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David Chong

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Everything posted by David Chong

  1. No, but have been talking about trying something like that or La Reserve Beauchene with a friend of mine from Quebec! Feeling like I've been missing out on these more remote trip because of commitments to tournaments & such!
  2. Hey Chris if that question is for me!? Navionics is one of my many sponsors!
  3. The Navionics Boating App for an iPhone for USA & Canada should be about $20-$21 on the App Store! You can't buy the mobile app on the Navionics site. The prices that you see there are for chips for chartplotters and update chips. You have to go to the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android for the mobile app? Now the HD version for iPads are more costly.
  4. The Navionics Boating App for an iPhone for USA & Canada should be about $20-$21 on the App Store! You can't buy the mobile app on the Navionics site. The prices that you see there are for chips for chartplotters and update chips. You have to go to the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android for the mobile app? Now the HD version for iPads are more costly.
  5. Transducer do need to be replaced. you can test the unit with another transducer or often you can turn on your unit with the transducer out of the water and you should be able to hear if it is working!
  6. But that's where the fish are! LOL I would rig swimbaits Texas style with a small Ultra Tungsten bullet weight at the nose!
  7. I have not fished that particular lake but would be shocked that it didn't have bass in it! most lakes in the Muskokas have healthy populations of both Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass!
  8. I do believe and I think that Dr. Bruce Tufts will agree that in Lake Ontario the Smallmouth fishery is probably at its peak as many of those big girls are in that 15-16 year old range which is roughly when gobies first showed up I believe.Hard to imagine that the Smallie population will exceed the goby population as far as a food source is concerned as Round Gobies spawn numerous times a year and also predate on Smallmouth nests.
  9. The fish that are in that holding tank are being cared for by Dr. Bruce Tudts and his students from Queens University! If they deem that they are suffering from barotrauma then they will fizz them. Often fish in a livewell or holding are just lazy, when you put them back they take off right away! The colour on the one in the holding tank actually looks really good and was probably released nice & healthy!
  10. WOW, if it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all! LOL
  11. Yeah, would definitely be a pleasant surprise on a body of water like that to have a detailed Navionics chart! (-:
  12. I've just fished a couple of tournaments out on Lake Ontario & Lake Erie and I have to say I'm so impressed with the size of these Smallmouth Bass out there. A pretty obvious reason for the rapid growth of these fish has been the introduction of round gobies. The Smallmouth that I'm holding in my right hand is one of the deepest Great Lakes fish that I've ever caught and she coughed up the two gobies in the other picture. For reference, I placed a Z-Man 5" Grass Kicker swimbait in the photo with them. It's going to interesting how things play out in the long run with these invasive species, from an angler's perspective, I definitely believe that round gobies and zebra mussels have had a positive effect on Smallmouth Bass growth rates. Just wondering what other's thought are on this matter!
  13. Has anyone here fished up on Gouin Reservoir in Quebec? Just saw that Navionics has partnered up with the management team up there to update the sonar charts. Pretty cool that you might be able to go to a fairly remote location like this and have 1 foot contours showing on your Navionics mapping chip! https://www.navionics.com/usa/blog/post/a-partnership-to-update-gouin-reservoir/
  14. My understanding is that the Navionics chip already has this ready to go but as far as usage in different units, the electronics manufacturers are the ones who must allow this feature to appear. If you happen to have a Garmin unit and are using their LakeVu chip then you can actually shade up to 10 depth ranges.
  15. This is only for the mobile & tablet apps! Available on both Apple & Android platforms!
  16. Just curious how many members are taking advantage of this new feature on the Navionics app, the Fishing Depths Shading! You can select up to 5 different depth ranges to shade in different colours! This was tremendously helpful to me and my partners as we plan for tournaments and are looking for new areas of a lake to scout! Your mobile or tablet Navionics app must be up to date and as well as your Navionics+ subscription. I've attached a few screen shots of some popular Kawartha lakes.
  17. Absolutely Garnet! Great tip for saving money by flipping your braid around and reusing your braid!
  18. Back when we were kids and used a lot of live bait, we had a similar set-up in the garage! Should work really well for you!
  19. Thanks Grimsbylander! Appreciate the respect by staying off the water, it was a tough bite but we just kept grinding it out! Lots of other local sticks didn't do as well as expected! Not surprised as everything is about 3-4 weeks behind, should ramp up soon! Best of luck! Sorry for hijacking this thread!
  20. Thanks guys! It was a very close finish and these local sticks are extremely tough to beat! Congrats to Matt & Daaron as well as Perry & Caitlyn on a great tournament!
  21. You definitely don't need to replace braided line nearly as often as monofilament, I do it annually but most people can probably get away with changing every couple of years! Most braids will fade, some more than others but it doesn't affect the strength of the line. In fact, it is very useful if you are a line watcher which every angler should be, I colour the last 4-5 feet with a Sharpie Magnum Marker and don't worry about the faded portion!
  22. As a long time Yamaha fan and operator, I have heard nothing but good things about the folks at Walsten Marine!
  23. On most tournament circuits that I fish, it's who isn't using a Ned Rig, very effective presentation!
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