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Everything posted by Hellfish

  1. Nice report, good read. Aaron is a A+ guy thats for sure, hope he gets as successful as a pro fisherman can get he def deserves it.
  2. Sorry to hear that, but thanx for informing the people that do not know including myself. Sorry to hear about the fine but itz good to see they are doing their job
  3. I would try a finesse minnow drop shooting, around here the eyes wont touch white grubs or spinners just worms and finnesse minnows bass love em too musky maybe accidentally but u cant really count on a musky strike if fishing for bass most of the times it just kind of happens.
  4. HAHAHAH that was good, not much of a opinion here, other than a carp is a fish thats all that matters to me they might be destructive but i dont know enough either way but it seems this has just turned into a pissing match
  5. Bernie u r a class act hopefully one day ill get the pleasure to meet you.
  6. Bass fishing is so addictive, all these reports are getting me tuned for Sunday fishing Jordan harbour with the Niagara Bass Masters, senkos are great adds a new perspective to fishing ,sight fishing is almost as fun as top water.
  7. I dont think u can say enough about the WRX what a machine it is the ultimate rally mobile.
  8. That sure is a trophy i would have got the measurements and make a mount 4 sureeeeee!
  9. another great report
  10. That one was a nice bucket, nothing better than the top water bite thats for sure. Walking the dog is preety much the best technique and the most enjoyable thats for sure.
  11. WOW is all i have to say, thats remarkable. And this is your backyard???????? I dont hink i would ever work another day in my life if i lived there.
  12. Way to get on the fish sonny thats a great haul there. the walleye are def in in Crystal beach or Port colborne launch, alot of ppl are launching there and heading out to the weather buoy 2 miles i believe, have a good one.
  13. Nice Brian, glad to hear the product works, i got a med heavy rod from Ko-man-chi and used it for catfishing just to try it out and brought in the cat like it was a toy good products thats for sure. Good luck in the tourny
  14. Nice Rick, thats a good haul. Love the pic of the livewell nice touch. Also i think that is the first pic of you i have seen on the site since last year thought u were a Bot (jk)
  15. nice fish there, have to love opening day bass, no largemouth though ???
  16. i saw that to fotb kinda mind boggling???? Bots maybe for advertisments?
  17. Try hosting the pictures on a photo site like photo bucket and post the tags and u can fit more on it.
  18. Nice Hawg there, def a 5 pound fish maybe more
  19. Way to go Kevin, thats a couple good inched for team 3
  20. Those are some sweet fish there man, 4:30 eh ur nutz. Watch out fishmaster, fishindevil is on his way
  21. I would hafta agree with you, your safety first, cant help what those idiots do, but like others said make sure u arent the one in the wrong doing, meaning channels and such. this is a great topic too bad we couldnt get some of those idiots on here to explain their side of the story
  22. LOL that has to be the most canadian thing i have ever heard Nice devil those are some sweet fish there, and way to go team three
  23. A older chinnese man once said to me, \"man with hand in pocket, feels cocky.\"
  24. Those shirts are very impressive, the best part it says our names (kinda makes yafee like ya accomplished something)
  25. That site was crazy, never would have thought that poison ivey would be that bad.
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