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Everything posted by Hellfish

  1. Man clear as day. I must say that the pano is pretty slick and the Bull shaking his head is bang on. Were you using a 300mm or 500mm or something similar? I am looking at the 70-200 is 2.8 but I fear once I get into such a long focal reach that I would want more. I cant stop looking
  2. Very nice Brandon, the images are just phenomenal. The sharpness and clarity make me feel like I am actually there
  3. I am with Brandon, I am biased towards Canon. I have only heard good things about the Nikons higher ISO and skin tones , good entry level dslr. The T3i in my opinion is geared towards the video aspect but still packed with the aps-c Digic 4 processor, which is proven to be a very reliable processor. Also you may want to take a look at the Canon 60D, it has higher FPS, a articulating screen, and full manual on the video. For what it is worth Canon has a larger collection of OEM lenses than Nikon but both are pretty similar in IQ. I would spend as much time researching both camera's and understand what each excels in and then make your choice based on your needs. Personally I shoot the Canon 7D and LOVE it, the company stands behind the products and has good customer service, I think Brandon shoots the 5d Mark2 and a 1 series Canon and I am sure he can attest to the build of his Cameras. If I can say just 1 more thing make sure you hold all the DSLRS you can to see what feels the most comfortable, Personally the t3I is made of a polycarbonate if I am not mistaken and it feels a little light, jumping to a Aluminum/poly body like the 60d/70d made a big difference in feel. PS- Thought I would chime in with 1 more, the Canon 40d or 50d are power houses for probably the same price as the t3i plus you get the Aluminium/Bigger body. Unfortunately there would be no video though.
  4. I enjoyed that. Probably the best episode I have seen of Lunkerville
  5. He called the sh1t poop

  6. I have not read anything more true in a long time. What a schmuck. Unfortunately I do like the Celebrity apprentice.
  7. I agree with this, but I would want to do my diligence to ensure it did not happen again. Maybe not sue or what have you but would make sure the point has been proven.
  8. thnx for the reminder going to pvr it
  9. Look at that gut on that brown. Good job
  10. It seems cut and dry to me, if there has been issues before and they have done nothing to rectify the situation and again another situation happens. IMO it would be his responsibility to make sure something gets done about this "step' before someone else breaks a arm. Just because they are too lazy to fix the step does not make it right.
  11. Ahh ic one of those since I heard it on the news it must be right situations. I believe a eye for a eye is the best remedy. You are said to have killed something like 3000 people but yet we still respect the douches religion and beliefs? Thats a joke IMO. Get him to the states and put it on display for people to see. You have to remember this is iconic possibly the biggest event to happen in our lifetime. I would be the first in line to spit on the little bugger no doubt. You mean like evil men like Obama? I get what your saying and overall i am not spiteful by any stretch but this is beyond normal circumstances. Call it ignorant, vengeful, hateful what ever you will still does not change the fact that this man was possibly responsible for one of the biggest attacks on American soil, again a completely unique situation.
  12. No theory at all this is all information from the great CNN and fox news. I have no theories, certainly not bright enough to conclude my own theories
  13. You have to remember the intel about Osama was given 4 years ago, They knew where he was the whole time but they "had" to wait. So in retrospect Bush was the original president who started this whole OP. With that being said Obama was just at the Helm, Perfect for the next election if you ask me?!?!?! All the US did was buy some time so they had a excuse to be there longer and now everyone has forgotten all the hardship over the last 10 years cause they found a dying man on Dialysis and shot him in the head 10yrs later. Like BillM said too little to late. All this for figure face? Come on if anyone thinks this is any step closer to any resolution they are kidding them selves. It is too bad Obama will be known to have taken the most iconic figure face out in the century and not the misleading, lying false promising man he is. Take the time to actually think what he has done, if you are not sure ask one of our American neighbours I am sure they will tell you the truth. I believe if they had the body, instead of following the muslim religion and putting him to rest before sunrise the next day they should have casted his face like they did Mussolini and put it on display. That for me would have been closure. Not dropping his body in the ocean and claiming his DNA matched the family strain and we identified him by facial and body recognizing software. Not enough closure for this one. On that note I am happy for the people that lost a loved one over the ordeal, now there is a sliver of justification for these poor people. The energy and emotion at ground zero would have been unparalleled, would have liked to experienced that.
  14. lol dont be fooled still is one heck of a walk. It did make it a little easier though. I would just try IMO Ive been kicked out numerous times but have been able to fish there many times over and over. So Rick is bang on. Just depends on the security guard.
  15. Was that sarcasm? Either way, that is some good customer service IMO, that is how I read it.
  16. There are "rules" down there that only make the experience better for everyone. Do not motor through the drifts ( should be common sense) drift appropriately speeds, do not get too close to other boats. Try not to follow the boats that are catching fish <--- nothing worse than catching a few then theres 20 boats behind you, in front of you and on top of you. Give space to the shore anglers. The most important thing IMO is drift control, Control the boat to slow the drift down and make sure the presentation in vertical, not slacked or out to the side make the presentation as natural as possible. Have a good variety of baits... About the charter guys, there is a couple that think they own the place, but the regular guides like Paul and the like make that ramp usable for us. They plow and de ice it for everyone. I have only seen the regulars help the new guys and make the launching smooth. I think Charles case was a isolated case cause for the most part people are very willing to help ya out.
  17. The accurist is a workhorse for bass and pike, the flipping switch is a nice bonus feature.
  18. thats good to see Bruce, Ive only seen a trout through the hole there never have I caught one..
  19. NUM NUM NUM NUM You ever set a line for trout out there Bruce? If your in the same area I think you are in.
  20. Very nice guys, the smelt are very plentiful this year around here. The monsters lurk at night there!
  21. We got the adventurer this year for 218 i believe heck of a deal and you can always add your own seating to the sled as well.
  22. I second that, Zac Starkey ( ringos son) played a amazing set, townshend was rocking it out for sure. I must say though, when I saw the Guess Who play at Canal Days in Port colborne I was more than impressed with cummings and Bachman actually they blew away with their performance.
  23. IMO when flipping, the stick really is not important. For me when I am flipping Im watching the line I could care less whats in my hands (could be a metal pole), the important thing is, it does not shatter when setting the hook. Out of all the rods I have my flipping stick is the least I care about. Im using a old quantum energy from maybe 6-7 years ago cost me 10.00 and has brought in its share of hawgs and still has plenty of life in her.
  24. Quoting for emphasis!!!!
  25. Well all i have to say is when I ripped my tendons in my spine and suffered horrible muscle damage i felt like I was royalty I was in and out, had my xrays, MRI scheduled, 3 specialists then another MRI all in a week. I think it is depending where you are, I am in Welland and got my treatment in St.kitts and hamilton then Welland. If i go to the ER here you are looking at a minimum of 1-2hrs could wait up to 8 hours. To be honest the system is not perfect, lost my father to cancer, cause the local hospital did not notice the fluid in his lungs and then his lungs collapsed and had a severe bacteria infection then days later died on pneumonia. So yes the system does have flaws but to be honest it has severed me well for when I have needed the care.
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