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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. "When you need to sink to their level....use a torpedo"
  2. I like this one. Or "cannons are old school...Torpedos are the shiznat"
  3. Perhaps Cliff can give you the name of his support group for guys who get outfished by their ladies.
  4. "Down and out doesn't have to be a drag" or lol "You and all of your friends can go down on her without worry"
  5. Nice pics! October 1st can't come soon enough...
  6. I thought that is what thermoses were for...
  7. LOOR charges ?
  8. I'd have a special crop of corn, beets, dogwood, oak and maple trees planted just for it. That is until I drew a tag for the area! Interesting, but probably not the most intelligent thing to do. Have these people not seen what a whitetail does when it freaks out indoors? Multiply that by about 6...
  9. Thanks for sharing. Those were incredible pictures.
  10. Yep, me, too!
  11. I suppose it costs money to register 'em...? If that's the case, then they can chase me down for fines... I bought a portable hut (clam) 6' x 4' so that I didn't have to go through the registration process and so that I didn't have to leave it on the ice. GRRRR
  12. Nice work! I have been busy since Sunday, processing this: that my friend shot for me last Saturday. 1 more tag to go and I have a good feeling about this Saturday (between storms).
  13. I generally prefer to make my own, but that's one guy that likes to eat fish, so I may have to try it.
  14. Conragtulations! I still have two tags to fill (only bought two). Brian, take a sled or toboggan in the back of your truck when you go hunting. If you get one, it will make the drag through deep snow way easier.
  15. Congratulations! I saw your post on the huntontario message board, too.
  16. OK, fair enough. I just know that when you take them in early bow season, they want them in cardborad and salted if possible.
  17. I didn't think they liked the hides in a garbage bag (let alone sealed)????? Don't they decompose/rot in plastic? I have always understood that salted if at all possible and in a cardboard box....
  18. Congratulations! As suggested, try and take a picture in the field/woods, too. I understand that this deer isn't a wall hanger, but if you make it a habit of taking pictures/posing the deer, you will be able to get the 'perfect' picture when you do harvest the deer of a lifetime. I haven't got one yet this year. I hope I don't end up with 2 servings of tag soup!
  19. Sweeeeeet.
  20. Fish for trout...
  21. WOW! and enjoy your time with Kareem, Mike.
  22. HAHA, soooo true.
  23. Great shots! If one of them does have a broken neck, call the mnr and u might be allowed to have (eat) it.
  24. doing a little fall trolling?
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