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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. It really depends on the brand, aluminum versus tin. If a tin boat your best off to stick with Lund, Princecraft and Crestliner. If fiberglass (bass boats and fish n skiis) I would definitely kick all chopper boats off the list. So fiberglass its either hand laid with sheets of fiberglass or they have a form and spray in fiberglass and vacuum press it into the form(Chopper). These are boats like Nitro, Astro etc... Skeeter, Ranger etc..are hand laid fiberglass. They will last well into 40 and 50 years as long as they are kept care of. Chopper boats can start to run into issues very soon after new. Given your price range Your going to be into older boats. JMHO. As for age cutoff. With a tin boat I would try and be 30yrs or newer if its one of the above brands and really and age if its a hand laid fiberglass boat. Be weary of any welded aluminum hull. For motors, the older Yam motors are the most reliable. Again this is just my opinion.
  2. Haha, yup it goes for sure. Gets a bit floaty on dead calm water fully pinned and fully trimmed.
  3. Take a look at the 2013 and up V6 Ram 1500's. I have one and I get 980km's per tank on the highway on Regular Corn Gas. Towing my 16.5 foot skeeter with a 115 I get 750km's per tank on the highway. My buddy drives a highlander and I get better mileage than he does same as my buddy with a rav.
  4. The part that everyone seems to be missing is this simple fact. There are lots of firearms banned in the US already. There are also restrictions placed on firearms here in Canada. Some more so and some less. Yes Canada allows some firearms that the US does not. Believe it or not. When civilians kill someone with as firearm its either pre meditated, planned, thought about, devised, locations, times equipment etc... or its just a person gone off there rocker in a knee jerk situation like a domestic, fight on the street for no apparent reason etc.. This incident clearly falls into the first category. He went shopping, scoped the place out, bought body armour etc etc.. Anyone that is hell bent on killing people weather or not they are banned from buying a firearm legally can still in ANY country buy one with enough cash. It doesn't matter if you want a pistol or semi automatic rifle you can buy one. However lets just suppose that this psycho couldn't buy one. Then what? He just gives up and calls it a day flips on the TV and watches re runs of Full House? No he is going to go on google and figure out how to make a few pipe bombs, or maybe steal a bull dozer, or a cube van full of fertilizer or who the heck knows what. It is such an ill thought knee jerk reaction after a shooting to say lets ban all the guns because that will prevent people from dying at the hands of a psycho. Yes there should better checks in place to prevent people that shouldn't have guns from getting them. But to ban them from people who go about there day legally without ever killing anyone is a bit retarded in my opinion. The things that should be focused on right now in my eyes are support for those that lost family, those still injured, the background checks should be reviewed, his WIFE put in the slammer for a long time and education and funding put into mental health. That's just my opinion though.
  5. I tried some spiderire and samurai this year and was not impressed. I have switched back to power pro on my spinning reels.
  6. No doubt. I have been quietly following the raps this season but wow the reffing has been terrible.
  7. Game 5 is MUST win for the cavs if they want to beat the raptors. Has a nice ring to it... Toronto got its Must wins. Can the Cavs step up?
  8. no line for me either... just saying.
  9. Awesome. I will go by and drop them off. Hopefully they can turn them around for me in time.
  10. Does anyone know a place in GTA that has a good selection of end guides?
  11. https://www.amazon.ca/Minn-Kota-MKA-45-Replacement-Handle/dp/B001PTHKNU/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1462219461&sr=8-3-fkmr2&keywords=replacement+Trolling+motor+cord and https://www.amazon.ca/Bohning-1360-Co-Seal-Tite-Wax/dp/B0000AVE3V/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1462219489&sr=8-5&keywords=Bow+string+wax
  12. Saw this one while hunting a few years ago.
  13. Anyone know if you need a hub kit or anything to run a Merc Laser 2 on a Yamaha post '84 115?
  14. I get 75km/h out of my 16.5 skeeter with a 115 (max rated) anything 60km/h and up is plenty fine for a recreationally fishing boat. Unless your hitting tournaments you don't really have a need for anything faster. I would say your top speed mentioned seems pretty accurate. Good luck with the sale.
  15. That's a tough boat to re-sell. The value would be anywhere from 12-15k imo The problem is that for 12-15k and being a bass boat most guys will want a V6 and a 19-21 footer as you can get that in the states no problem for that price range. Its a great boat to fish from but not really a flipping boat given the value imo. The older cheaper ones are easier to sell or the larger bass boats. The small bass boat market is really a niche market and generally driven by people without enough cash to get a bigger one so the bare bones cheap 3-7k bass boats tend to sell fairly quickly. Great boat though to own and fish from. Stratus makes great hulls. I would list it for 15k and let it sit and fish from it but it really depends on what you have into it. Imo the math goes like this. Worth 10k in the states, with the exchange puts it at 13k Canadian. Add 2000 for the effort and costs of getting it across the border puts a fair price of 15k Canadian up here.
  16. Wheel nut.. Not wheel but
  17. Have towed my boat from New Jersey to Toronto and fem Toronto to Georgia/South Carolina and back and will be headed to Arkansas in a few weeks. Pull the caps off your bearing hubs and check the grease. If it's really dirty or weird looking consider pulling the bearings out and re packing them or just replacing them. As others said any time you stop immediately check your wheels to see if they are hot. You will know what too hot is. Make sure your tire pressure is right. And if you are passing through different climates re check the tire pressure when the tire are cold. Eg 40psi at Toronto -5 temps can be big trouble in Florida +30 temps and vice versa. Keep an extra wheel but, a replacement bearing, greese, nut wrench, a jack that will reach and lift your wheel. A good place to check your tow vehicles jack is in the driveway because finding out it doesn't have enough lift is not so fun when you have everything else on the side of a highway in -10 in snow. Check your lights whenever you stop. Things can shake loose. Have a lock for your tongue and your receiver.
  18. I just picked up a Garmin sidescan/Downscan/GPS 7" screen for 6 and change at BPS on sale right now.
  19. I think hamilton is my best bet bayfront park
  20. So long story short I need to get my boat trailer weighed on a certfied scale by friday, maybe saturday. Problem is there is a boat on it. anyone know of any open water with a dock I can dip[ my boat in for a day and leave it tied up?
  21. I heard it while I was in the car and I could not understand what the heack they were saying. It was some computer generated voice thing and it sounded like Stephen Hawking had a gag on.
  22. Imagine a guy posting an 8 pound largie in Canada online. He would be shot with a water gun and banned from the Internet. Ha ha well maybe not a water gun, Maybe a water dispersal toy.
  23. Imo a fishing section would be nice. I post and read and reply to my share of nf threads but I would rather it was separate. It's funny how different it is from Canada to the US. You know in Florida if you catch an 8 pound bass the gooberment pays you 100 cash for a picture to post it online to help increase tourism.
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