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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. What i used to do is takr the screen off and jam a hosd and a funnel it then turn the pumps on and pump ot til it comes out. Run it full strenght.you wont need much
  2. Yep i would go with the rv storage antifreeze. You can drink it apparently. I wouldnt but sens fan could.
  3. Playing pretty good tonight. Yah its against buffalo but they need to beat the crap teams.
  4. Canada will not be broken by a senseless cowardly act like this. To any would be terrorists out there. Canada is strong. Our people are strong. We are strong because we are diverse. We are not "tolerant" of others beliefs we are understanding and accepting. Tolerance is a last resort to keep from killing eachother. We don't always get along even amongst the closest of pals but you bet we will stand on guard for thee. Thousands of strangers lined on highways is a testament to that. You want to break us? You will fail. ISIS is not welcome in Canada nor any other terrorist organization. To my fellow anglers think of understanding and acceptance over tolerance. we all have different histories and experiences, different beliefs, God or Darwin, jig versus drop shot, crank versus spinner, troll or cast, carp or musky we should be practicing more acceptance and understanding here and in our daily lives. Off my soap box.
  5. anyone catch this article? http://ottawacitizen.com/storyline/isis-to-canadians-you-will-not-feel-safe-in-your-bedrooms ISIS to Canadians: 'You will not feel safe in your bedrooms'September 22, 2014 9:32 am The spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist group. In a 42-minute audio speech, Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani urged ISIS supporters to kill Canadians, Americans, Australians, French and other Europeans, regardless of whether they were civilians or members of the military.
  6. This is a response from a few pages back but... I was a reservist for 7 years and whenever we were out in public we were never issued live ammunition. It was done like that to appease the liberals fear of our military having real bullets in public. We did carry blanks though. Usually only issued 5 blanks per person and a bayonette. Of course things could have changed in the last 15 years but who knows. Would it have mattered realistically if he had of had a 30 round magazine of ball ammo with one stuffed down the chamber? I really don't know. I wasn't there. I am not saying he shouldn't have had real ammo. I just don't know if it would have made a difference. One thing that I do find VERY disturbing is that he was alone. A single soldier in public is a very easy target and is very vulnerable. Especially given they don't have live ammunition. If there was two soldiers with ammunition. Its possible this would have never happened to begin with and if so something could possibly have been done right at that moment. Even if all it was that first aid be applied immediately. Everyone in the armed forced in Canada undergoes emergency battle first aid that could have been applied seconds after. Of course there are many flipsides to this like, a gun fight in the streets between the second soldier possibly injuring others, or having two soldiers down. One thing I can say for certain, neither myself nor ANY Canadian soldier I know or knew would not have given up anything in the world to have been there standing beside him even if they fully knew this would happen and there life could have also been taken.
  7. Saying now that the dead gunman was Michael Zehaf-Bibeau age 34 Canadian born. Some more info here including picture... http://heavy.com/news/2014/10/michael-zehaf-bibeau-ottawa-parliament-shooting-terro-attack/
  8. Do you guys think the level of response is enough? I have a feeling like if this was in the US that planes would be grounded etc... I wonder what sort of information is out there? Hopefully this is not the prelude to something larger.
  9. It could be 100 years and I would still stand behind my team.
  10. Real fans stick by there team win or lose, suck or be awesome. Right now there record sucks. all what 6 games of the season? There is no doubting that. I will watch from the other side of the country and moving to another city will not change my allegiance. Unlike some other fickle fans.
  11. Anyone have a stream online of the game? My link from last season is dead.
  12. I saw an ostrich running down the middle of steeles avenue in scarborough once.
  13. Thanks Spiel and awesome work on the rods and the knives as well. I have wanted to get into some smaller more fine detail for a long time.
  14. Nice I have often wanted to make some knives. Keep us updated on how it goes. I have really enjoyed having the radial arm saw. I got a great deal on one in pristine condition. Makes doing repeated cuts a breeze. They do have there dangers though as far as tools go. I much prefer it over my compound mitre.
  15. umm.. Thanks Cliff.
  16. Just thought I would drop in here and see if anyone else partakes in woodworking. Drop your photos, it may give others some ideas of what project to tackle next. Here is a set of Muskoka chairs I built a few weeks ago. Hopefully will get around to make the matching foot stool and side table. Western Red Cedar, used some pictures and plans but ended up with a bunch of changes. I used 5/4 x6 for all the structural pieces as well as 1x2 for the slats I guess I should add a few in between steps. I was originally told Muskoka chairs aren't comfortable so I told her to come down and help me make a custome template for seating portion... Some of the pieces cut and awaiting ASSembly. All done and ready for treating... [/url] The happy I finished it shot... A shot of our picnic table out back. This is 2x6 for the table top, 2x4's for the rest. The legs are 4x4's all made from western red cedar. A better shot of the table..
  17. ROFL. I just noticed the age on this thread. What the heck.
  18. Mine in the above was a Barred musky. You can tell by the pointy pec fins. You can see in the OP's picture the fins are rounded. That's the easiest way to tell. Now to check if its a male or female... you need to insert your finger into the...
  19. Here is one from a while back probably going back 7 years ago on Scugog. jumped out of my hand the instant the picture was taken. almost double back on me and bit my ear.
  20. Having been in BC now for several months the funniest commentary was on the radio. The sportscaster went off the shelf towards sportsnet for not giving enough coverage of the canucks game. It was the "local" version and right after the game they did one canucks interview and then spent 10 minutes on the leafs game and 15 minutes on the new sportsnet studio. the guy was fuming. He said no one cares about he leafs in the pacific time. and its already midnight local to eastern time. So of course I called in after his tirade and luckily I was the first on air. I asked him what his thoughts were on the new Leafs this year and how does he think they stack up in the east. They hung up. For real. It was awesome.
  21. Push Deeper into the playoffs? Don't they have to get into the playoffs first Matt?
  22. I was chumming the water for bottom feeders, look what bit... Oh yah now this is a fishing thread.
  23. I just thought I would pop in here and point out that the Sens are tied for last place.
  24. Yep, check out my sturgeon video from the fraiser. If you want the contact info for the guys I used I will pass it on. PM me, you can check out the video I made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMqwlPJbJg0
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