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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Hey dougliano, most of the lakes in that area have bass and lake trout but if you go to some of the smaller lakes around that area you will find lots of splake. Good luck on your adventure
  2. Congrats for you and your wife on all your catch! I can remember the very first time I ever caught my 26.9 lbs Salmon, I will never forget that for the rest of my life and who was with me when I caught that beauty! I am sure your wife was pretty excited.
  3. What great pics of those beauty fish! Way to go!!!! And as for you trailer light, sorry to hear that, some people have NO RESPECT whatsoever for other people's property or possessions!
  4. This thread is making me pretty hungry, I think I will bug Shawn into frying up some walleye.LOL
  5. Way to go! for your son catching his first fish and he looks so adorable! I am sure that it was a great day for the both of you Dad!
  6. What awesome pics of those beautiful eyes! I am so glad that the females were released to do what they are supposed to do.! Good for you!
  7. LOL, Irishfield, actually alot of people say I am way to easy on him, LOL. I even let him buy all of his goodies that he needs, and I don't say too much about it. I have my own obsessions and he does not say aword to me about them so it all works out great!
  8. Great thread Gerritt! Your boy is so adorable! And by the way is holding that hose it sure does look like he has great aim! You better keep your eye on him Dad or you might find yourself soaked one day!LOL
  9. HA HA HA! Good one Irishfield! This is just another excuse to raise the gas prices!
  10. First I want to say that this is a very intresting thread! This is one of the main reason why I started to take up fishing.....was to spend more time with fishindevil instead of complaining that he won't spend time with me I chose to learn his love for fishing. Because our daughter is still small and with school, etc, Shawn still does a majority of his fishing either alone or with the guys and I don't have a problem with that. I am not the kind of woman to take away something that my partner loves..... it is not fair to do that to anyone.....it is called compromising, which we do alot of. If there are days or trips that he does not go out on it is because it is HIS choice, not because I said he could not go. When Angelina gets older.... I will have plenty of time to fish with Shawn. At least with him fishing, it is keeping him out of trouble.LOL There is alot worse things that a man can do than fishing.LOL In fact I encourage Shawn to go fishing, which means I can have the house to myself and I do all my cleaning without interuptions.LOL Seriously though, if there are things that need to be done at home and if I can do it myself, I will do it and if I need his help, I will wait until he gets home.
  11. Thanks for sharing,that sure is nice scenery there,where you live & fish,great pics to,and gotta love that big walleye you caught as well....thanks for sharing cheers
  12. Hey dan im with you....i hope it gets to be one of those wonders...i cant wait to see the show and to figure out what they are...cheers
  13. Hey dan im with you....i hope it gets to be one of those wonders...i cant wait to see the show and to figure out what they are...cheers
  14. Great looking eyes from the bog for sure.. ..well done and im sure they will taste great....cheers
  15. Hope you get well soon bud, we are glad that you are all fixed up now.....
  16. Sorry I am so late saying this.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY! I really hope that you had a awesome one, you deserve it girl!
  17. I am very glad to hear that he is safe! Please give him our best wishes and prayers to his schoolmates.
  18. My heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims.
  19. Please get well soon Garyv! It is good to see you back! I hope that you are feeling well soon!
  20. Thank you very much BITEME!I want to personally thank you for all of your support and well wishes that you have shown me when my brother-in-law was recently in Afganhistan. For me the picture is hard for me to see but unfortunately, that is one of the downfalls of their job, but they left us by protecting our country and proud doing it. I will NEVER forget what OUR miltitary (past and present) have done for us and our country! "LEST WE FORGET" My heartfelt condolences go out to their family, friends and comrades.
  21. Hmmmmmm.......now you got me wondering the same thing.LOL
  22. WAY TO GO!!!!! that is a nice beauty!
  23. WAY TO GO CLIFF AND CAROLE! And you are right, whenever a couple sticks together and are a team they are ALOT more sucsessful in what they do! And you have proved that over and over! I would love to get out fishing very soon! Carole, maybe you and I should head out one morning just us girls while the men are at work and the kids are in school!LOL Sorry Cliff and Shawn!
  24. Hey buddy! Hope everything is going well! As for the dog, I wouldn't since they are hyper, no matter how obideant they are they are ALWAYS on the go. It sounds like your fiance is alot like me, I don't add very much weight to the boat either!LOL. Shawn says I am no help that way.LOL
  25. WOW! what a beauty! and way to go on catching a such a beautiful creature!
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