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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Insects are what i thought of when i decided to try it out. They are more difficult than i had thought and have yet to get a good tight shot. They dont stand still with a camera lens an inch from their face lol
  2. Thats amazing, good to know as im in the process of shopping for a pair of shades
  3. Wanted to dabble with some Macro photography , so I bought some extention tubes vs an actual macro lens and the results are pretty darn cool That little bud was about 1/16" in diameter
  4. After flying cross country, I spose ya might as well take the hop, skip, and a jump down to poke ur head in the door while ur in the neighborhood lol
  5. blaque


    Lol, hmmmmmmm.....ive called these things trumpeters for years
  6. blaque


  7. blaque


    Ran into this friendly guy willing to pose for me
  8. Nice and sharp as always............I love how the velvet antlers fall just perfectly on their own into the darker background. Really makes them pop
  9. The Hip has quite a hold on us Buffalonians as well........saw them a few times. Last one was out in the pouring rain on the shores of Lake Erie. Little did i know that would be the last time. I watched the CBC show, and many around me were welled up quite a few times. I was hoping to hear pigeon camera, but knew that probably wasnt going to happen with all the other songs they had to get in. Hopefully he gets an extended stay with us and is one of the 10%'ers that can make it 5 years vs a number of months
  10. Hilarious........Ya know, cuz its true
  11. blaque


    I have a hard time just keeping the subject in frame when zoomed in, let alone getting the oppurtunity to lock focus on it haha
  12. The golden hour
  13. blaque


    Ive yet to do well trying to capture anything in flight lol, thats impressive
  14. Get this boy his own camera lol.......very talented! I also keep saying im gonna play with some timelapse and still havent gotten to it lol
  15. Im still waiting for a superbowl pepsi commercial where an aged Mike M. comes in as a footnote at the end of the commercial, grabs a pepsi and walks out of scene with a quick wink and a nod. He is def. someone Id like to hang out with at a campfire for a few beers. He actually came out and hung out with the crowd between sets at the show.
  16. Just saw suicidal in niagara falls for the first time in years this past March..........Mike Muir STILL brings the energy at 53. Surprisingly good!!! AND former slayer drummer Dave Lombardo was on drums. A nice little surprise
  17. First show was Metallica circa. 1988? And justice for all tour with queensryche at The Aud in Buffalo. Remember it like it was yesterday.........i remember at the ripe age of 17-18 with no concert experience, being floored by the atmosphere of an arena metal show. Goosebumps all night.
  18. blaque


    Wow, i saw the first one lookin dead into your lens and thought.....what are the chances. Until i saw all the rest doing the same. Thats uncanny
  19. Nice, ive only spotted 2 or 3 ever down here in NY. Worth being late for work......
  20. Cool, would love to see em
  21. Awesome .........ive yet to experience a brown in the flesh. With that detail though...........its pretty close Mama looks like a beast!!
  22. Thanks Y'all And agreed Bill........Im having the most fun messing around with leaving the shutter open
  23. Figured Id join in on the sunset/sunrise fun goin on here as i keep practicing with the camera. Couple from the south shores of Erie
  24. Good info........I think im going to get an estimate before i think about turning a wrench myself Thanks again ALL!
  25. Thats a pretty loose estimate..........Youve mastered the art of "wiggle room" lol
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