Just wanted to throw up some pics from the fall/winter weve been having so far. Im at a stage now with my nephew where hes become self sufficient and theres more fish catching nowadays than untangling lines, or skipping rocks. Im proud of the fisherman hes becoming and the knowledge he now spouts off to me on our days on the water. Just wanted to post up a few pics from this season and a few of our days on the water. Hes brought one of his buddies into the mix now too, whose giddyness upon hooking into fish is infectious. Its like being recharged, and has brought back some of the excitement i remember having back in those early days Not that i dont still have it today
A few pics of fish, scenery, blah blah blah
This guy decided to hang a bit after release
Second fish so far, a proud dude
He didnt want a pic as there was sand on the fish lol, hes a stickler, i took it anyway lol
The Swimming Dead!!