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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I wonder if Douchene wishes he was back in Colerado?
  2. I don't like it. We have a bunch of big contracts coming up and 8 mill each season for 8 years is too much.
  3. and if I had a nickel for everyone who overreacts about how much they 'hate the leafs' I'd be able to retire. Most of that money would come from Matt. I love this too, Leaf fans are saying that although the goal should have counted it wouldn't have changed the game, leafs came out flat and deserved that loss. Meanwhile all the leafs haters are saying we expected an easy win and we complain about everything. Anything to distract from the fact that Ottawa made a horrible trade for Duchane, are free falling in the standings and that the Habs are in so much trouble I don't even know where to begin. $18 million over the next 8 years of untradable contracts in Weber an Price. Hope you like the basement. You'll be living there for a while.
  4. Rough Game for the leafs last night. Reminds me of the early 2000's. Win against a lot of tough teams then lose a dog at home. The loss, I can accept. The effort I can not. Also refs made a terrible call on the Matthews goal. Although I doubt it would have changed the outcome.
  5. 2nd in the East. 3rd overall in the NHL. Yep. Quite the free fall. Whatever will we do? Gonna be hard to catch Tampa though. That team looks unreal.
  6. Leafs win, 3rd overall in the NHL. Sens lose and Montreal gives Arizona its first regulation win. It was a good night.
  7. I work for a for profit that can have some sway on industrial and commercial buildings/projects. Our company gets gifted really nice tickets all the time. Company policy is they go to the rec committee and everyone can buy a ballot to win em for $2. The money from the ballots goes towards parties and employee appreciation plus charities. Etc.
  8. That actually does make a lot of sense. It's frusterating but they can't start allowing government officials to accept tickets or gifts of the like or give them out. The amount of corruption that could potential cause (insert joke here about there being no difference now) would be pretty bad.
  9. So me and the missus are spending the weekend in Chicago and took in the Blackhawks game last night. I hate to say it but blackhawks fan in the building put leafs fans to shame by a mile. Every home goal, the building erupts. There is singing and dancing and clapping. You know how I knew I wasn't in Toronto? The home team was down 6-5 with 8 minutes left in the game. The visiting team scored making it 7-5, I turn to my girlfriend and say 'watch as the building empties'. And no one left. Everyone was still glued to their seats. Now that's a fan base that supports its team.
  10. Marner was carrying that monkey for far too long. Glad he finally got it off his back.
  11. I can never understand why anyone would wish death on anyone else. I have had people who have wronged me, cheated me and stole from me. People I wouldn't have a nice word to say to or about even if I was getting paid for it. And I never would wish death on any of them. I donmt understand how someone can say they are rooting for the wall. Did Earnhardt run over his dog or something?
  12. I didn't hear it and from the reviews I heard I don't want to. Some people have no class. How this moron still has his job is beyond me.
  13. To those who have known Matt a long time, was he this much of a homer when he was a leafs fan?
  14. Make sure to get a pack of white. They work with everything. For me, for smallies green has worked well and blue. I know some people swear by pink but I have never used them.
  15. Conner's boxing is better. GSP's wrestling and ground is better. I think it would turn out well. Conner would try to strike from a distance, GSP would keep trying to close the gap to shoot in and take the fight to the ground.
  16. There was a time he was training to be on the Canadian Olympic wrestling team but it fell through. The level his wrestling is on is unreal. His boxing is good but there are better in his weight class.
  17. I'd be soooooo curious to see GSP vs mcgregor. Even if it was at a catch weight. That would be a huuuuuge fight.
  18. Like I said, this is all in for Ottawa. Ageing vets, they aren't getting any younger and don't look like they have anything saved for the future. Ottawa has a small window before they join Montreal at the bottom of the Atlantic.
  19. Draft picks are like a lottery ticket but you still have to have one to win. Everyone forgets Corey Perry and Ryan Getzlaf were late first round picks. They don't always hit, but they can.
  20. Same with Mountsberg. Resevoiors always do well for pike after they are drained. Jerkbaits, spoons and spinners are my go to.
  21. I wouldn't call the leafs recent record a meltdown, but I would say that about the amount of goals they have allowed this season is becoming very concerning.
  22. Put Bispieg to sleep. Love it. Never been a fan of 'the count'
  23. Ok so looking forward as I said, Anderson, Oduya and Burrows are all 36. Bobby Ryan is 30 and Phaneuf is 32. When the Sens come to Toronto do they get the seniors discount when they take the bus? Enjoy it while it lasts. Even if the Sens do better then the leafs this season, they are headed in opposite directions.
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