled. After the election it went out of control!!!! But our southern friends get it for almost nothing.
  17. Fisherman, Contact your local utility. I believe you have to register and it is province wide.
  18. You have to apply on line. Here is the link for Alectra https://webforms.alectrautilities.com/AlectraForms/fnform.aspx?ROSRC
  19. Same here, but we are still getting shafted, they sell it to the states at cost!
  20. Will they not come after you for lost years? Nothing is free these days. I’m trying next week, licence, plates and heath card. Will do a screen shot of they don’t like Me. three cases would last me three years!!!! had a 12 since Christmas and still have 5.
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