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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Postive thoughts and prayers by the tons to Jen and your family Wayne.

  2. I just made that one up Chad. Flour, Panko Bread Crumbs (about equal parts) and your favourite spices. In this case I used the Club House Citrus Blast. Dip the fish in an egg and milk wash, then into the bag of dry ingredients. Then repeat and repeat. I think the fish got 3 or 4 coats of the crumbs and it turned out great. It is certainly worth the drive to Powassan just to see Bernie, anything else is just a bonus. Friday was great just hanging out in the shop as well, even checked out the new boat shop. Awesome to see the guys working on those cedar strip boats, incredible craftsmanship. As for the fishing Joe, we'll see how you do in a couple of weeks. lol! As for having a heart Joe, I only have half as Bernie had the other half. LOL!!
  3. Very nice recap to the weekend Bernie. I'll be the first to admit that when Bernie said partridge I thought awesome! When he said venison heart I was a little (OK very) apprehensive about what I was about eat. I'm willing to try anything once if the opportunity presents itself and do enjoy venison so what the heck. Bernie cooked up a storm in the kitchen while I pondered what I was about to dine on....better have a beer handy to wash it down I thought....maybe two just in case. Soon the call was made.."Come and get Will!" and I made my way to the kitchen. The smell of the meal ahead was very good. First the partridge....Delicious!!! Next the venison and it was just as good. I thoroughly enjoyed every bite of the fine meal that Bernie had prepared and would not hesitate to eat either again. Saturday morning came and I was to be meeting a friend over at their cottage for the rest of the weekend. The forecast was not looking to promising for a good drive up from the city. So we rescheduled and the invite was made to stay with Bernie for the rest of the weekend, can't say no to that! It was great to get you on the ice Bernie, had a fantastic time hanging out, shooting the breeze, enjoying the beautiful weather and catching a couple of fish. Can't wait to do it again!! LOL! I was quoted a ridiculous amount for a repair Wayne and Bernie agreed to take a look at it. After walking around the truck with him and having him access the problem to which he tells me. "There is nothing wrong Will." I don't know who was more upset by the fact that the service was not need to begin with, myself or Bernie. (He hates it when shops take advantage of their customers) Saved me a small fortune for which I am very grateful. (Can't thank you enough!!) As for food Wayne, I highly recommend the heart. lol! Not a big picture taking weekend but here's a couple. First - A view I never get tired of. And although no pictures were taken while fishing, I snapped this of my fish and chip dinner. So yes it did happen Christopher. Likewise Bernie!!!
  4. Great report! Love the video and seeing that brute swimming under the ice before you landed it.
  5. That would be the creative politicians that were elected trying to find other ways to make the budget and give themselves a raise. Yep, pretty much every year there is someone that goes through around the pressure cracks. All of this is just coming down to votes I would bet. A few people upset with these rescues and don't want their tax dollars used for it. See what happens when they get a bill for a car accident and clean up or something else. There is a lot of grey area that they want to add some colour to here and set the precedent for future costs. Just another tax grab on top of the taxes we pay for these things already. Should there be a fine? Perhaps. Paying the total bill, I don't think so.
  6. Some good slabs there for a tasty meal. Nice!
  7. AWESOME!!! That's a great day on the water anywhere!
  8. That is a XS Optimax they are showing, it's a performance motor and probably why it is more expensive. A regular Opti will be cheaper.
  9. That could also cut diamonds.... Yep that is friggin' cold!!
  10. 5-2 Beat me to it Sinclair, LOL!! BTW - Nice jigs.
  11. Well I was one of the 3 that voted for "All the way". Hoping she will hold but I wouldn't trust it just yet. One windy day like last weekend and she'll open up again. Thankfully the winds are not looking too bad over the next 7 days. Fingers crossed. Everyone be safe out there!!
  12. Price is not bad, my Dad use to run his finder on one of those all day with no problems. Most are running a larger battery (12V / 9amps) I would believe. All depends on which unit you have and the draw it needs to run. My Dad's was an older Humminbird with a monochromatic screen. Edit - Terry said I thought it was the higher amps one. lol! Pretty sure that is what I have (9amps)
  13. Wax on...Wax off...Nice work guys! Say hi to Brook for me, looks like that dog is learning some new tricks.
  14. Those of us who have fished with him Terry, know it's true.
  15. I've used Stub Hub for Sabres tickets before. I chose to get tickets that I could download and print right away. I was leery but it worked like a charm and the price was MUCH better than what you would pay at the ACC.
  16. I guess it would be x5 now. Never had perch from "The Bus", it's always been whitefish and been VERY good. I need to go back this summer.
  17. Always easier to laugh at someone's mishap rather than your own....thankfully there is no video of mine. Nice report Chad, looks like an awesome day to be on the ice.
  18. I've been spending a bit of time down memory lane and browsing threw the "new old gallery" A nice surprise Roy - thanks to everyone. I thought it might be good for everyone to dig up one of those old photos that is a favourite of yours and post it. Might helps us get through this warm spell before the hard water sets up again. There were a few but being the ice season I figured I post this one of a Simcoe trip with Headhunter and my buddy Ken from a few years ago. Here's hoping we can get out there and do it again soon!
  19. January and out in the boat....who can complain about that! Too bad the fish didn't reward you for your efforts but it sure looked like a nice day to be on the water. Thanks for the report.
  20. Congrats Mike!! Will you autograph my copy?? Very sorry to hear about your uncle Mike, best wishes and thoughts sent his way and yours.
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