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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I remember someone on here, in a post about a week ago that said they get this. Cant remember who or what thread it was in. Hows that for not being able to help at all
  2. lol, true story actually..............confirmed by my boss whos daughter works at the establishment where it happened http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2014/06/beaver_attacks_man_michael_cavanaugh_rochester_irondequoit_creek.html
  3. Animals.......they cant be trusted Heck we had a beaver attack east of buffalo bout a week ago. Pulled the guy right from his kayak.....
  4. And we should always listen to Insurance Companies God help the insurance agent who tells me they arent going to cover me because i tried dodging a head on collision with an 800lb moose.
  5. I think Cliff took the "idiot dame" comment, mixed it in with the context of the follow up statement "I guarantee you that no guy would have even considered doing such a stupid, dangerous thing" ..........and came to the conclusions he did lol Lord knows, ive never seen a man do something stupid or dangerous (got your sarcasm meters on???)
  6. did i just read the word Dame? Has this thread actually transported back to the 1940's
  7. It was a bad choice/wrong decision in the end made by this girl. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that jazz. All summed up, she made a mistake......with dire consequences mind you, but certainly no intent to kill two people. I dunno, i'd bank on the fact that this girl is being punished quite a bit already trying to sleep at night and wake up in the morning knowing that she was the cause of taking the lives of two people. Itll certainly trump any anguish that a jail sentence would accomplish. Im a forgiving person, and if it were a family member of mine, or even me myself on that motorcycle ......i wouldnt wish taking this girls life and freedom away over a mistake/accident.
  8. I did laugh at the coffee filters however.......still weird
  9. Im putting in my vote for weird over funny as well...........I do not have a teen daughter however, so maybe thats the difference between laughing and just scratching your head?
  10. Yep, and they actually shorten up "Americans" into Amerks. Doesnt bug me much
  11. I would absolutely love to see someone track down these basement dwellers (probably their parents basement) , have subban knock on their front door. ......... And have someone videotape them falling all over themselves as they make a B-line to their rooms to hide under the covers
  12. Very cool.........love me some salamander huntin. The kids always get a kick out of them Too cute to use as bait,......i could never
  13. Ive got quite a few thoughts on this that bounce back and forth between many of the previous posts in here. But the fact is, unless i was in the car that night or on one of the bikes..........I dont have the information to cast judgement on an internet fishing forum.
  14. Don't go up 2 or more goals in that series, unless u wanna lose lol
  15. Ugh, the Habs move on and Boston goes up in their series. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. ..... Twice!!
  16. Id have to hear the actual audio of the above clip to believe its actually true http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnDZU60wD8k
  17. We just inked him to a 3 year deal today with my Sabres........God help him That jet black hair will be grey by the end of next season
  18. That looks heavenly right about now, thanks for postin up
  19. lmao........i love when i open these, unaware of the bump and see names that dont exist on the board anymore.........Im like "Hey, wheres this dude been.......oh 2009, got it"
  20. Looks like fun to me
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