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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. That 16.1 is a sow!! The 12.2 is nothing to cry about either. Congrats on both!!!
  2. Standing on the pontoons of a twin otter catching arctic grayling on every cast north of Great Bear Lake. It was a side trip while staying at Great Bear Lodge many years ago. May never get a chance like that again.
  3. You'd think we had not seen a fish in days! Bloody paparazzi!! It was a tad chilly but very comfortable when "inside". Lloyd is an awesome guy and guide, he sure knows his stuff. Another time Paul. Were you down for the day or weekend? Any Luck? I was good with Lloyd changing the baits in those conditions. It's amazing how fast winterizing a boat can go when you have a crew of 5 working on it. Will is just fine and still recovering from our weekend G. Good times were had Bernie, not difficult with this group of guys.
  4. Perhaps he didn't get his morning coffee. Betcha that woke him up. ouch!
  5. Thanks for the input guys. I remember the kid saying as he was filling the tank that he had never done one of the 5 pounders before. I also remember him pumping extra into the tank after it tipped the scale. will trying burning some off and see if it settles down and go from there. Thanks again!
  6. I was doing some work on a buddies trailer yesterday and brought along my heater for some warmth in he garage. Heater fired up as always and ran fine for 20 minutes or so when it had a small ball of fire shoot from the heater. Ran fine for another 10 minutes or so and it did it again. Turned it off at the tank and it kept burning for the longest time. Opened up the tank and for a bit and shut it off again at the tank and the flames went out. What would cause this fireball effect, it wasn't bad be still don't want that happening in the hut in a month or so. Why would the gas not shut off? New tank last year.
  7. Wayne, Terry, Paul and I went down to Quinte to help Lloyd close off his season. Lloyd was on fish and was doing well but the weather was not looking great. High winds and cold fronts moving in but we were not concern, good times would be had as always with U&Me Charters.. The fishing was great but the catching was slow and even the great guides have their days, but we manged to get a couple in the boat. The first couple of days we did a lot of trolling and laughing. Other than a couple of hits that were on and off before you could get up to touch the rod it was slow to say the least. A nice sunrise. Marks tons of fish all day long. It was cool to see this tug at work. Lloyd made us a mascot and good luck charm which did the trick. And a couple fish came in the boat. And Wayne was happy to say. Shortly afterwards Paul was happy to bring this beauty in. and happy to say... You're a good sport Lloyd!! The snow started to let up, can barely make out the cement plant in this shot. The sun came out. and our good luck charm melted away and went swimming with the fishes. Things slowed down and the time had come to pull the lines and end another season for U&Me Charters. Even though the fishing was slow great times were had and Lloyd's cover kept us warm. Amazing how it was hovering around the freezing point outside but inside it was as high as 16. I need one of these for my boat. Thanks for the laughs gentlemen, it was a great weekend!! Enjoy the well deserved rest Lloyd and hopefully I'll see you all on the ice soon.
  8. Don't feel too bad about it Rich, I have the same disease. So that's been my problem all these years. I've been seeing girls with names that start with C, D, and K for most of my life. Thanks for the help Roy. I do believe in the KISS rule but with all the shinny things and pretty colours you see when in a tackle store it's very difficult to say no. My name is Will and I have a problem.
  9. Sweet fish! I hear you on the 49.5 measurement. That is my PB length as well for muskies. Would have love to have called it 50" but I couldn't sleep with myself if I did that. Congrats on the new PB!!
  10. Truly an inspiration to us all!! Your dedication is something we all can learn from Jen, thanks for the video.
  11. Sometimes, more often than not these days. Rough conditions, always attached. Especially after reading about JP's incident during the tourney, last year I think - maybe the year before. I tend to drive for the conditions and not push the limits of the boat. That being said, you never know whats up ahead.
  12. I've got a 17fter and been caught on what was to be a calm day. Made it back thru 5 to 7 footers OK but wouldn't want to do it in a smaller boat that far out. I do not recommend it but you could consider it in late summer and fall when the fish are tighter to shore and when the weather allows. I've done Lake Ontario in a 12ft tinny and a Coleman Crawdad before but we were very close to shore (less than a mile - more like a 1/2 mile out) and the conditions were good. You've got to watch for the boat wakes as well from the big cruisers. Pick and choose your days although it is tough to believe what the weather man says. Long Point on a good day would be fine. Get to know your boat and what it can handle, your skill level and your comfort level. Things can change in a heartbeat. Spend lots of time on the smaller lakes and larger in land lakes to find your abilities - don't push it. You'll be face with enough without even trying. As for Quinte, there is always calm water somewhere to fish - the problem is getting there some days. I saw some crazy's out there this weekend in their tinnies and wondered why they would even do it. Most of all - be safe and enjoy the new ride!
  13. We all have our days and nice to see yours ended better then it started. Thanks for the report.
  14. Great report Will. Sorry to here about the prop, I bet I missed it by a few feet, if by that much going out from there. Thanks for taking the time to mark that, good karma coming your way for sure. Congrats on the PB's!!!!!
  15. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Bob.
  16. Just grab it under the gill plate and lift it into the boat, it's not that difficult to do.(If there was a gill plate to grab onto that is.....just lip'em.)
  17. Over severed? Perhaps, I'd call it drowning my sorrows after seeing that.....ya Terry - you got it right - potential world record fish get knocked off....at least 23 pounds.
  18. Nice report and recap. Looks like a great year to me as well.
  19. It was 18 pounds for sure young_one!!! Great report Cliff, thanks for putting it together. One of the funnier things I read on the board. Gerritt - once you get your official netters card - you can man the net once again. Until then G just shut up and fish. Great times were had by all and looking forward to the next adventure. Till the next time gents!
  20. Just received this update and "Harry" is doing fine. Everyone, Everyone who was either aware of or associated with the Red Tail Hawk recovery story has been asking me if there has been any news regarding “Harry”. As of Friday of last week, here is the latest. I’m very happy to report that the TWC (Toronto Wildlife Center) finally contacted me on Friday to give me an update on our little raptor friend. Apparently, he/she (we’re still not sure), had a broken coracoid bone. Essentially, this is the equivalent in birds of a collar bone in humans. This is a bone essential for flight. The break was not too severe and was reset without any issues. Harry was kept in cage isolation which allowed the bone to heal and as of Friday, he/she was given a clean bill of health and was slated for release this (last) weekend. The people at the TWC felt that he (Harry) had already “messed up” once by slumming around the city, they wanted to give him/her the best chance of survival success so they opted to release him/her about 30 miles west of Toronto by the Escarpment near Milton. The TWC were very grateful for our collective efforts. They told me that we did everything right which greatly helped to secure the survival, recovery and rehabilitation of our little feathered friend. One last note, the Toronto Wildlife Center is a completely NON-funded volunteer agency. They receive no money whatsoever from government and rely strictly on donations and volunteers. These people do really good work, more than any of you can imagine. So if it’s within your hearts and means, any contributions to their cause would be greatly appreciated, I’m sure. Their website will fill in the details…. http://www.torontowildlifecentre.com/ Please pass this email along as you wish, and once again, thank you to everyone. Cheers, Too bad I couldn't be there for the release but certainly nice to know that we did the right thing.
  21. My Abu handle didn't break....just saying. Other parts of me are in question though. It is certainly weird how that broke - nothing dropped on it or stepped on it, waters were calm so it wasn't bouncing around in the boat. No idea how it happened. I'd try Shimano first and then try Aikman's. Aikman A Sporting Goods Repair 3010 Novar Rd, Mississauga, ON L5B 1S4 Directions 905-277-3595
  22. Great fishing Bunk! Would have enjoyed meeting up with you on Sunday with Cliff but battery problems in the truck had other ideas. One of these days. Awesome report!!
  23. A couple of beauties Mike! Nice report!
  24. Labyrinth Lake, on the Ontario side, use to be a lake where you could have 4 or 5 lines per guy I believe. Only fished it the once quite a few years ago and having the extra lines didn't help. lol. Just looked in the regs and they don't seem to have that exception to the rules anymore.
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