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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. We just replaced the batteries on our detectors a couple of days ago. We check the batteries every month.
  2. I sent you a pm Nanook, and for the pic, my sis and her husband sent that picture into the cutest baby contest that they are having on A-Channel, I hope that pic wins!
  3. LMFO!!!!! :lol I won't tell anyone what I was thinking,LOL
  4. Thanks 1leg and nanook! And Nanook, that is a perfect title for that picture! If you don't mind I am going to get that title put on the picture when I get it blown up! I am so proud to have that little girl in my life.
  5. I was thinking the same thing Taper.LOL
  6. Wow! That sucker is huge, but it looks tasty and great! Somebody will be full after dinner this evening.LOL
  7. I could not agree with you more. What is more perfect then a fresh fish breakfast and sunrises with a fresh cup of coffee. I fished as well when I was a little girl while my brother and sister stayed behind but I didn't really get into it until I met Fishindevil. Now I get out whenever I can, but it is also important for Fishindevil to fish on his own or with his buddies, everyone needs their own downtime, including me.LOL
  8. For me it is also Our Canadian Troops that make me VERY proud to be Canadian! If it wasn't for our troops (past and present) we would not have the kind of country we do today! THANK YOU!
  9. I just recieved these new pics from my brother in law. The one pic of my neice with her hands up in the air and smiling a got a kick out of that one, she looked like she won the lottery or something!LOL And there is another one that is taken of him, my sister and their daughter and the the other is of him just getting home from Afganhistan I just thought that I would share a couple of my pics with all of you.
  10. I wish that Ang and I could have went, but she was in school that day It was great for Carol to call me and invite us to come along, she would have thought that was something else! Hopefully us girls can get together soon and go to feed the birds
  11. Those pics are amazing and those weird shaped things?????? Maybe you are onto something there DSN.LOL
  12. We still have power here in Oshawa, But I heard on the news this morning that Bowmanville is without power.
  13. I agree with you 100% Gerritt!
  14. All these pics are drepressing me, LOL. I forgot what the grass looked like until I came to this thread, I want the winter season and the SNOW TO GO AWAY, so I can get on the BOAT and GO FISHING LOL
  15. Wow, I have never seen nothing like that, until today! Thanks for sharing! That's incredible.
  16. Shawn just called me and told me I am NOT going to work tonight, he said it is not worth a night's pay for my safety.
  17. Look at that mess, it is unbelievable!
  18. Good to hear Doug, I am glad that everyone made it home ok!
  19. LOL, Garyv! Are you sure that it was your mother-in-law or could it be my ex mother-inlaw? LOL
  20. LOL, you are killing me you are right though about punishing Angelina, I have to remember who has the power to put me in a home when I am old.LOL you can just blame me Cliff when it is time for you both to go fishing again.
  21. LOL` he must of did that while we were all asleep. If I don't get that back soon, I will have no where to put him when he has been naughty.LOL I guess Angelina's playhouse will have to do for now.LOL
  22. LOL I knew you guys did that when we were not around, lay around in your underwear.
  23. Well it most likely will be better then what we are getting outside right now. mmm bahumbug!
  24. Glad to hear that you made it home safe and sound lunkerbasshunter!
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