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Everything posted by Hellfish

  1. I was just going to say that buck, the bass for the most part are feeding for another week then they will go on the beds.
  2. Just thought I would share this, picked it off another board , thought it was a fantastic tool for the beginner like myself. http://dryreading.com/camera/index.html
  3. Certainly agree with that, mayweather is a excellent fighter though with a excellent coaching staff as well. Floyd being undefeated and if he gets past marquez I would LOVE to see the the old pound for pound best boxer vs the new pound for pound it would be intense. ill call it now that floyd will beat marquez then be extra cocky against manny, again manny will surprise the world of boxing.
  4. was certainly a great fight, now the real fight is going to be mayweather and pacman at the end of the year or beginning of 2010, now that should be balls out for sure.
  5. Nice Bruce gotta love those kitty's. LOL that is not good catch and release Bruce shame on you tisk tisk
  6. always remember it gets old when the same person keeps saying the same thing . Im sure if they wanted to add pictures they would have. To be honest if you want to see a picture that bad just go fill a bucket full of minnows and dump it on your table and show us a pic
  7. Spoken like a true American. Make them proud GCD
  8. Well IMO the point is to show respect for the 25 or so people that parished on that boat
  9. Hellfish


    LOL @ JEFF well, musky surely sounds fantastic but in all honesty we know you will be taking the picture of my lovely mug.
  10. Hellfish


    hello all, Well I am new to the photography world just picked up a Canon rebel xs with the 18-55mm kit. So im looking to do some amateur photography nothing tooo crazy, just looking to do some portraits, maybe some landscape and some wildlife. So im in the market for a new lens, not looking for anything too crazy just something that will fit my budget and be useful for what i need it for. Again price is a huge factor i dont need anything to crazy just some opinions. Also if anyone has any suggestions or tips with the camera or photography in general would be much appreciated. Thanx in advance
  11. Sure you could keep them no problems, just remember they prefer cold water cause of oxygen levels, other than that if you keep them in warm water just make sure there is enough oxygen
  12. I still use the 1300 ss, i have a stradic and a pti. I personally like the drag and the weight and the line-spool ration of the 1300 the best its close to 8yrs old and it sure is a workhorse.
  13. beauty perch steve, the lake is absolutley not safe anymore though i live basically on the lake and check it out everyday dont be stupid they are only perch, plus in another month or so just take the boat out and find the jacks that way.
  14. agreed. I cant fathom why anyone really cares how a fish is held ( unless held in a way that would harm the fish) and how close to the camera it is. Maybe the people who say these things are a little jealous of the picture or something i dont know.
  15. im not really sure why the banter starts about someone holding a freaking fish, i really dont get it. And if you look his arm is close to his body, the camera man is close, what does it matter though? congratulate the man on his fish and leave it at that, itz not really that hard. Nice laker btw how the heck did he fit through the hole!?!?!
  16. Snag come down this way theres plenty of smelt over here
  17. Glad to see Bruce was there for ya and got you into some, i stopped by @ 4ish but you guys were gone, man were they hammering them today. Hope they were tasty and worth the drive
  18. ziiinnngggg
  19. thats a good tourny always a good turnout, i would have though 15+lb steelie for sure would have taken it.
  20. The whirlpool is certainly below the falls, flyfishing @ queenston would be a little difficult that to say the least as was said earlier you want to hit up the glen or the whirpool with your fly rod im sure it is possible to flyfish queenston but with the amount of ppl that will be out there soon it will be nearly impossibly. If Paul or niagrafisher read this thread im sure they will chime in with some info on flyfishing the mighty niagara
  21. Sorry to hear that, it has to be one of the toughest things to do when you have to play god and shorten such a precious life, Just remember she will be waiting for you up there.
  22. LOL @Jack, this whole time i thought i was doing u a favour If u need a hand let me know bro.
  23. Niagara River Steelheaders is putting a tourny on in early December, Niagara fishing has been invited and OFC should come down as well, the derby will be held from queenston on the Lower Niagara River, all proceeds will go towards Rick . Will post details later.
  24. I have 2 quantum pts energy and absolutly love them, a little heavy but certainly a great build.
  25. sorry to hear that bruce i didnt have a clue. These charities are phenominal and do alot of good for these terminally ill children.
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