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Everything posted by Hellfish

  1. That is truly amazing both the pics and the video, i had a run in with a group of mountain goats in Golden BC but that is common there apparently
  2. Nah getting ready to go crush the browns, shouldn't you be reassuring yourself your gods gift to this earth?
  3. Nice thats preety neat there, almost like being a proud papa Dude you truly do deserve a asshat of the year award.
  4. IMO there is no shortage of bearings for the Quantums at all have had mine replaced with no issues.
  5. down in my parts ( Niagara River) they never really stop hitting
  6. Nice, im sure I would have stashed that under my bed for a couple years instead of turning it in. Who says drug dealers dont put money into the economy
  7. I like the gamma for bottom bouncing, seems you could pull a log out with that stuff
  8. I used it for 1 trip to Port D, was standing beside Canadadude when I lost 3 fish due to breaks in the knot, dont get me wrong im no idiot and know how to wet the line before pulling the knot tight. My buddy had the same issue as well breaking at the knot. If 50 people at Port can use the pline main line as leader material and have great success I dont see why it is any different for vanish, ahhh ic its GARBAGE!!!!! OH btw has nothing to do with ignorance other than yourself
  9. Theres been a bunch of little ones getting caught right now, also there was a MONSTER pulled from our uber secret winter fishing hole or in the area anyways. Ill shoot u my number man make sure you use it. Been trying for salmon alot lately you should come on out
  10. ya dumb damn, all u have to do is call
  11. I use the perch for walleye and will try them for salmon. The paint job is fantastic, what puts it over the rapala or anything similar is the rattle I couldnt believe how loud it was, btw it did produce more walleyes than the rapala (trolling) on several occasions.
  12. well then try this, since im a ass apparently and your first post to this board is asking for ACTUAL spots, use your knowledge on where fish live to catch them. I actually was just comming back to say check your pms cause I wrote you out a good little snippet but im a and deleted it.
  13. Lake ontario shores, lake erie shore and the niagara river would be the best places to start
  14. TSN just updated there was a miscommunication and the deal is pretty much dead right now
  15. and knowing is half the battle?
  16. LOL the media does have a hold on alot of people, yes he admitted to sleeping with them in the bed sure, which by all means is WEIRD thats certainly agreed on, but other than that there is no real proof, We have people voicing their opinion but really it is not their opinion its what the media has fed to you over the years and calling it your own. I agree no grown man should sleep with little kids that are not their own but we are not talking about a "normal" grown man, your talking about someone who thinks that he himself is still a kid, he thinks he is peter pan and helping the kids which to me means he is more in the "psycosis" category than a peddie. Do you really think that if the courts thought this to be true that they would take payoffs then put more children at risk with a peddie?? I mean come on thats crazy and if you think that is true then i would like to hear more of your anomalies possibly on 911 or what about lennon?? did the US actually brain wash chapman to kill a single man who possibly had more power than the president of the united states or maybe even more power than anyone in the world at that time??? I mean its all fine and dandy to have your own opinions but when "your" opinions is what the media and the man spilled to you dont call them your own cause really it isnt yours.
  17. well said i must say. I agree with it totally, not going to go into detail but why do they think they even have the right to complain to try and change OUR culture and OUR rights something WE have been fighting for 100 years, it really perplexes me.
  18. or someone needs to head to AA
  19. Hellfish


    I think GCD has a little case of being jealous. Jealousy can make you do some stupid things. JP, cudos to you and dave both, both you guys make the 10.00 a month worth it.
  20. Thnx for all the replies guys, also it sure is a change as far as the brakes are concerned and having to remove the side plate for it. I do like the all aluminum body, but the only thing im concerned it feels like the side plate is a little loose when retrieving kinda worst a 1/4 of a mm or something other than that i cant wait to get a 30lb king on this beaut.
  21. hrmmm seems someone has been hitting the bottle extra heavy tonight
  22. I can see why they like it, going to take her for a test drive tonight for some lunge
  23. Was looking for a new baitcaster yesterday and got a decent deal on the curado 301 dsv, primarily will use it for salmonoids and lunge, Anyone have any insight on the reel? Personal experience? Just made the switch from Quantum (which is all i used b4).
  24. Thats a hog, congrats on that. BTW anyone actually target lake trout on L Ontario IMO there is no shortage of lakers what so ever. When you can get huge numbers in lakers in 1 trip to the niagara or the bar there seems to be no shortage down here near st.kitts
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