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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Came across this video and thought you ice fishing guys may like it.
    3 points
  2. Took a new friend icefishing, he’s a fellow Englishman and had never been icefishing before, well, he said he loves it, no doubt because we couldn’t keep the fish off the lines from the get go. Sorry Misfish, was so frantic did not get a chance to tie on one of those grubs you kindly sent, oh well , next time.
    2 points
  3. Managed to sneak away for a little bass fishing down in Florida! Anyone who been down there knows how inconsistent the weather has been all winter! We had morning where it was 6-7 degrees C and we had days where the wind was gusting to 70-80 kph! Needless to say Florida bass don’t like those conditions but we made the best of it and managed some good fish! Got to fish with a bunch of great dudes down there as well! Enjoy the pics!
    1 point
  4. Hello gang Most of you don’t know me as I’m not very active online anymore… but I used to be many years ago I was a cocky bugger and often mistook some sage advise of some of the members in here… puffed my chest… and was very argumentative and dismissive in some cases for some reason for a while now I felt the strong need to say 2 things on here 1 - to all you you cocky live scoping… power poling… satellite imaging…. $100k boat driving… and all the other stuff I don’t even know about… 20 something year olds trying to get a foot in the door of the fishing industry… youtube… guiding… pro staff… sponsored… etc…. the older long standing members on here know their stuff… nearly all the advise i can remember ever getting on here was right or at least came from a good place but it took me too long to realize that. So please really try to understand their advice and be accepting of it. I've lost friends… opportunities… fishing spots… time… all cause i didn't listen 2- to anyone that ever tried to help me… if I didn’t say it… thank you... trying to remember some… Bill M? Terry? Pikeslayer? Spiel? of course Lew…. Mercman… many many more now I'm 38…. Have 2 kids and a respectable job… fishing is for me and making me happy… I hated guiding even though I delivered good results and still get calls 10 years after stopping… it just wasn't for me… sometimes gas money isn't worth as much as a good net man that can keep a secret… fishing trips sometimes aren't about fishing and thats ok… and sometimes you gotta fish for what your buddy likes or some day you wont have any fishing buddies Anyway sometimes you just gotta do or say something and that's all this post is about for me Thanks and tight lines
    1 point
  5. Never seen an amphicat... but i have seen my share of ARGOs
    1 point
  6. Next time, I want to try some more saltwater fishing as well! So many fish so little time! 😁😁😁
    1 point
  7. Make sure to turn off the fuel and let it run dry whenever you use it. All my small engine fuel gets treated with Seafoam soon as I get home. It's good as a stabilizer for two years and keeps engines clean. It also prevents phase separation, specially now that even premium has ethanol in it. I also cut up a long length of fuel line so I can drain the tank and not have to bother running it for maintenance. Mine is only 3200K 110V so it's easy enough to lift up on some cinder blocks to drain. I also have it grounded to a copper pipe pounded into the ground. A lot of people don't bother but there's a good reason those ground posts are on the unit. As for extension cords, I made up a 6ft heavy duty male to male cord and I back feed one side of the panel through the outdoor plug after first disconnecting from the grid, you have to isolate your home. Luckily my well pump is 110V. and on the same side of the panel is my propane furnace, propane hot water and many of the downstairs plugs including 2 freezers and an all fridge. Plus some upstairs plugs and lights. I have a wood stove upstairs. That cord never even gets warm so I have zero issues using it that way. That genny had been sitting in my back shed brand new never opened box for 5 years or more when I saw it on sale for 40% and needed a new one anyway. It actually didn't click in till after visiting a neighbour the day after the storm that I had one in the shed lol. So that was that May storm '22, since then I've used it twice for a total of 40 hours tops. I know all the circuits to leave on, I have a paper list I made back then right at the panel. So, total cost to power enough of my home off grid to still take a hot shower, have some lights, house lights are all all LED's, watch tv, use my LPG range for cooking like normal? It was $350 I think when I grabbed that deal way back. No pony panels and expensive connectors, switches and cables. It's easy to make the patch cord, just need an extra male connector. If I was to lose power here I could hang in quite well on a smaller mid size genny. Cheers
    1 point
  8. Was in Largo Fla last week and stopped by some old shoreline spots to check in with locals and all were the same , everything but tiny trout completely shut down. Wish I was still down there too. Miss the grouper sandwiches.
    1 point
  9. Well that serves him right, good on the judge.
    1 point
  10. In spite of my complaining about the weather, I wish that I was still there!🙂🙂🙂
    1 point
  11. Hey Rick, You can go to www.fishdonkey.com and register for an account and then you can view the current up to date standings! You don't have to register for the event just an account. Currently there are a few 14.5" and the current leader for 5 fish is at 69.25"
    1 point
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