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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Agreed, the NX500 reviews have all been extremely positive. The 2 cons are always the same in all the reviews.......that being the lack of an External Viewfinder and the 4K being a slight crop of the sensor. Neither mattered to me as im not coming from years of experience with a viewfinder anyway and actually prefer to compose on the AMOLED screen. Just comfortable doing it that way and i havent found any issue with sunglare ...yet. The 4K crop, not a big deal for me either......at this point. Some even list it as an advantage in some scenarios. I didnt buy this to shoot video however so im indifferent. Other than that, people are loving this camera and its sensor. Even very experienced photographers are buying into the NX500 and pairing it with the NX1 as a backup. And your right...........ive been internet shopping tripods and that carbon fiber option is straight secksee!
  2. And here i was just lamenting the fact that i have to cut the grass after work
  3. Nope......First strike, Ive never met a Miano lol
  4. I drive thru Clarence Center twice a day to and from work lol
  5. will do, im going to be cheap on a tripod. I just know i wont want to pay over 100 bucks lmao
  6. Cool spot.......i was at the restaurant not too long ago for lunch, great spot to sit and throw down a sandwich for sure. I also drive past it often during the fall/winter/spring when i make my way up to Oak Orchard Funny thing is i never knew about that little lake........I just google mapped it and saw it tucked away right up the road. Id assume its a private body of water
  7. Yep, my next purchase plan goes something like this. Tripod, Pancake lens (the camera guys rave about a 30mm f2.0) and then something with a little reach Ive already been in numerous situations where i was trying to put the camera on tree stumps etc to get a longer shutter and use my phone as a remote shutter (feeble attempts at waterfall pics lol). There was never a tree stump or rock at the right elevation lmao. Tripod it is
  8. Practice I will..........ive already got head shakes from various fishing partners about needing to put the camera down and get back to my rod lol
  9. Indian Falls on Tonawanda Crk? Just north of I-90?
  10. I am and have been petless for quite some time because of the inevitable pain of losing them. Youve got my sympathy man. I can tell by your pic however, that this was one very spoiled and loved pup. Take solice in the wonderful life you gave to Copper
  11. That wasnt my intention, but i like your interpretation This was way south of Buffalo in a very rural area,....I do find it odd that even out "in the sticks", you can find pot leaves symbolized on bridge abutments lol Kids everywhere feel compelled to leave their mark i guess.
  12. Thanks again guys.....Bill........i will undoubtedly be picking your brain often lmao
  13. Thanks guys.......Im a little overexposed here and there, a little underexposed here and there, missed some focus points, probably oversaturated.... etc.......lol. But ill figure it out eventually Just having fun playing around with the kit lens until i get the gist
  14. Last fall i posted asking a million questions about getting into a new camera for hobbyist slash enthusiast photography. I spent way too much time mulling it over but finally pulled the trigger on a cam and decided to go the mirrorless route. Yes there are less lens options but i think theres plenty available to get me into the game. For now anyway. Im sure Ill grow out of this camera but i dont see that happening for quite a while. Im loving the easy to understand touchscreen user interface. Ive got a ways to go to find my way around this thing but thought id post a few initial images both straight out of the camera and a few post processed in lightroom (another learning curve on its own) Samsung NX500 A couple straight out of the camera A couple with a little PP in lightroom
  15. Good luck man, I know a few who have gone thru this in the last year and came out A'ok. As others have said................its an eye opener. Use it to scare you straight and put down those smokes and fast food burgers. I kicked the smokin thing years back but also need to start focusing on staying outta that fast food lane. Like you said, the realization that im not in my 20's anymore and the shock that im not invincible will help us thru it
  16. No thanks.......Half the fun of trailing around the boat is showing off my back-up skills lol
  17. We are not Happy..........but they must not have been totally enamoured, or Pegula would have doubled any offer just to get him here lol The buffalo guys that should be PO'ed are the ones that counted it as almost a done deal...........Silly radio show guys, they live in this fantasy wannabee GM land
  18. Its days like this that you realize the talking heads/media/analysts/whatever..............dont know their arse from a hole in the ground.
  19. Of course it is.............it ate all the other crappie
  20. <<< is Checking wabigoon for available waterfront real estate
  21. Well put......... A regret of mine to never have seen him live
  22. Dont even get me started
  23. Yep, the fall run will be back before we know it lol..........maybe next season Ill still be sporting the LOOP jacket i snagged off of ya so keep an eye out for me lol
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