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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Hey look, Sid decided to show up for a game. Ask Dynamic_bear, I predicted this.
  2. One last Alberta pike for the road.

  3. Now that was a game. Nail biter right until the end. And if it was best 2 out of 3 I'd still be nervous about the US.
  4. God forbid no one can have a different opinion and a round table discussion on sports. Oh what an exciting world this would be if everyone had the same 'non-embarrassing' opinion.
  5. Wow. What a monster.
  6. I've caught perch on a bare hook lots. When working up north we would find lots of walleye with pine cones/needles in their stomach. And one with a rock in its stomach. One day when the mayflies were spawning I caught a walleye with a big orange floating rapala. Thought that was strange. And my favourite story ever, when my grandfather was a teen he was fishing with my uncle for rainbow trout, my uncle was having no luck and really didn't like fishing all that much so he hooked a buttercup on his line and ended up catching the biggest rainbow of the day. By the way, these threads are awesome. Always fun to read.
  7. What on earth happened? I go into a meeting with us being down 2-0 with 15 minutes left in the game. I come out and we won 3-2 in overtime?
  8. Uh oh. Great game but Canada is in trouble.
  9. This was a lot of fun. Thanks for the quiz. I got 2 wrong. Crazy Bull Trout. What province was this test for again? Passing this around the office. Hopefully I'm not the only one that gets confused on a few of em.
  10. Hockey..... thats the one with the stick and the puck on the ice right? Not to be confused with the one with the broom and the rock on the ice correct?
  11. I'm a little worried when 50% of our teams goals come from a guy named Webber and a guy named Doughty. Don't get me wrong, they are both superstars, but the lack of production from the forwards are a concern.
  12. I'm worried about the USA on Friday.
  13. I have data entry tomorrow. Perfect time to slip an ear bud in to stream the game over the radio.
  14. Wow. What a bunch of tanks. Some great fish there.
  15. Great report. Makes me miss Ontario. Those are some honkin walleye you have in those shots Chad.
  16. Crosby gets keyed on by these guys all the time in the NHL. I can't get excited about a point a game where 2/3rds of the round robin games are against the Edmonton Oilers and Buffalo Sabers of the world. I really haven't noticed Crosby on the ice yet this year to be honest.
  17. Both short track and boad cross (that Lew mentioned) should let the competitors throw elbows a-la roller derby. Both are still super entertaining regardless.
  18. Crosby needs to learn how to score more then just one goal on the Olympic stage.
  19. The new 'frog popper' they came out with is Money. When I was out over the summer I had pike fighting over it.
  20. Geez, $47 for a brand new finbore III. If I had a way to get them back to Ontario I'd buy 3 or 4.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Christopheraaron
    3. buick14


      Ya I had to buy a finbore for $140tax in at canadian tire a while back because I forgot my Auger. I was pissed off

    4. buick14


      That price on their site isn't for an 8 though....

  21. One of the joys in working in the wildlife field is a lot of the funny stories I've been a part of. We were doing goose counts on the Toronto islands, counting the eggs. I go over to this one nest that a large female is sitting on and try to spook her to count the eggs. She won't move. My co-worker comes over and lifts her off the nest while I count. She keeps trying to nip me so I have the clipboard in front of me to protect myself. The male comes over and starts attacking my co-worker so be puts the paddle out to give him some distance from the male. The male bites on to the paddle and tries to pull it out of my co-workers hands. All I can think is 'imagine a member of the public seeing this. They'd wonder why these environmental workers are fighting with these geese' Once on a lake it rained the night before and we had a few good inches of water in our boat. I pull the plug and drive off to our first spot which is about 2 hours away. In those 2 hours I forget I pulled the plug. So we get there and start pulling our nets (again, scientific study) and my co-worker asks 'Jer..... Why are we up to our ankles in water?' We had to bail like crazy to prevent the boat from sinking. On a third lake, the water was really low so the boat was sitting about 3 feet down from the dock and it had rained the night before. I step down into the boat and slip, I figure I'm going in but we have the motor tilted up and my waders get caught on it keeping me hovering a few inches above the water. Problem is I had no way to get untangled as I couldn't reach where I was caught or pull myself up. I had to call my co-workers who proceeded to laugh for a few minutes before rescuing me. My best fish story I can think of was 2 years ago. I'm fishing with my grandfather and be hooks into something big. He fights it, it runs back to the bottom, back and fourth for about 5 minutes before it snaps his line. We figure he had a big pike or Muskie. Later that day I'm snorkelling the spot looking for drop offs and cover and I find his lure. I didn't have the heart to tell him he hooked into someone's water pump.
  22. One of my fav ice fishing lakes. Glad you were able to nab a few.
  23. I love hockey games where I'm not rooting for anyone. If you're awake right now turn on the USA vs Russia game. It's pretty good between two evenly matched teams.
  24. Beauty pics. Looks like you and the Missus had a great time.
  25. I'm in. I'd love to bring my grandfather to something like this. I think if the two of us went we would just sleep in the boat.
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