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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2024 in all areas

  1. I'm little surprised the Larry is holding up, by the way things look up here. On my lake we got enough Crappie for a nice dinner the other day. Funny part was...normally when I catch one I just unhook it and throw it on the ice, so I can gey my bait back down the hole as quickly as possible before the school moves on. That day, I had to make sure the fish went right into the bucket, otherwise they'd swim away...on top of the ice...lol
    2 points
  2. a fellow could probably have taken a stand-up paddle boat out this morning, quite a bit of water on the ice, but one of my buddies caught some nice perch yesterday, so out we went early this morning. And I am having fresh perch for supper!!! 😁 Doug
    2 points
  3. For me the weather this year has meant that I have yet to put away the long rods. Except for that brief stint of sub-zero weather, I've been chasing chrome all winter long. I tried ice fishing last week and I should've brought my chest waders. I could've canoed across the lake on top of the ice...lol I re-built my snowblower this fall...have yet to fire it up. Down here on the balmy shores of Lake Ontario the Crocus are starting to pop up in the garden..😯
    2 points
  4. It was good to get out with you. I sure hope we get some cold weather soon
    2 points
  5. This grumpy weather is wreaking hell with me, dark, damp rain. Only good thing, no shoveling needed.
    2 points
  6. Just bought my first gas powered auger and went all out and bought a used mustang survival suit. Looking at the long range forecast makes me wonder how much use I’m going to get out of either. Got my first snowblower this year too, used all of 3 times so far……
    1 point
  7. I got to scratch me itch with me bye Terry,but no eats. 3 swings and well,yerrrrrr out.
    1 point
  8. Went down to Lefroy, just south of me and there are some guys fishing, yikes... I wouldn't be out there. In my bay on the 7th line of Innisfil it was an inch or so a week ago and it's been warmer since. We might get a 2 week season with the weather outlook.
    1 point
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