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Everything posted by blaque

  1. OMG!! That is hilarious, cruel .........LOL......but hilarious. Sorry i had to comment on this, Ive never even heard of it, but sounds like people actually have done this. Thats too funny. Anyway, its getting redundant, but im on the side that says if theres noone around.......and nobody being bothered, what harm is there throwing a couple under the dock, as long as its not occupied, your not dinkin boats, and not leaving lures behind. I dont fish docks often at all, im usually out in the deeper water when im on "cottage" type inland lakes lookin for walleyes or smallmouth. A little suggestion to avoid leaving your tackle behind on someones dock........just fish them with soft plastics texas or carolina rigged (weedless) But even that isnt a 100% remedy as you can still wrap up your line.
  2. I live about 20-30 minutes from Darien Lake and it is a great park in my opinion. And not outrageously priced as someone already stated. Ive never been to Canadas Wonderland.........so i cant compare the two. The superman coaster is awesome..............they just built a new O.C.C. (orange county choppers) coaster too that i havent ridden yet because i havent had time to get to the park this summer.......but it looks pretty cool. Cedar point however, wins hands down for thrill parks in the north east........bit of a ride though all the way to sandusky Ohio......but so worth it.
  3. It wasnt the bright sun or the time of day that was the culprit, its all because you had to bring that stinkin camera lol They know, yupper.........they knooooow. I find the cell phone camera is a better option, Mr. Fish isnt up on the technology and he thinks it just makes phonecalls!!
  4. Ya beat me to it bud lol
  5. They are in my opinion the winner of the fish beauty contest
  6. Exactamundo.........i would have pointed out that obvious little factoid.......but im Ignoring Plus im busy trying to get an add in the paper to sell an 87' Buick Grand National...too much compression went to the turbo and its spittin aluminum shavings. Serious inquiries only and no test drives allowed. After that i have to go get all my handguns polished, and if i have time......personally start a conflict somewhere overseas.
  7. Uhm, nooooo, see ......you dont understand............i was just stating that i wasnt going to acknowledge your opinion or even dignify it with a response. See below Dictionary: ignore (ĭg-nôr', -nōr') tr.v., -nored, -nor·ing, -nores. To refuse to pay attention to; disregard. [French ignorer, from Old French, from Latin ignōrāre.] ignorable ig·nor'a·ble adj. ignorer ig·nor'er n. Sorry, had to interrupt my ignoring you to explain the terminology
  8. Ignore
  9. are you centerpin downrigging?
  10. dude i want so bad to set my boat up for ontario kings, but just dont have time and with all the smallie fishing/walleye fishin/steelhead fishin etc etc in the spring summer fall............and just seems like such an initial investment in money man just to set up for a species of fish. I know i know......wah wah wah
  11. Just a little comment on the topic. I watched my uncles inground go in and it is amazing watching those guys work a bucket with such precision. The guy running the excavator was an artist with this machine lol
  12. sweet footage, not to take away from your vid, but did anyone also take a look at Tod the Fox in the related videos to the right. Its a domesticated pet fox that has all kinds of videos from its owner. Pretty neat, i think its a bit much for a pet, but pretty cute none the less
  13. Population of 22! in the off season. Yowza! I couldnt even imagine.......although theres some days i wish i only had 22 people to deal with lol
  14. Ive read it a thousand times on here , its because "WE LIKE PICTURES"! Seriously though, for myself., i dont fish 95% of the waters that are reported on here.........im in Yankeeville USA.......so most times, im just lookin at the pics for the enjoyment of lookin at the fish. I am not scouting out water that ill never make it to anyway. Of course i read the reports that go along with anything, but if its just a visual of a guys day........well, a picture is worth a thousand words, its OK by me.
  15. It was a good one, unfortunately I heard comments like "it is the best movie of all time" and others that kinda over hyped it for me. So of course i was picking away at the little things (for example, Batmans clint eastwood type voice) (and the fact that he had a definable trait in his speech when he said his S's, which was obvious and would give away who he was wether he was masked or not LOL) but there wasnt much other than that that i didnt totally enjoy. I stayed awake for the whole thing hehe, i usually fall asleep in the theatre. Heath was great in it, i think his make-up had more to do with his riveting character than anything though. Not discounting his performance at all, but think it had a ton to do with the character. ANd of course thinking the whole time, man .....this guy is never going to be on the screen again, that really made ya think as you watched him. So Sad. Batmans vehicles were whining as well!! lol
  16. i like when she says......"there they are, landing OUR chinook" LOL!!!
  17. wow i havent heard this name in a LOOOONG time. cool of you to recognize this.
  18. Yeah they are scary....I was witness to one years ago on Nippissing and i never saw my dad go from his fishing seat to the driver seat so fast in my life. lol
  19. These were taken off of my local Buffalo News Website, WGRZ.com I believe most of them are from the last week of weather, pages 5 and 6 of the gallery show the most water spout pics. These are for the most part out on Erie looking west from Buffalo. One is from crystal beach. I know its a little work to view them but take a look thru the gallery if you fish Erie and youll be surprised Skim thru gallery for Buffalo Area waterspouts
  20. Amen to that Buck, heres for hoping for a wet remainder of the summer as well
  21. very neat, how do you get the scale pattern from the paint. Im thinking wrapping like egg sac netting around the body of the bait , spraying it lightly and removing the netting? Or window screen. Definitely interesting however you did it. The whole project, not just the paint schemes
  22. Just found this posted on another board too, hope the guy doesnt mind a copy and paste hehe "Not float related but... I was in my local dollar store yesterday picking up some plastic roe containers when I turned an aisle corner to find an entire rack loaded to the hilt with new Rapalas, Blue Fox and Mepps spinners...all for a buck. Well, I was the first to notice the rack and by the time I was done with it...I really should have just brought the whole rack to the cash...between myself and another woman who asked me if they were any good because it was her hubby's birthday and she had forgotten to get him something we cleaned the rack. Anyway...all dollar stores recieve the same items so it would be a good idea to check out your local store to see if the lures are in...by the way, I hit up Canadian Tire right after and was pleasently surprised to see that they had all the lures I just bought in stock and on the shelves from 5 bucks to 9 bucks..."
  23. $12 DOLLARS?!?! Wowee Do they launch your boat for you and clean your fish upon returning lol
  24. Yeah, most are focused on stringin up them Erie pickerel .....er, i mean walleyes
  25. Thanks for getting coffee all over my monitor LOL
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