Downtown Buffalo, at my desk at work........guy next to me with headphones on says non shalantly, "uh oh, i guess a plane ran into one of the twin towers". Crazy cuz i thought the same thing everyone i have talked to over the years say they thought....."figured it was a cessna type plane" Wasnt long after that , that everyone dropped their work and headed to the cafeteria to watch it all unfold.
I remember, no-one could fathom what they were seeing right in front of them on television, but there was still conversation happening in the room. And then it happened..........the first tower collapsed, any conversation had stopped abruptly, and the whole room deflated. The unfathomable turned to surreal, people were just walking out of the room with an almost panicked yet subdued look on their face, like they just werent all there. Tears, disbelief, anxiety, just numbness all around. I remember people just going back to their desks to gather their breif cases and purses, and without a word to their managers or higher ups.........just walking out from their jobs for the day.
An awful day and one that my mind will never be able to erase