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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Actually I'm loving this cold weather. Getting out on spots I never thought I would have before. (Hint: Yesterday I could see the CN tower while I fished.) Was just too damn windy to get anything set up. If we get the warm weather they are predicting in 7-10 days I may be ice fishing in shorts and a t-shirt.
  2. I wonder what team Matt will jump to when Ottawa sucks for the next 15 or so years. I hear Winnipeg is doing well. XD XD Can't believe Kadri tore off part of Thorntons beard. Never seen that before. Leafs were due for a win over the sharks.
  3. Never happy. +5 no ice. -60 too cold. When i was in Alberta we always found a way. got out yesterday and it sucked. But I got out.
  4. Someone will understand why this is funny.
  5. Buy an E-Perb. (Electronic device. When it gets wet sends out an SOS with the exact GPS location to the local authorities)
  6. Mine is when a mark or a few marks show up on the sonar but aren't interested. I set the rod down and say 'ok fine. I'm going for a pee/smoke/snack/something else to distract myself with.' Then I stand up and turn around. 60% of the time, it works all the time.
  7. Great advice crappieperch. Thanks. Nick, you're the best pal a buddy could ask for
  8. She's in better shape then I am and loves power lifting. If I tell her it will work out her quads she's probably all over it. save me a seat in March. I'll have a lot of making up to do.
  9. Hey everyone. I'm having super minor surgery (stomach hernia surgery) on the 16th. Doctor says no lifting and strain for 4-6 weeks and I'll be off work for a while. Anyone who ice fishes have this before? How long do I have to wait to walk through thicker snow? To turn an auger? I get bored easily. The thought of wasting this brilliant winter is driving me nuts.
  10. Get one used. Here or Kajiiji. Just as good as new.
  11. The kayak as is blast. I have a 2 person sit on top, I put 2 captains chairs and a 30lb min Kota. Whole thing cost less then $1500. And you can fish so many spots the big boats can't. Highly reccomend. Brian will try and sell you on a Toon. Also so I think you can rent a pontoon boat on little lake.
  12. This got me thinking and checking. But I'm good until this time next year. Just gotta double check with the rest of my party that will be overnight ice fishing in Feb.
  13. The guy did mention he made a stir fry out of the Cougar. I don't know if that was because of the backlash he received or if he had planned to do it all along. If it was just trophy hunting I don't fully agree with it. But I always say, attack the law / arguement. Not the person.
  14. Nicely done bud. Loce catching em. Love eating em but haven't had a ton of success in the past. I'll have to find a good lake for them in the future.
  15. I think the biggest problem that I have with this is that she had almost 10 years that her husband was in office for, that she could have been talking about and discussing environmental legislation if she had such a problem with this. Or at least could have brought it forward and then had environmental biologists tell her that she was wrong. Now, she is a law abiding citizen just like the rest of us with zero power or influence. What she is angry about is perfectly legal and yet she is still upset about this. Spend your time chasing after the real criminals. The poachers and the thieves rather then going on a crusade because you don't like what someone did.
  16. Art or one of the Admins, if this post breaks the rules because its hunting and not fishing, please let me know and I'll take it down. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/alberta-hunter-cougar-death-social-media-controversy-laureen-harper-prairies-canada/92226/ Try not to rage too much while reading this article. The uneducated stupidity of some just boggles my mind.
  17. Later today John Whyte will be testing the ice on Cooch. From my experience, if its not safe there, its not safe on Simcoe. Will keep you posted.
  18. Not Christmas Day but New Year's Day...... and New Year's Eve for that matter. Actually this will be the first time in 4 years I won't be fishing Christmas Eve. Good luck bud. Hope the fish are good to ya.
  19. I'm like that on the ice sometimes. Nothing but the sounds of nature and the grip of frostbite. The silence can be so peaceful.
  20. Takes a brave man to willingly put yourself through the ice. Kudos. Back in college we did ice safety training and I can honestly say it was near impossible to get out without ice picks. Should be mandatory for anyone ice fishing. Even for anyone with a float suit (or in our case we had dry suits) its still a fight to get out of the water regardless. Stay safe out there everyone.
  21. Actually I've got a question for all y'all out there. I've gotten quite good at cooking from scratch recently but I have found that no fish on the market replaces the sweet taste of Ontario caught fish. Specifically perch. I know there is the occasional place that I can find walleye (way over priced) and if I'm ever down Port Dover way I usually stock up, but has anyone found anything that comes close to matching that silky buttery taste of perch?
  22. That neck of the woods is weird. I was on Quinte on Christmas Eve last year and it was 6 inches of solid ice straight across. I was shocked because cooks was still wide open.
  23. Welcome. what I thought of when I read this into post.
  24. can you let me know if Stucco is safe? Been meaning to fish that lake for years now. Just always forget/Get distracted by Quinte.
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